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T> KS 156 45% = FS

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T> KS 156 45% = FS 158+, i can top or we can negotiate items value




Armor 144 +24 KS -5-0 +15 STR

Shield 140 +42 KS DNT

Sword 142 +24 -0-0-4 +15 STR

Sword 138 +24 DNT +9 STR

Greedy KS BSOL good stats

Boots & Brace 140 KS BSOL DROP

2x T-ring KS BSOL DNT

T-Shelton & Amulet KS BSOL DROP

Leather Belt +2 KS 1.5 Abs

2x Grace +2 Perf vit requirement 61 and 62 HP

Stellar Unicorn Legendary Mount


Edited by dudu06

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