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150kk - 200kk for a key? LOL sick & tired of dungeons

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13x dungeon and the key costs 150kk - 200kk? lol big joke very funny

do gms think about new players or do they just think "hmmm lets make everything so expensive people need to donate 50$ a month" ?!


why not just make it 10 $ per month and then make a game without lags and scammers?!

you cant play this game without donating anyways.. or you can go garden of freemdom all day...

bee cave key 50kk? lmao yea right... ****ing joke.. this was supposed to be a place for new players...

if 13x dungeon key costs 200kk 15x dungeon key should cost around 500kk ... rich players want fast xp? pay the price ...

if you want to make money make the money with the high lvl players and not with he 12x noobs...


dungeons destroyed this whole game... 15x dungeons was okay.. for rich high players.. okay... cool... but the rest is a joke... just make normal maps everyone can play.. not just the ultra rich players

Edited by bernd88
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This is a market place. It's not selling keys on the npc who staff can control the price.

This is PLAYERS selling keys that expensive, and this will go on if ppl continues paying this high prices hahaha.

What staff can do about it is to increase the drop change to "flood" the market so ppl will no way to sell that high.

For me the list could be something like this:

MKey 5kk ( gives no xp to other than low levels )

BKey - 10kk ( gives no xp to other than low levels )

EKey - 15kk ( gives no xp to other than low levels, other then the new skins/belt map has no drops )

LKey 60kk  ( gives a high priced items and skins )


If the concern is about new belt/skins, put it to be a little hard to drop it on easy mode, so ppl have to get nice items to go on medium/hard to drop them.

And making this ppl will have to grind harder to go on these drops.


And also putting a lvl cap is not worth anymore since the keys only drops on map 140 ? This key should drop on AW or even DI so ppl can hunt for then other than paying.

And using them as they get the lvl req.



Edited by Neither
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13 minutes ago, bernd88 said:

13x dungeon and the key costs 150kk - 200kk? lol big joke very funny

do gms think about new players or do they just think "hmmm lets make everything so expensive people need to donate 50$ a month" ?!


why not just make it 10 $ per month and then make a game without lags and scammers?!

you cant play this game without donating anyways.. or you can go garden of freemdom all day...

bee cave key 50kk? lmao yea right... ****ing joke.. this was supposed to be a place for new players...

if 13x dungeon key costs 200kk 15x dungeon key should cost around 500kk ... rich players want fast xp? pay the price ...

if you want to make money make the money with the high lvl players and not with he 12x noobs...


dungeons destroyed this whole game... 15x dungeons was okay.. for rich high players.. okay... cool... but the rest is a joke... just make normal maps everyone can play.. not just the ultra rich players

Just a matter of time, prices will go down 

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I think you are upset but it is free 1 entrance daily like any other games' Dungeons.

The market runs by needs and I'm upset too because I like the belt.

In fact, other games won't let you buy more key for more exp. When you are done with the day, you just go map exp.

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I sell my key to the hungry for exp and Belts
finishing selling 3 is enough for me to buy a pot exp72h

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34 minutes ago, bernd88 said:

13x dungeon and the key costs 150kk - 200kk? lol big joke very funny

do gms think about new players or do they just think "hmmm lets make everything so expensive people need to donate 50$ a month" ?!


why not just make it 10 $ per month and then make a game without lags and scammers?!

you cant play this game without donating anyways.. or you can go garden of freemdom all day...

bee cave key 50kk? lmao yea right... ****ing joke.. this was supposed to be a place for new players...

if 13x dungeon key costs 200kk 15x dungeon key should cost around 500kk ... rich players want fast xp? pay the price ...

if you want to make money make the money with the high lvl players and not with he 12x noobs...


dungeons destroyed this whole game... 15x dungeons was okay.. for rich high players.. okay... cool... but the rest is a joke... just make normal maps everyone can play.. not just the ultra rich players

It will only be in the beginning because of the new skins and belt. that simple. then it goes back to 40-50kk.

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Do you remember the LC keys at 100/120kk?


Well now they are at 60/65kk


Right now it is new content, when time passes they will lower the price, you also have 1 daily key, what is the problem? What can't you grind?

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I don't know if it's me, because I can't hunt for many hours, but the Eldrich Key is kinda hard to drop (same LC xD)

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The problem is, this time u have more things that are interesting to get
Skins, Belts etc. This will take to long until the key prices drops, what is sad for the lower lvls because with the amount of Gold that they pay for the keys they can directly buy a 15x chara. 
Bad idea to put items that are interesting for higher lvls in low lvl dg because it just kills the intention of the improvement for the lower lvls. This time u need 50 rounds to wear the new Costume Armor means for sure the prices will maybe go down soon but they will be on the price of l Keys. Also, it's harder to drop the new Key than l key. In Sl we dropped 3 l keys and 1 E key in 2 h +-.

This need a change asap to give the lower lvls what they deserve, a affordable way to Xp with their friends in DG"s

Better make an extra mode on this DG for higher lvls  with a diffrent key or what else 

Edited by Mjizzy_7
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17 hours ago, Mjizzy_7 said:

The problem is, this time u have more things that are interesting to get
Skins, Belts etc. This will take to long until the key prices drops, what is sad for the lower lvls because with the amount of Gold that they pay for the keys they can directly buy a 15x chara. 
Bad idea to put items that are interesting for higher lvls in low lvl dg because it just kills the intention of the improvement for the lower lvls. This time u need 50 rounds to wear the new Costume Armor means for sure the prices will maybe go down soon but they will be on the price of l Keys. Also, it's harder to drop the new Key than l key. In Sl we dropped 3 l keys and 1 E key in 2 h +-.

This need a change asap to give the lower lvls what they deserve, a affordable way to Xp with their friends in DG"s

Better make an extra mode on this DG for higher lvls  with a diffrent key or what else 

The items are designed to extend the lifetime of the instance, the value will probably go down in the future because it is a recent update, you can still use your both daily free beehive and eldritch key to level up. Remember that the key drops from DI and above, if the player don't want to use the key it still has a chance to drop a valuable item on an low level map.


On 6/8/2023 at 10:00 AM, Neither said:

This is a market place. It's not selling keys on the npc who staff can control the price.

This is PLAYERS selling keys that expensive, and this will go on if ppl continues paying this high prices hahaha.

What staff can do about it is to increase the drop change to "flood" the market so ppl will no way to sell that high.

For me the list could be something like this:

MKey 5kk ( gives no xp to other than low levels )

BKey - 10kk ( gives no xp to other than low levels )

EKey - 15kk ( gives no xp to other than low levels, other then the new skins/belt map has no drops )

LKey 60kk  ( gives a high priced items and skins )


If the concern is about new belt/skins, put it to be a little hard to drop it on easy mode, so ppl have to get nice items to go on medium/hard to drop them.

And making this ppl will have to grind harder to go on these drops.


And also putting a lvl cap is not worth anymore since the keys only drops on map 140 ? This key should drop on AW or even DI so ppl can hunt for then other than paying.

And using them as they get the lvl req.



This not going to happen, otherwise would be the same as just delete every open world map and lock every player inside an instance. The key does drop in AW and DI, these rumors are the same kind of false information that claimed we nerfed Beehive Cave XP after the patch.




Edited by Overlady
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On 6/9/2023 at 4:14 AM, Mjizzy_7 said:

The problem is, this time u have more things that are interesting to get
Skins, Belts etc. This will take to long until the key prices drops, what is sad for the lower lvls because with the amount of Gold that they pay for the keys they can directly buy a 15x chara. 
Bad idea to put items that are interesting for higher lvls in low lvl dg because it just kills the intention of the improvement for the lower lvls. This time u need 50 rounds to wear the new Costume Armor means for sure the prices will maybe go down soon but they will be on the price of l Keys. Also, it's harder to drop the new Key than l key. In Sl we dropped 3 l keys and 1 E key in 2 h +-.

This need a change asap to give the lower lvls what they deserve, a affordable way to Xp with their friends in DG"s

Better make an extra mode on this DG for higher lvls  with a diffrent key or what else 

In my opinion, this dungeon designed for a team , it means lower level can team up to play this Dungeon like Luminous cave, and higher lvl can go solo. 

I like the idea of joining a team to go hunt items in the dugeon like we did a long time ago when the hunt maps were so difficult to play Alone.


Talk about the Key price, it’s follow supply and demand rule, as i understand: Gm don’t want the map go to an end so early when every player have belt, new skins… in a very short time, that is very good point and make the server last long.


Beside that, if you are lucky you can get a Leviathan belt +3, which is 5000 c = x50/key price.





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On 6/8/2023 at 11:10 PM, Overlady said:

The key does drop in AW and DI, these rumors are the same kind of false information that claimed we nerfed Beehive Cave XP after the patch.


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On 6/9/2023 at 4:10 AM, Overlady said:

The items are designed to extend the lifetime of the instance, the value will probably go down in the future because it is a recent update, you can still use your both daily free beehive and eldritch key to level up. Remember that the key drops from DI and above, if the player don't want to use the key it still has a chance to drop a valuable item on an low level map.


This not going to happen, otherwise would be the same as just delete every open world map and lock every player inside an instance. The key does drop in AW and DI, these rumors are the same kind of false information that claimed we nerfed Beehive Cave XP after the patch.





i played around 20 hours in SL and there were 0 key drops

This whole update is very unfair for low lvl players (just like alwayys) there has been alot of suggestions how you still can earn alot of money and still make a good experince for low lvl players... make easy mode for low lvl players without key.. high lvl players still can on hard mode with key .... it just doesnt make any sense for new players ... none of these update are for new players... and you promised years ago you bring content for new players... its really sad


i never went mush or bee cave because the keys were too expensive / monsters too strong... i went few hours EB then never again because drop rate is a joke... boss ia a joke also...  the last 5 updates were a waste for me personally... i didnt play any of these updaates because they are not for low / new players


people who think its about supply and demand dont understand anything


if the key never drops of course the prices are high as ****... 20 hours in SL and no key ... wtf.. at this rate the key will be 500kk soon.. its a joke...

i guess people are aroound 9-12 years old if they dont understand this lmao ... like you talk to little babies here.. or drunk people..

l key would be still at 80-90kk if the last event didnt crash the price... lmao and you think its about market? one click from admin and l key is worthless or worth 500kk ... you proabably think prices of food in real world go up is because of supply and demand??? lmao nooo its not because of endless proxy wars lmao yall little kids are so blind

Edited by buttertoast

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The key costs around 120-150kk at the moment i think.

for me only i probably wont go to dungeon for a long time if i can sell the key for so much.

i need the gold for new items and i cant afford to go to a dungeon if i can get 150kk for a key.

thats good on one hand to earn some gold but its bad i wont see the dungeon for a long time...

but oh well when you poor you cant say anything i guess xD

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Its good for people who can hunt and sell keys to upgrade their chars


And its good for the people who can buy the keys = get exp and rare nice skins and belts (idk if its rare but if a key cost like that the skins should be rare so they have a good value).


If the skins will end up like the luminious skins then ^^


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around 30 hours in SL since update and no key drop (with 3 chars btw so its actually around 90 hours xD )

no L key no E key .. thank for the new update gm lolz

another low blow for all low lvls. sad to see the server die this way

Edited by youarenoob

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On 6/17/2023 at 4:13 AM, youarenoob said:

around 30 hours in SL since update and no key drop (with 3 chars btw so its actually around 90 hours xD )

no L key no E key .. thank for the new update gm lolz

another low blow for all low lvls. sad to see the server die this way

in 30h u could get 2 free keys from the npc

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3 hours ago, xXxRazieLxXx said:

in 30h u could get 2 free keys from the npc


i can sell them?

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On 6/17/2023 at 9:13 AM, youarenoob said:

around 30 hours in SL since update and no key drop (with 3 chars btw so its actually around 90 hours xD )

no L key no E key .. thank for the new update gm lolz

another low blow for all low lvls. sad to see the server die this way

@Overlady Have you removed key drops from Secret Lab? I and many others haven't seen a single key drop for weeks.


Also, I love the new instances you have added to the game 😘 I think the 13x-14x community is thriving.

Edited by jonas95

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On 6/25/2023 at 4:05 PM, jonas95 said:

@Overlady Have you removed key drops from Secret Lab? I and many others haven't seen a single key drop for weeks.


Also, I love the new instances you have added to the game 😘 I think the 13x-14x community is thriving.

Hey There!

No, we didn't change the drop rate from Slab, if you have more players data you can report it as bug.




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On 6/8/2023 at 7:52 PM, bernd88 said:

13x dungeon and the key costs 150kk - 200kk? lol big joke very funny

do gms think about new players or do they just think "hmmm lets make everything so expensive people need to donate 50$ a month" ?!


why not just make it 10 $ per month and then make a game without lags and scammers?!

you cant play this game without donating anyways.. or you can go garden of freemdom all day...

bee cave key 50kk? lmao yea right... ****ing joke.. this was supposed to be a place for new players...

if 13x dungeon key costs 200kk 15x dungeon key should cost around 500kk ... rich players want fast xp? pay the price ...

if you want to make money make the money with the high lvl players and not with he 12x noobs...


dungeons destroyed this whole game... 15x dungeons was okay.. for rich high players.. okay... cool... but the rest is a joke... just make normal maps everyone can play.. not just the ultra rich players

now you can buy with ~40kk xD

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