Jhonatta 92 Report post Posted September 28, 2011 1. New field "Ice Mine 1F" Update (1) a new field, "Ice Mine first floor," will be updated. - Gelrubiah it's 03:00, go to the opening of the mine is possible. - Ice Lv 105 or more mines first floor can only position Carrick - Teleport a floor was added to ice core from the mines. * 8 types of new monsters added - the emergence of new monsters to the first floor of Mines Ice: - Reduced Undead (111) - Manager of undead (112) - Seal Crasher (112) - Ice Worm (113) - Bat Mine (115) - Maingorem (117) - Tarantulrika (118) - Ice Serpent (120) * Add a new boss monster a kind - will be added to the new mine owners Tula 04:00 of ice is the appearance on the first floor: - Tula. - A time for a random occurrence 20:00 - Tula for the fall is up to six items. - Tula Tula around the city and the death of a character in a certain amount of HP is restored - a drop of HP each time the constant Tula "seal Crasher" to the emergence of three: -. Tula Tula charm drop the item, a rare drop rate is extremely low * New items added - New weapons / armor items wear level is Lv108. - New Ring / Amulet Lv95 item level is used. - Tula wear the amulet is trading at LV100, available for rental item Peck. * Devil Shire were incorrectly applied skills portion of the threat has been corrected " Lvl 120 - Ice Serpent Lvl 118 - Tarantulrika Lvl 117 - MainGolem Lvl 115 - Mine Bat Lvl113 - Ice Worm Lvl112 - Undead Manager Lvl112 - Seal Crasher Lvl111 - Undead Minor Novo Boss - Tula Armas do LVl 108 Axe, Hammer, Sword, Wand / Staff will have two arms and hands for a while Claw, Sickle, Spear and Bow will be just two hands. Machado 2 mãos Nome: Fury Axe Level: 108 Força: 207 Talento: 95 Ataque: 94(97)-106(109) Velocidade: 8 Taxa de ataque: 218-228 Critico: 21% Bloqueio: 12% Spec: Ataque: + (LV / 7) Taxa de ataque: + (LV / 1 ~ 3) Critico: +4% Classes: Lutador, Mecânico, Pike Machado de 1 mão Nome: Legend Axe Level: 108 Força: 200 Talento: 95 Ataque: 82(85)-96(99) Velocidade de Ataque: 7 Taxa de ataque: 218-228 Critico: 20% Spec: Ataque: + (LV / 7) Taxa de ataque: + (LV / 1 ~ 3) Critico: +3% Classes: Lutador, Mecânico, Pike Garra Nome: Legend Talon Level: 108 Força: 172 Talento: 95 Agilidade: 80 Ataque: 82(85)-99(102) Velocidade de ataque: 8 Taxa de ataque: 189-208 Critico: 18% Defesa: 90-95 Spec: Ataque: + (LV / 7) Velocidade de ataque: +1 Taxa de ataque: + (LV / 1 ~ 3) Critico: +4% Classes: Mecânico, Lutador, Pike, Atalanta Martelo de 2 Mãos Nome: Phoenix Hammer Level: 108 Força: 168 Talento: 95 Ataque: 91(94)-108(111) Velocidade de ataque: 8 Taxa de ataque: 219-228 Critico: 21% Bloqueio: 14% Spec: Ataque: + (LV / 7) Velocidade de ataque: +1 Taxa de ataque: + (LV1 ~ 3) Critico: +5% Classes: Mecânico, Lutador, Pike, Cavaleiro Martelo de 1 mão Nome: Legend Hammer Level: 108 Força: 161 Talento: 90 Ataque: 75(79)-100(103) Velocidade de ataque: 8 Taxa de ataque: 219-228 Critico: 20% Spec: Ataque: + (LV / 7) Velocidade de ataque: +1 Taxa de ataque: + (LV1 ~ 3) Critico: +4% Classes: Mecânico, Lutador, Pike, Cavaleiro Character Foice Nome: Phoenix Spear Level: 108 Força: 198 Talento: 95 Ataque: 67(70)-114(117) Velocida de ataque: 8 Taxa de ataque: 205-228 Critico: 19% Bloqueio: 17% Spec: Ataque: + (LV / 6) Velocidade de ataque: +1 Taxa de ataque: + (LV1 ~ 3) Specialized Critical: +4% Classes: Pike, Mecânico, Lutador, Atalanta Arco Nome: Chronos Bow Level: 108 Força: 82 Talento: 85 Agilidade: 195 ATaque: 76(80) -99(102) Velocidade de ataque: 8 Alcance: 255 Taxa de ataque: 156-178 Critico: 19% Spec: Ataque: + (LV / 7) Velocidade de ataque: +1 Alcance: +25 Taxa de ataque: + (LV / 1 ~ 3) Critico: +5% Classes: Arqueira, Mecânico, Atalanta Espada de 2 mãos Nome: Tireubing Sword Level: 108 Força: 203 Inteligência: 40 Talento: 95 Ataque: 82(85) -104(108) Velocidade de ataque: 8 TAxa de ataque: 187-211 Critico: 22% Bloqueio: 15% Spec: Ataque: + (LV / 6) Velocidade de ataque: +1 Taxa de ataque: + (LV1 ~ 3) Critico: +6% Classe: Cavaleiro, Mecânico, Lutador, Pike Espada de 1 mão Nome: Legend Sword Level: 108 Força: 196 Inteligência: 40 Talento: 95 Ataque: 72(75)-95(99) Velocidade de ataque: 8 Taxa de ataque: 187-211 Critico: 20% Spec: Ataque: + (LV / 6) Taxa de ataque: + (LV1 ~ 3) Critico: +5% Classes: Cavaleiro, Mecâncico, Lutador, Pike Lança Nome: Chronos Javelin Level: 108 Força: 82 Talento: 95 Agilidade: 162 Ataque: 77(81)-97(100) Velocidade de ataque: 8 Alcance: 255 Taxa de Ataque: 168-188 Critico: 16% Spec: Ataque: + (LV / 6) Velocidade de ataque: +1 Alcance: +25 Critico: +6% Classes: Atalanta, Mecânico, Arqueira Varinha Nome: Freya Wand Level: 108 Força: 70 Inteligência: 212 Talento: 95 Ataque: 61(64)-78(80) Velocidade de ataque: 8 Alcance: 215 Taxa de ataque: 193-203 Spec: Velocidade de ataque: +1 Bônus Mágico: 11-16 Regen Mana: 1.7-2.0 Classes: Mago, Sacerdotisa Cajado Nome: Freya Staff Level: 108 Força: 75 Inteligência: 212 Talento: 90 Ataque: 74(77)-92(94) Velocidade de ataque: 8 Alcance: 215 Taxa de Ataque: 193-203 Bloqueio: 10% Spec: Velocidade de ataque: +1 Bônus mágico: 11-16 Regen Mana: 2.6-2.9 Classes: Mago, Sacerdotisa Armadura Nome: Chronos Armor Level: 108 Força: 232 Talento: 90 Defesa: 500-520 Abs: 31.8-32.1 Spec Abs: 1.5-1.9 Defense: 56-68 CLasses: Lutador, Pike, Mecânico, Cavaleiro, Arqueira, Atalanta Roupão Nome: Freya Robe Level: 108 Inteligência: 228 Talento: 90 Defesa: 390-410 Abs: 26.4-26.8 Spec: Regen Mana: 3.7-4.0 abs: 1.1-1.7 Defesa: 45-50 Classes: Mago, Sacerdotisa Escudo Nome: Chronos Shield Level: 108 Força: 135 Inteligência: 75 Defesa: 234-254 Abs: 14.2 to 14.5 Bloqueio: 18-21% Spec: abs: 1.3-1.7 Teukhwabeulrokyul: 5% Defense: 44-50 Classe: Lutador, Pike, Mecânico, Lutador, Atalanta Orbital Nome: Freya Orb Level: 108 Inteligência: 174 Defesa: 166-180 Abs: 7.9-8.3 Mana: 74-90 Spec: Regen Mana: 1.4-1.9 Abs: 1.2-1.8 Classes: Mago, Sacerdotisa Luva Nome: Chronos Gloves Level: 108 Força: 105 Inteligência: 40 Talento: 83 Agilidade: 80 Defesa: 173-190 Abs: 12.1-12.4 Spec: Abs: 0.9-1.2 Defesa: 57-64 Classes: Todas as classes Bracelete Nome: Chronos Bracelet Level: 108 Força: 90 Agilidade: 88 Taxa de ataque: 146-160 Defense: 150-160 Capacidade: 95 Spec: Taxa de ataque: + (LV / 1 ~ 3) Classes: Todas as classes Bota Nome: Chronos Boots Level: 108 Força: 95 Inteligência: 40 Agilidade: 95 Defesa: 179-191 Abs: 14.4-14.9 Velocidade: 4.0-4.4 Spec: Abs: 0.9-1.3 Velocidade: 0.8-1.4 Classes: Todas as classes Colar Nome: Mystic Amulet +2 Mana: 44-50 HP: 26-34 Requerimentos: Lvl 95 - Inteligência: 85 Anel Nome: Mystic Ring +2 Mana: 58-75 HP: 23-36 Requerimentos: Lvl 95 - Inteligência:85 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonberry 0 Report post Posted September 28, 2011 Cool items/ monsters English thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BiDa 4 Report post Posted September 28, 2011 Novo Boss - Tula Wow! Nice boss! Ugly ass items Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aroma_AGAIN 0 Report post Posted September 28, 2011 fucking nice LOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LECO 20 Report post Posted September 28, 2011 amazing!!!!!!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-BLiiND- 0 Report post Posted September 28, 2011 items sux.. excpt for brace design Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
swingegg 0 Report post Posted September 28, 2011 so we dont have to develop new map,use it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
randyhuynh 0 Report post Posted September 28, 2011 LOL @topic wow nice work looking those up. maybe those new stuff will be on the server in the next few months Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkaY[James] 0 Report post Posted September 28, 2011 Nice boss and monsters. I'd like to see these items in game, seems cool. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
~Trinitas~ 0 Report post Posted September 29, 2011 nuff said so we dont have to develop new map,use it dev new map? i was alrdy under the assumption that this was the stuff being added to rpt o_o Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
plk90 0 Report post Posted September 29, 2011 lol @ the 108 spear looks like a staff or wand and they all look like fairy items Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[D]ohkito 2 Report post Posted September 29, 2011 *---------------------------------------------------------------------* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RauL~ 1 Report post Posted September 29, 2011 awesome shield and armor .. loled awesome all the new itens iliked Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TFSE Report post Posted September 29, 2011 that boss is hot but they dont look like PT items or monsters S: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonberry 0 Report post Posted September 29, 2011 Right... : Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mrodolfo 0 Report post Posted September 29, 2011 Ice map blue... Monsters blue... Itens blue... everything Too much blue... :o :o :o :o :o :o .... : my char nick is AzuL = blue.. : And shield white... blue/white = CRUzeirão!!! UHAuha my soccer team! lolololol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[D]ohkito 2 Report post Posted September 29, 2011 Ice map blue... Monsters blue... Itens blue... everything Too much blue... :o :o :o :o :o :o .... : my char nick is AzuL = blue.. : And shield white... blue/white = CRUzeirão!!! UHAuha my soccer team! lolololol I completely disagree!!!!! Everything should be black and white, as the colors of Atlético-MG. 8) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
randyhuynh 0 Report post Posted September 29, 2011 i wonder what do they look like ingame, blue prs blue knight blue fighter? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[D]ohkito 2 Report post Posted September 29, 2011 i wonder what do they look like ingame, blue prs blue knight blue fighter? I dont think so. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mrodolfo 0 Report post Posted September 29, 2011 ohkito" post="341260" timestamp="1317270530"] Ice map blue... Monsters blue... Itens blue... everything Too much blue... :o :o :o :o :o :o .... : my char nick is AzuL = blue.. : And shield white... blue/white = CRUzeirão!!! UHAuha my soccer team! lolololol I completely disagree!!!!! Everything should be black and white, as the colors of Atlético-MG. 8) AFfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff I knew it! A boring guy as you could only fan of the Atletico Mineiro same !!!!! HAUhauHAu.... Tinha q ser.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[D]ohkito 2 Report post Posted September 29, 2011 I knew it! A great and smart guy as you could only fan of the Atletico Mineiro same !!!!! HAUhauHAu.... Tinha q ser.... Fixed. 8) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nooodle 16 Report post Posted September 29, 2011 The only items in that list I like the look of, the armor, bracelets, gauntlets, boots. That is IT! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[]LoSt°PiKe[] 1 Report post Posted September 29, 2011 Swords ugly , Armor nice . I know skin armor is same lvl 120 . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites