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WAND 138+24 DNT - ORBE 144+24 - ORB 140+24

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BOW 138 AS -0-0-4 /1                                            200KK

ARMOR 140 KS +17 -4 -0                                      800KK

HELL BOOTS BSM                                                  200KK

LEATHER BELT +2                                                  1.2K

ELF XMAS WAND +4                                              250KK

ELF XMAS ORB +16                                                400KK

SPOOKY JAV +19                                                   400KK

SPOOKY BOW + 20                                                1.2K



SUCUBUS AS BSM MP                                         100KK

SUMMER BSM MS                                                85KK

SUMMER BSM PRS                                              90KK


WAND 138+24 DNT [+15 VIT]                               7.5K

WAND 138+24 DNT [+15 SPI +15 TAL]               9K

ORB 140+24 PRS                                                   4KC OR TRADE FOR SS

ROBE 144+24 DNT [BLUE SOCKET]                     14.5K

ROBE 140+24 DNT PRS (White Socket)            5.5KC

ORB 140+24 DNT PRS                                          5.5KC

XMAS WAND 10ABS                                              2K

BRACELETS PRS BSOL 104 AGI -1-3                   710KK (800C)

ROBE 140+24 PRS -0-0.3 [77 TAL]                       4K

PH 138+24 DNT                                                      5K

ORB 140+19                                                            500KK

BRAC 136 BSOL [MIN AGI]                                    250KK

SPOOKY STAFF +20                                              1.2K







PM: ImNotLooter for offers.

Edited by pir3sbruno

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1 hour ago, SupremeDeity said:

1.5kc for Xmas wand? 


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