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Bug exploit and question [2]

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Just would like to add something.


"Just fraps him and report him next time."


I don't know how the staff's view/handle thins kind of things but, i guess than it's fruiting impossible someone "fraps" everynthig than happens in BC, becouse all the time than some normal player go to there he see some " differents/questionable" things happening specialy when have a little war with a determined clan.

by the way, I remenber when someone "fraps" Whatman (R.I.P) when he was exploiting a bug, and whats the answer than we get?


"Dismissed, We already know about this bug and will be fixed in next maintenance." (not sure if this was the exactly words, but, the means is it).


And nothing happend agaisnt he and we "fraps" he.He was exploiting a bug,so (for the staff), say something like  this it's  a kind  useless since it's obvious than nothing gonna happen.


Other example, the whole server knows about the laggers stuff's than a lot of players use in BC and what happens?

this, exactly this:



































































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