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Flame Vortex Mechanism

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Please improve the activation mechanism of the Flame Vortex skill, so that it resembles the knight's lightning sword.
So one click activates and runs until the end of the 8 seconds, without having to hold down the mouse button.
Many times we accidentally release the button and the skill cancels its execution.
So it would be better to leave it the same as the lightning sword mechanism, if the player wants he can click again and cancel the execution.


PS: Flame vortex is not counting as an action for Helios to collect gold.

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you can press double button function  to active Flame Vortex skil , it same hold down the muose button 

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19 hours ago, techno86 said:

you can press double button function  to active Flame Vortex skil , it same hold down the muose button 




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20 hours ago, techno86 said:

you can press double button function  to active Flame Vortex skil , it same hold down the muose button 


10 minutes ago, Overlady said:




Yes it worked, thanks for the tip, it helped a lot.

Hold shift before using the skill and it runs until the end, without having to hold the button.

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