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afk? log off!

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people crying about shops being open too long..

but everyday i see people afk in battle town with like 6 chars just standing around for hours / days

If you afk why dont you log off? why use traffic for nothing?

Would be great if we had an auto log off for people who didnt move for 20/30 mins or an hour

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+1 every little helps to improve server stability.

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It's a good suggestion but I don't think they will do it. The aim is to make the server looks full all the time, so disconnecting afkers go against what they are trying to achieve..

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i already  suggested this about the topic about siege war.  cause of vendors afk everywhere must have auto kick in the server atleast  every 3 hours...

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On 8/19/2023 at 12:06 PM, Jysn said:

It's a good suggestion but I don't think they will do it. The aim is to make the server looks full all the time, so disconnecting afkers go against what they are trying to achieve..


maybe 30 left

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The people AFK is not a problem, I never saw that the server are full and the people can't log in cause it... If you have problems in the game only need a better computer and a good Internet 👍😊...

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