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Patch 3233

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I do not agree with the lvl 124 for et3


super agree.. it isn that hard to get 125 lol and now been lowered.. now that just sucks

agree to this, having lowered the level to 124 would make et3 very very very crowded, in addition 122 and 124 items will also drop there? if they want to put 122 and 124 items, they should have putted it on another hunting map. Don't put it in et3 too.


Well.. While they dont release the new map, it should be dropped on et3 right?


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I sense something that is not on that notice will happen. It's been a while they're working on this patch, I don't believe it's just that after all time spent.

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"Planned for release on Friday"




Releasing both 122/124 items are not good.  :'(

Where's the new hunt map?  :'(

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I'd enjoy release the items.I'm tired to use a fruiting 104/114 wand. >:(

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So, the planned release is Friday right? There is no sign of Sandur currently, and Friday server time, is almost over.

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wtf is up with all this complaining bout the items being dropped in certain maps i thinks AWESOME dang no wonder we dont get new stuff all the time Wartale prolly like damn they just gonna Find every reason to complain bout it vs keep a open mind and enjoy the new ideas and stuff added.... Sooo the release date is a bit off but damn the reward for the wait is extremly niiiiiiice

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wtf is up with all this complaining bout the items being dropped in certain maps i thinks AWESOME dang no wonder we dont get new stuff all the time Wartale prolly like damn they just gonna Find every reason to complain bout it vs keep a open mind and enjoy the new ideas and stuff added.... Sooo the release date is a bit off but damn the reward for the wait is extremly niiiiiiice


I specially like the "Trading Coins through Trade Window is now possible"

Trading with coins is going to be so much safer...

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Yeah, trade coins in  the window trade is AWESOME !

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Server will lag, dis and suddenly maintenance ... and time to maintain will be extend during more than 6 hours... at weekend (when gamers can have time to play) while almost GMs on vacation

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Hope than release this today.

Want check tomorrow. ^_^

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I think lvl requiment increase at ET3 (for 122 and 124 items). Now we have alot of people can join ET3 (lv 125) after some months, now only lvl 124 can join. KS, bad language will happen with alot of people. Or we need more spawn with little mobs (now we have lots of spawn more than 3-4 mobs). 

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Guest Eleven

more spots and few spawn will solve this problem. 1-2 monster per spawn/spot.


this will avoid KSing each other.

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Released on Friday eh?






BULL HONKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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