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Would you care to put the new items on the itemlist/Updating the itemlist?

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probably anyone could do it.


take other items as example then change site code for that... probably davv made that table to dynamic size, so just add new entries.

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The item-list was created by a guy called Exelicer.


The item-list will get updated when the items are in-game ;)

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The item-list was created by a guy called Exelicer.


The item-list will get updated when the items are in-game ;)

Really? :o

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and we will have donate item 124 righ ? cool

Pussy. Go hunt to get gears, only cowards pay to be the best in a server.

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and we will have donate item 124 righ ? cool

Pussy. Go hunt to get gears, only cowards pay to be the best in a server.



be thankful that you cowards still donate to the server



don't like donators? then quit if you don't like. so  simple

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and we will have donate item 124 righ ? cool

Pussy. Go hunt to get gears, only cowards pay to be the best in a server.


Well, I'm not a donator, but guess what, this game "survives" by "cowards", so we owe them a word called "thanks".


Everyone has different point of views, don't judge people like that. This is just the way how you enjoy your game/life.

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I meant that towards the people that play minimally and blow money on exp services and perf +20 gears so that they can be the top in BC. Donating, as I still stand by, should not be totally game altering. I completely understand that the developers rely on donaters to keep the server up. Personally I do not think that once new gears come out (that should be rare) that they are put on the donate list. That defies the point of creating new hunting maps and new mobs.

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i think when we have all  new item - Wartale will start update  -.- but we just wait that better way now . He still working but i hope it fast :(

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Screw gay pay-for-items bullshit


That's what fucked up the server. It was amazing when the max items were 108 and you could only donate 103 items

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Screw gay pay-for-items bullshit


That's what fruited up the server. It was amazing when the max items were 108 and you could only donate 103 items

Agreed. This server is becoming "donate or be nothing" type server.

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Screw gay pay-for-items bullshit


That's what fruited up the server. It was amazing when the max items were 108 and you could only donate 103 items

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