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warning: if you don't watch glee you're not gonna care about this topic kbai o/


i don't watch much tv unless its something totally nerdy on the history channel or the science channel but theres 1 exception on tuesday nights when glee is on....am i the only one totally not amused by the fact that its only 3 episodes into the new season and they decided to wait a month before airing the next ep? especially with the way this last episode ended... D8<  /end_rant



anyway, anyone who does watch it what you think of season 3 so far? O.o

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This topic is unfit for others to respond in. It should be closed IMMEDIATELY! It is hazardous to other peoples health! I give you fair warning now!

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gtfo out of my thread and take your stupid with you D8<


btw i'm totally gonna make you sit through a glee marathon...it WILL happen kthx o/

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Guest Mayreen


But haven't watch the 3rd season yet, I'm not having enough time  :'(

But ima watch it this weekend and Ima post here about it, ofc :P

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noone watches Glee here; we're all manly men

why do guys automatically turn off to glee? D8<




But haven't watch the 3rd season yet, I'm not having enough time  :'(

But ima watch it this weekend and Ima post here about it, ofc :P

its pretty good so far, especially this weeks episode but no new eps till nov 1st >.<




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noone watches Glee here; we're all manly men

why do guys automatically turn off to glee? D8<




But haven't watch the 3rd season yet, I'm not having enough time  :'(

But ima watch it this weekend and Ima post here about it, ofc :P


its pretty good so far, especially this weeks episode but no new eps till nov 1st >.<


1 month >_<

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why do guys automatically turn off to glee? D8<

We all do know why, we just can't explain it

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a little man asked to copy my glee (season 2) when he saw i had it. I said i was surprised that he would want it. then he tells me, why not? it's a good show. personally, i think it's too much drama for me to take.


i dislike all the guys. i like Santana (not sure if that's how her name is spelt) and Emma...and Sue muahahaahhaha

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^ no D8<


a little man asked to copy my glee (season 2) when he saw i had it. I said i was surprised that he would want it. then he tells me, why not? it's a good show. personally, i think it's too much drama for me to take.


i dislike all the guys. i like Santana (not sure if that's how her name is spelt) and Emma...and Sue muahahaahhaha

santana is hot :3 but she's so 2 faced you never know where she stands most times, sue is awesome hueiaheiuaheiahuea D8< most of the girls annoy me lately though, especially quin, watab!tch, and Mercedes is acting like such a diva i'm startin to not like her >:  ...whats wrong with the guys? other than 1/2 the time they have the intelligence of a cardboard box? out of the guys, Will is the one who gets on my nerves, hes kind of a douche sometimes.



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i think it's the story lines that i dont like. will is too full of himself. fin cant act, like most of the other guys. kurt's ok, but i dont like how he sings.the rest dont get enough exposure to be liked or disliked!

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i think it's the story lines that i dont like. will is too full of himself. fin cant act, like most of the other guys. kurt's ok, but i dont like how he sings.the rest dont get enough exposure to be liked or disliked!

season 1 was good, season 2 was kinda slow, and though i wasn't crazy about the premiere episode, so far i'm liking season 3...so much drama >:3


not enough exposure? maybe if you actually watched an episode in full rather than skimming through them you'd see more of whats going on D8<


i like kurt's singing on certain songs, not everything cause sometimes he goes too high pitched....i loved when he and rachel did Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead...it was so cute xD

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i skim through cuz i cant take the dramas, i just like the songs they do.

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i have a big penis bettewen my legs , so i dont watch glee

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I watched some of the episodes on TV

Glee is ok but not a huge fan though :\

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*sets a timer on Trin's TV, so 1 minute before Glee is gonna start, she loses all power to her TV and can NEVUR turn it back on!

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*sets a timer on Trin's TV, so 1 minute before Glee is gonna start, she loses all power to her TV and can NEVUR turn it back on!

my minions will take care of you before you even get through the front door D8<


Who watch TV when you have INTERNET? >:D

indeed :3

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*sets a timer on Trin's TV, so 1 minute before Glee is gonna start, she loses all power to her TV and can NEVUR turn it back on!

my minions will take care of you before you even get through the front door D8<


I will smush your minions into SMITHEREENS!

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I woke up

Turned the TV on

That Glee thing on TV

Before looking up for something I like to watch I went to kitchen to grab something to eat...


Then it happened!

I heard a very known sound and came back

I couldn't believe on what I was seeing and listening

It was Highway To Hell and those kids ruined it


I hate Glee.

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