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Wartale Journal - Tutorial for beginners

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Hello guys!

Here we are with a new tutorial for you. ;D

Before you read this tutorial, remeber one important thing: There is no perfect Character and no rule to be followed. The following informations are just for reference purposes only.

In this Edition we'll talk about the Pikeman.






On observation before we start to talk about the Pikeman of Wartale are: The list of Skill are in the order of importance of each Build. In other words, the first one are the most importants for that build.


In the Wartale, there exist 2 dominant builds: Power Pikeman and Spirit Pikeman (or another one between those 2).

Let's start with the build for EXP: Spirit Pikeman



Spiri Pikeman


This build may have some variations in your stats and skills, but this is the choise of every player.


What does he looks like?




  • Strength = Enough to use you set
  • Spirit = 64 ~ 100 (You can use since a Murky to a perfect Inferna)
  • Talent = 90
  • Agilidade = 72
  • Health = XXX (Reminding: This is a build to make EXP!)


Skills Build


  • Tornado = 10 (Main skill to make EXP fo Pikeman) - Since there's exist a nice use of MP, you can use a little more of Spirit.
  • Weapon Defense Mastery= 10 - Permanently Increases Block rating when using two-handed weapons. (This skill is necessary to help with the defense).
  • Critical Mastery = 10
  • Chain Lance = 10


Expansion 10 or Ground Pike 10? In here, you get the choise!


  • Vague = 10
  • Assasin's Eye = 10
  • Charging Strike = 10


Normaly, a good set of Rings and Amulet for this build it's good to have mix of MP on it.


Your main weapon is the Scythe.

Your main defense is the Armor

Sheltons: Between Murky and Inferna (Since you have a lot of Spirit, you can use more Tornado to help)


The greates advantage of this build is that you don't need of no one to help you to make EXP, you can go all by yourself since this build is to kill a good amount of Mobs. (But every help it's always nice. ^^)



Power Pikeman



This is, way far, the best build for Hunt and PvP of Pikeman.

Why this build is good for both? Because your objective it's cause the most damage possible.

Let's see:




  • Strength = All you can put in here
  • Spirit = 64 (For Valento Ring, Kelvezu Amulet and Dark Guardian Sheltom)
  • Talent = 90
  • Agility = 72
  • Health = Base



Skills Build


  • Weapon Defense Mastery = 10
  • Critical Mastery = 10
  • Chain Lance = 10
  • Vanish = 10
  • Ground Pike = 10
  • Shadow Master = 10
  • Assasin's Eye = 10
  • Vague = 10
  • Attack Rating Mastery = 10



The "Formula" to kill is almost the same: Vanish + Assassin's Eye, but we have a small change in here. Instead of using Charging Strik, we'll use Shadow Master. And then you finish the mob/player with Chain Lance.

The focus of this build is that even with the changes in his Skills, the Pikeman continue letal as always. When all skills from Tier 5 release, we will have a better notion of how the Class will be.



Your main weapon is the Scythe..

Your main defense is the Armor.

Sheltons: Perfect Dark Guardian Sheltom

Set of Rings and Amulet: Perfect Valento Ring and Perfect Kelvezu Amulet



But don't stop to use a character or something that you like because of some bug, or because have a lot of modifications (Mechanic for example). Just stop to use if the Staff says. Otherwise, have fun and remember: what you don't have today, you can have tomorrow!

What are you waiting for? Gogo make XP and go to the Bless Castle to have 10x more Fun killing Gogg (joking.. hehe)!



Good game for you all, and stay tuned for the next Tutorial.

Enjoywtand the Wartale Journal!


kvra, Editor - Wartale Journal

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uhhhhh, my friend must read this topic.

He's starting to play PT and wants an assassin char (Ragnarok influences).  :P


Will be very helpfull, thanks !


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I acknowledged that this tutorial is just for reference purposes only but:


.When we enter BC, we can check (how many) pikeman use CS and/or SM !!!!! It's real and not theory!


.Why we must spend many points to increase spirit(spirit pikeman) while mana potions

is so cheap (2-3k/potion) or I can find its easy at some maps (d1,i2,ice1,md1,md2, md3,...) !?

When I do train level(at the above maps), I usually sell 200-300 mana potions at Ric, otherwise

I will be overload weight(my spirit=72-devine only).


.Is it this tutorial for pikeman level >=120 (30 tier4 skills/build) ?


.Most of pikeman have enough gold(or real money) to buy a set of val ring/KA and DGS sheltom?

400kk/ring + 1kkk/KA + 700kk/DGS => 2,5kkk/set !

Can a pikeman(level<120) solo kill Valento/Kelvezu/DGS like mech or k9? Is it "balance" ?


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I acknowledged that this tutorial is just for reference purposes only but:


.When we enter BC, we can check (how many) pikeman use CS and/or SM !!!!! It's real and not theory!


.Why we must spend many points to increase spirit(spirit pikeman) while mana potions

is so cheap (2-3k/potion) or I can find its easy at some maps (d1,i2,ice1,md1,md2, md3,...) !?

When I do train level(at the above maps), I usually sell 200-300 mana potions at Ric, otherwise

I will be overload weight(my spirit=72-devine only).


.Is it this tutorial for pikeman level >=120 (30 tier4 skills/build) ?


.Most of pikeman have enough gold(or real money) to buy a set of val ring/KA and DGS sheltom?

400kk/ring + 1kkk/KA + 700kk/DGS => 2,5kkk/set !

Can a pikeman(level<120) solo kill Valento/Kelvezu/DGS like mech or k9? Is it "balance" ?



Well, as I said, this is a tutorial for Begginers.

While you play, you will discovery more thing all by yourself. This is just for you have base to create.


About gold, you always can donate too. ^^


About the mana, try to go in FT1 with 72 spirit, you can't spam your skill that often. But this is just a SUGGESTION, you don't need to follow this. =P

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Gogo make XP and go to the Bless Castle to have 10x more Fun killing Gogg (joking.. hehe)!

Note: You don't have to make much exp to kill Gogg.

Nice tutorial!

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My revenge will be evil!



Message to these freaking brs >:(




No foreing language

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This is one of the best sections on the RPT site

Wonderful help to new players


Keep it up !!!

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About the mana, try to go in FT1 with 72 spirit, you can't spam your skill that often. But this is just a SUGGESTION, you don't need to follow this. =P


I tried it before but I just stay there around 5' only.

Because at this moment I just have a pikeman with level 116 and could not test like that way because I don't have a set of val ring+KA+DGS.


It is very stupid man if someone handles a pikeman level 116(without val ring+KA+DGS) stand at the spawn center at FT1 and use tornado often!

In case I could not tank at spawn center, I can lure mobs out of the center and

use tornado to kill them all then return back to center to lure again.


But when my pikeman from level 106 until 116 now, I often stand solo at the spawn center at md1,md2 and now at md3 to use tornado

often like your suggestion (without any buff from another char, like VL of pris).


Why you don't think pikeman with spirit 72 can mix +MP at amor(mix MP get more abs)+gaun+boot+bra so the total MP >500-600 and after they use 1 mana potion, they can use tornado more often than others?


I also tried to do level somtimes at FT1 and I understand how much potions were drop there. And I think I can do your suggestion when my pikeman level >120.

If you suggest the map like dun1,dun2 or dun3, I will agree what you said.


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