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S> PRS 145 79% (Items +prs)

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S> PRS 145 79% = 5kc naked or full 9kc




Robe 136 +19 (def 2121 abs 53.2) = 560kk or 660c

Orb 136 donate +22 (full perfect) = 1.760kk or 2kc

Bracer 106 donate bsol (full perfect) = 250kk or 300c

Bracer Hell bsm ( t.attack 401 def 403) = 250kk or 300c

Gauntlets Hell bsm (def 420 abs 24.8) = 250kk or 300c

Boots 136 bsm (abs 30.4 vel 10.9) = 90kk or 100c

Val ring 2.9abs bom = 350kk or 400c

Val ring 2.8abs bom = 340kk or 390c

Staff 134 bsm (attack 141-153) = 150kk or 200c


(and others items, amulet 134 bom, sol bom 3-3 attack, 2x grace earrings, sash belt)




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trade for ks 145 with hell tusk?

Sword 138 +14 -0-0

sword 122 bsol

shield 140 and armor 140 bsol


brac hell and others parts 140 bsol

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8 hours ago, bafinhosj said:

trade for ks 145 with hell tusk?

Sword 138 +14 -0-0

sword 122 bsol

shield 140 and armor 140 bsol


brac hell and others parts 140 bsol


hi KS no thanks

l have interess in SS+, l can top ~ 5kc

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49 minutes ago, bafinhosj said:

Hi bro i want PRS

nick in game?


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