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Sell MS 146 and item SS

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Sell MS 146 38% naked = 6kc

Item MS

Armor 136 +24  socket +3 health = 2,5kc

Shield 136 +21 = 1,2kc

Claw 138 +23 -0-0 Red socket no gem = 2,5kc

Hell Brac MS bsol =400c

Hell Gaunt MS bsol =400c

Boots 140 MS bsol =1kc

2 Vring MS BSM#2 64 spirit =800c

DGS MS BOM 200def =350c

Guide Amulet 85HP BOM =50c

Grace , Respl earrings +0 =50c

Leather belt MS +0 =50c

All = 15,3kc , Sell full discount = 14kc.

Item SS

Robe 140 +24 good stat =3,8kc

Orb 140 +24 low stat =3kc 

Fury sheltom SS BSM 3-4 450c

Lucifer Ring SS 3.3 and 3.0abs BSM#2 = 1,3kc 

Leviathan belt +1 500c

I need sell MS full or naked first . If sell naked will sell item after that.




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20 hours ago, DarkFlame said:

Sell MS 146 38% naked = 6kc

Item MS

Armor 136 +24  socket +3 health = 2,5kc

Shield 136 +21 = 1,2kc

Claw 138 +23 -0-0 Red socket no gem = 2,5kc

Hell Brac MS bsol =400c

Hell Gaunt MS bsol =400c

Boots 140 MS bsol =1kc

2 Vring MS BSM#2 64 spirit =800c

DGS MS BOM 200def =350c

Guide Amulet 85HP BOM =50c

Grace , Respl earrings +0 =50c

Leather belt MS +0 =50c

Mount helltusk , caravan + gravity stone + PH egg 80%

And still playing

All = 15,3kc , Sell full discount = 14kc.

Item SS

Robe 140 +24 good stat =3,8kc

Orb 140 +24 low stat =3kc 

Fury sheltom SS BSM 3-4 450c

Lucifer Ring SS 3.3 and 3.0abs BSM#2 = 1,3kc 

Leviathan belt +1 500c

I need sell MS full or naked first . If sell naked will sell item after that.





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