Scorpiano 10 Report post Posted October 19, 2023 Hello! First off let me state, I am not super high level on this game, I have just reached 127, but I am enjoying it and KS has been my favourite class I have tried so far. However - I found it very difficult to work out how to level/where to go/where to get items at the start, so this is a guide for Knights from my own experience, and I hope other experienced members will put in their own tips. Once you get a hand of your account, there is a fantastic guide by REIN, but I couldn't understand it starting out. Check it out though as it's considerably better than mine. Stats; A knight should have bottom stats required to use all gear, and then max Strength. I found since I did a lot of soloing whilst exploring that putting stats into HP helped me survive. I put hp to about 80 and increased spirit as I went (not by much) to allow for more use of Brandish at the lower levels. Please note it is VERY EASY to reset your stats for the cost of 1.5m gold, so don't be afraid to test stat builds yourself Skills; Upgrade in this order. T1-T3 Sword Mastery Brandish Stamina Passive Drastic Spirit Divine Shield Grand Cross Piercing T4 Godly Shield God Bless Devine Piercing Sword of Justice T5 Lightning Sword Holy Aura Undead Bane I have found that to level my knight so far, I simply use; Lightening sword (off cooldown) Godly Shield + Drastic Spirit + Holy aura for defence (keep them all up and watch your health when they run out) Holy valor for DPS boost Brandish - whilst lightening sword is off CD, SPAM Devine Piercing + Grand Cross for solo enemies Money Making This is really hard early game. You want to pick up as much gold off the floor as you can. Complete all quests (they give you tonnes of gold), pick up items off the floor from Moon Hunting, and use your Personal Shop when you are AFK to undercut everyone else and sell stuff cheaply. Selling low Tier armour (sub 100) won't work, so instead, try and pick up and sell Sheltoms/Crystals (100+) BUYING GOLD Not suggesting you want to, but if you do, buy coins, you can buy a gold bar for 580-600 coins from other players, and one gold bar sells to any shop for 500m. KS Level 1 - 50 (10-20 minutes depending on efficiency) Immediately as you spawn in, go to the potion supplier, accept the quest, and run to the other side of Philai and speak to the NPC, to be awarded 50k gold. You can click on the mini map and find the right npc by hovering over the green dots. With your gold, buy some leather armlets from the blacksmith, and some health (and maybe 10 stamina potions) from the potion supplier, and 2 Philai Teleports + 1 Ricarten teleport. Head to 'The Road To The Wind' (look on your minimap to find the direction) and run around whilst you find some mobs. Punch them to death and pick up some weapons. IMPORTANT - pick up as much gold as you can, doing this for 5 minutes should net you 100k-150k gold. Head back to Philai, and go to the Huntress. Buy the first 2 lowest crystals (hopy + hobgoblin) and then the hobgoblin and the next highest crystal, travel to Ricarten, and speak to 'Inventor of Warpgate'. Click on him twice, and you will get the second teleport crystal allowing you to go to Ruinen. Your next mission is a little bit tedious, but fast. You are going to buy as many 'Mystic Crystals' as you can, go to ruinen, and summon them in a hell spawn (A spawn of lots of mobs). You will be very low level, so you are going to want to run around in a circle (this keeps mobs from hitting you too much and pulls them into your crystals) whilst drinking a LOT of health potions. Collect all gold off the floor. Stay until your crystals are all dead, then sell all the drops and use the cash you picked up to buy more mystic crystals. You also want to buy the the next Crystals from the Huntress to allow you to create the next tier of teleport to Navisko. You can check what you need by speaking to the 'Inventor of Warpgate' in Ricarten. Your fastest training will be just out side of Navisko in one of the hell spawns with a full set of mystic crystals. To go from level 20 to 50 should take you about 10 minutes of running in circles drinking health pots. At level 50, return to navisko, and buy full t50 armour from the two blacksmits. Up the points in skills as required for the items. (when I speed run a character, this is the first time I buy any armour at all if I start with no gold). At this stage, a 1h sword + shield is definitely the best option, as the defence it gives will allow you to stay alive longer and milk your crystals for more xp. KS Level 50 - 70 Return to Philai. Speak to 'Witchcraft Academy Raymon' and put 1 skill point on each skill, ensuring you level up to each of the new tiers. Remember - Brandish is your best friend for DPS. Holy Valor should be used once every 5 minutes to add DPS, Drastic Spirit and Divine shield should be used every 5 minutes to add huge amounts of defence, that will allow you to tank. When you unlock it, you will start using Godly Shield, instead of Divine shield. Make sure all three are permanently kept up. From Navisko, you can get to 'Oasis' a map with 'Head cutters'. Head cutters are required for your next teleport crystal, and are not sold in the shop. There is also a quest from the potion seller in Philai (first quest must be completed) to kill creatures in the Oasis. Take the quest, bring crystals from Huntress and kill mobs until you get a Headhunter crystal. XP will still be fast with 10 crystals out, so if you want to pretty much chill to level 60 here you can, but it will obviously be slower. It is a fun place to test our all your new skills. At the least make sure you get level 55 here. At level 55, replenish your crystals and health pots, and travel to the Forbidden Land. This will be a bit of a long run the first time. Here find a hell spawn, summon crystals and make sure you pick up a 'Figon Crystal', which combined with the Headhunter Crystal, will be your final teleport upgrade for a while, and allow you to teleport straight back to the 'Forbidden Land'. Train here until level 70. Ensure that as you reach the levels required to upgrade your gear to level 60, you do so from Navisko. KS Level 70 - 95 At level 70, teleport to Ricarten, and make your way to the boat, and travel to Atlantis. Here you will find gear from level 65 - 80. Level 70-95 is where quests become very important for levelling, as you will be too weak to solo the hell spawns in Cursed Temple 1, and Crystals will start being used, instead of being for fast levelling, rather as tanks to keep you alive. Ensure you do every quest you unlock, these will give you stat + skill points + gold + exp so are essential at this stage. Find a map that you can face tank a hell spawn, whilst taking a bit of damage, but not enough that if you don't pot every second you will die, and start grinding. There are two options at this level gap, depending on your play style. 1) Slow - Find a hell spawn and grind whilst completing all quests. 2) Buy a moonstone for 3m in either Philai/Ricarten from a player (there are always tonnes being sold) ENSURE THAT IT DOESN"T SAY LEVEL 80+ (There are two types, both do the same thing but one has no combat level requirement, the other requires level 80), and then type P> Can someone please help me with moonstone hunting for levelling - I am a noob. If you get lucky, and the this is likely because the player base is lovely, a high level will bridge characters with you, take you to oasis, and in the space of an hour take you from level 70 - 100/105. KS Level 95 - 115 Buy a blue teleport scroll from the 'premium shop' and teleport to Mystery Desert 1. You will teleport right by the shops - that will sell t90-t100 gear. Equip! You have also reached the stage that its time to start scouting 'noob' shops in ricarten from other players to find KS specific gear. At this level, you unlock some amazing quests from Atlantis that give you insane amounts of experience. Complete all the quests, and then head to 'Battle Town' (ship from Ricarten will take you there). There is a quest where you are asked to kill Babel. This caused me hours of pain as you will be too low level, and high level players will come and kill him instantly, and he only spawns about 6x a day. Instead... go to Railway of Chaos, and in the south west corner of the map, there is an arena that will spawn a mini babel (you need to just kill mobs, it spawns randomly, just bring crystals) that will drop the quest item. Once you have completed quests, move to Battle Town, and it's time to start doing Daily Quests! The difficulty length simply indicates the amount of mobs you need to clear, so always chose hard, and kill mobs in mystery desert 1/2/3 depending on what you can tank. It is also possible to start buying crystals from other players, the premium crystals currently cost about 1m-1.5m each, and summon bosses to fight for you, that make this daily an afk or allow you to use them to tank a harder desert. Continue to do dailies. KS Level 115 - 128 Do all your daily quests and start doing Mushroom Cave. Start on easy mode and work up to hard when other setting are too difficult. This is unbelievable exp, you get a daily key and can buy keys from players for about 20m. It is worth every penny for fast training. This is also the time to start really investing in your gear. I don't have too many tips at this stage as you should be pretty comfortable with your character, and have plenty of money from completing all the quests + dailies. At level 115 you will find Stamina Downs become really useful as you glug stamina pots to continuously use chain lightening off cooldown. 6 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeoHiei 514 Report post Posted October 19, 2023 Very useful guide for new players, congratz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
intramus12 120 Report post Posted October 19, 2023 I like it. I go for my junior ks too. Lvl 100 now Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rein 5 Report post Posted November 11, 2023 Thanks for the compliment! It is nice to see that my slightly outdated guide from years ago is still be usefull(ish) 😄 I will try and update the guide with all the new info and check what you said regarding the levels, not making a come back my original knight (if the char is still a knight, who knows) has different owner, created a new knight awhile back when I am bored of my current game 😁 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tswizzle 0 Report post Posted March 21, 2024 How do I level up now that it seems like they nerfed the quest rewards and mystic crystals cost 44k now in shop? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites