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I guess I'll change my char to Fs since Cyclone strike is based on % ( as I remember, if i were wrong, sorry then), since the fs (with a shield )can tank  like a Kn does in BC, since fs's 1 hand weapon is stronger than ks's 1 hand weapon, since the fs weapon have 8 spdd att and since fs now is the only char who has a skill which has 3 hits and can kill other in 1 shot LMAO

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there are only 2 solutions:


1- Fix the atp of new items

2- Add new items to the server (124~126 2 handed)



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Mostly the spear have max damage highest, but lvl 122 spear can't compare to axe , lol.

GM please fix Axe

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ohkito" post="350383" timestamp="1318213170"]


no need more words.




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Need be fix.. period.. expect if no changes.. its gonna be a lot of money to the server for class change to fs... -.-"

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Hmm looking at the rest of the stats and thinking about what a douche fs is atm... I'm not sure if this axe makes much of a difference with knight. But I do think the bow has kinda low stats in comparison to the pike's weapon..

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Who are you swearing at? -,-


Just saying I have no idea what exactly the fighter is capable of, but as I have understood it, practically nothing useful. Perhaps an OP axe might make it a bit more useful? I doubt they would become better than pikes with a 1hand. Now, I don't know how the fs skills work so again, just saying, i can't picture the harm this axe might or might not do.



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since the fs (with a shield )can tank  like a Kn does in BC


You sure about that?

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No need to change attack power

Fighters got enough already


68-84---106 axe

92-115 --122 1 handed axe


In my opinion that's alot of AP

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I need to laught when i Read


"Destroyer kill with 1 shot..."

"FS tank more than KS with Shield..."

"Cyclone Strike got a great DMG..."




Desytroyer DON'T kill with 1 Shot...




Who say that FS tank like or MORE than KS with Shield... KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK RETARDED!




Cyclone strike got a great DMG, RIGHT! BUT , Area = 15 mobs ( KKKKKKKKKKKKKK ) , AND , a FS FUUULL 120 +20 , CAN'T tank in AD2 ( map lvl 124 ) with 2 Hand Weapon.


Done? Owned enought?



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I need to laught when i Read


"Destroyer kill with 1 shot..."

"FS tank more than KS with Shield..."

"Cyclone Strike got a great DMG..."




Desytroyer DON'T kill with 1 Shot...




Who say that FS tank like or MORE than KS with Shield... KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK RETARDAD!




Cyclone strike got a great DMG, RIGHT! BUT , Area = 15 mobs ( KKKKKKKKKKKKKK ) , AND , a FS FUUULL 120 +20 , CAN'T tank in AD2 ( map lvl 124 ) with 2 Hand Weapon.


Done? Owned enought?



its enought =)

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Need be fix.. period.. expect if no changes.. its gonna be a lot of money to the server for class change to fs... -.-"


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It never fails, people are always so quick to complain about EVERY LITTLE THING!!! "Zomg! Fighters have an iten with tons of AP! Lower it so they suck even more!"


People, get a life, wait and see if fighters ARE overpowered with this axe. I can bet they won't be, and that this axe will give them a bit of a boost in some areas of the game.


And for those who will only come in here and say this "You don't want it changed because your a fighter" you would be wrong. I am a mage, level 123.

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for who still thinks that fighter isn't overpowered just give a look in sod player ranking  ::) ::) ::)

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Swords have more ATK Rating, a lot more Critical and this case in particular even has more ATK Power (check the spec, it adds ATK Power Lv/6 unlike the Axe that is Lv/7). The new weapons follow the exact same pattern they have always followed (compare these items to lower level items; have you ever compared 106 Axe to 106 Sword for example?), and there is a logic and even a balance (when we take skill into consideration) between each and every one of them, you just fail to see it apparently. These stats are fine. They were very well thought before being implemented, perhaps you should wait to see how they work out in-game before you start a whining campaign on the forums. ;)

Is that enough ?

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consider every fs uses avening crash that use 50% brutal swing = 15% = weapon + 30 on a clean weapon :P.

Futhermore, age in axe gives 10 atr/level against 5 on swords

::) ::) ::)


consider a 140 person.

With lv/6 extra dmg = 23.

With lv/7 extra dmg = 20. (3 max dmg diff on final dmg for me means nothing ^^)

beside this, dmg added from a weapon dmg receive all the modifiers from dmg formula and this is a non linear calculus.

Think this way...  ::) ::) ::)

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