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Questions about belts and earings

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Hi, I have some questions around belts and earrings. 


  1. When I craft a belt or earring of a certain spec (say PS), would the result be the same spec? Or would it end up the spec of the char who is doing the crafting? For example, if a MGS char is crafting a PS grace earring, would the grace +1 end up PS or MGS?
  2. For Triadic earring, does the critical resistance apply to PVP only or PVE also? Does player receive crit damage from mobs as well?



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10 hours ago, exyzus said:

Hi, I have some questions around belts and earrings. 


  1. When I craft a belt or earring of a certain spec (say PS), would the result be the same spec? Or would it end up the spec of the char who is doing the crafting? For example, if a MGS char is crafting a PS grace earring, would the grace +1 end up PS or MGS?
  2. For Triadic earring, does the critical resistance apply to PVP only or PVE also? Does player receive crit damage from mobs as well?




1 - results will be the spec of the one who craft it. 


2 - both

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