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19 hours ago, Overlady said:

Some more points for the discussion

  • How long do you think the match should last to be enjoyable without becoming exhausting? We are aiming for 7 minutes, but perhaps 32 kills are still too high...
  • Should party buffs be disabled, or should they all provide half of the benefits to party members? Alternatively, we can aim for a rebalance point where buffs are much weaker than they currently are, and some of those points reduced in the buff are transferred to the characters themselves.
  • Multi-stun classes in the same team should receive some kind of penalty to avoid exploits?
  • Should low level players if matched with high level players receive a boost in HP and damage based in the level difference?
  • Should the God mod after respawning last longer to avoid spawn camping?





I think that party buffs should be disabled. 

And to be honest, I think every "extra" buffs should be disable too. But I think maybe its not the best way of doing it, so limiting it to only the people who has it in his own char is good enough for me.

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limit the time match making for few minutes(if there is none) as to avoid any player that is in AFK mode forget to cancel the match

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19 minutes ago, Bé said:

I think that party buffs should be disabled. 

And to be honest, I think every "extra" buffs should be disable too. But I think maybe its not the best way of doing it, so limiting it to only the people who has it in his own char is good enough for me.


i think party buffs should be accepted, because its a 3vs3 competition meaning 3 players are working as a team with their skill sets. If you say no party buffs can be shared amongst 

the team then whats the point of having a team...  battle grounds should be every player for themselves then.



so i do believe party buffs should be kept, if the other team dont have same buffs well thats just unluck due to ( matchmaking) sometimes you will get a good team or bad team. i like the idea of leaving it up to luck what team/ party buffs you get 

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paulo Henrique

needs a low priority queue for those who refuse many departures

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3 hours ago, Bé said:

I think that party buffs should be disabled. 

And to be honest, I think every "extra" buffs should be disable too. But I think maybe its not the best way of doing it, so limiting it to only the people who has it in his own char is good enough for me.

By extra buff, do you mean disabling every kind of hat that may alter character stats and food? I think it's not a bad idea, but I'm not sure if we will be able to lock their timers.

Regarding buff balance, I still believe the best option is probably making buffs weaker and incorporating the removed stats from the buff directly onto the player itself.


3 hours ago, Einstrider said:

limit the time match making for few minutes(if there is none) as to avoid any player that is in AFK mode forget to cancel the match

We will implement a system so that if you don't press any button when the game finds a match, you are instantly removed from the queue.


13 hours ago, brunoazzi said:

Add windows notification if the match is found and you are in another window

Good Idea!


22 hours ago, - D E A T H S T R O K E - said:

HP and damage are not enough, since  level difference affect your hit rate. Also,defense, attack rtg, block, crit, crit res, penetration, relics, centlon brac and draxos boots play a big part of PvP, even if char 14x Z has the same damage and Hp as char 17x Y, the difference of 6k+ defense and 3k+ Ar would instantly delete the 14x.

It is impossible to balance it like this because there are many variables. What we can do is provide some assistance to underleveled players. However, once the final matchmaking is released, we will implement a system to limit the level difference.


22 hours ago, HollyShot said:

Agree with that, at least a few more seconds to rebuff. 

We will increase the god mod after respawn, we are also designing a method that you can rush your buff animation.




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12 minutes ago, Overlady said:

By extra buff, do you mean disabling every kind of hat that may alter character stats and food? I think it's not a bad idea, but I'm not sure if we will be able to lock their timers.

Regarding buff balance, I still believe the best option is probably making buffs weaker and incorporating the removed stats from the buff directly onto the player itself.


My biggest concern is about VL and Shaman buff tbh. I don't know how to balance it specially shaman buff hahah 


But I hope you guys find a good solution. 




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Hello, I would like your opinion on the battlefield so far, I want to bring up some points that in my opinion can be improved.

1. Balancing between teams: I believe it has already been mentioned here before, but I will repeat, dividing the arena between rounds in which the teams mix until you have played with all the participants on your team, so each round would last until all members of one of the teams died, thus ending the round and starting the next with a different formation between the 6 involved.
this way everyone would play with the strongest and the weakest in the arena, in the end the player with the most victories would take the best prize/ranking, followed by second and third placed... from fourth placed onwards they would lose ranking.

2. Ranking system:
Matchmaking system based on each player's ranking and pairing each player with people of the same ranking as you. If you don't have people of the same ranking as you to play with, you are paired with people with a higher or lower ranking than yours so that you don't have to wait in line for too long, ranking points will be higher if you are a lower level in the arena, and lower if be the highest level in the arena.

3. Take the competition seriously:
Doing some tests I realized that it is possible to place the opponent in the arena in the same party. We know that our community is toxic and that probably when players from enemy clans get paired up on the same team, they will troll the game and lose on purpose just to see the "enemy" lose too. So in my opinion it must be possible to punish anyone who does this type of anti-gambling.

4. queue punishment:
Lastly, talk about a problem that is already happening at this exact moment, which is people joining the queue, and after the 6 people pair up, someone cancels, until then there wouldn't be a problem, but there are people who keep joining the queue and canceling every 10 seconds to play with the faces of those who are actually in the queue trying to play... I think they impose a 5 minute penalty without being able to enter the queue for those who cancel after 6 players have matched.

That's what I have to say so far about the battle grounds.
I'm super excited about this new pvp. Wartale is already the best. Thanks!
Edited by Reaala55

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I think it would be a good idea to do the battles by round, that way you eliminate the problem of rebufs... with a best of 10 rounds, 5 rounds on one team and then draw again to do +5 rounds on another team and in the end the player with the most kills wins, it would be cool to have a top 3 in the match and then have score obtained would count towards the general ranking.
it's interesting to have something like a ranked similar to current games 


Edited by Coyy
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Keep batleground Free, dont need to pay gold.

I don't know how much rewards there will be in the battleground, but charging entry will only increase the queue.


Better to find another solution instead of paying gold.

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16 minutes ago, xkintaro said:

Keep batleground Free, dont need to pay gold.

I don't know how much rewards there will be in the battleground, but charging entry will only increase the queue.


Better to find another solution instead of paying gold.

The cost of gold is going to be symbolic. The winning player will receive the gold back and even more gold from the losing team.




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On 12/24/2023 at 5:19 PM, Overlady said:
  • Should party buffs be disabled, or should they all provide half of the benefits to party members? Alternatively, we can aim for a rebalance point where buffs are much weaker than they currently are, and some of those points reduced in the buff are transferred to the characters themselves.


uh I think kind of the opposite, some classes are better prepared with their own buffs/characteristics, we can see that clearly on duels; sadly (?) the PvP today is closer to balance when classes are full buff so I think the best solution atm is to have just that, full buff. and maybe de-escalating/weakening the buffs from that base, for example all buffs lvl 6-8 and lvl 10 only when received from a party member (like other servers)

There are some buffs that are just essential for PvP: virtual life being the best example, so important in other Priston servers its a purchasable buff.

So I'd have all classes full buff (VL + Triumph of Valhalla + enchant weapon + Divine force + Force of nature - in that order of importance) or at least with VL as a base; otherwise the team with the most damage reduction/a pris classes will always be one step above.


On 12/24/2023 at 5:19 PM, Overlady said:
  • Multi-stun classes in the same team should receive some kind of penalty to avoid exploits?


I don't know, maybe. But if so, so should be for ice, distortion, holy mind and inertia; theoretically you could have someone permanently debuffed. 

Anyways I think its important to balance debuff resistance, why can't you stun a bs unless its lightning sword ?

A solution could be to cancel a stun when other stun is activated by the same party side, so if a FS stunned 2/3 and then an ATA stuns the other player, first stun is cancelled in both (victim) players.

On 12/24/2023 at 5:19 PM, Overlady said:
  • Should the God mod after respawning last longer to avoid spawn camping?


Yes. Make it as long as it takes to rebuff; a mage takes the longest to rebuff so I think time should be as long as that

On 12/24/2023 at 2:48 PM, Overlady said:
  • Broken party buffs;
  • Broken party combinations;


I don't think there are broken buffs, but I think there are broken combinations (or just toooo benefited). Speed is an issue; FS/ASS/SS have natural speed buffs and they seem balanced with 8 weapon speed, but if you combine FS or ASS with shaman party speed they are much more benefited than any other classes with the same buff. I'd put special eyes on this for arena balance. Ata may also be in this list when amazon's rage is active, at least its related to a rtg+mp debuff

Its also important with SOD speed buff; FS, ASS, SS more benefited, while for example AS doesn't get any effect. I think specially SOD speed buffs should be removed in the arena, but also BC/food buffs.


In the current scenario you'll most likely have all the strength-dependent-classes on top, damage reduction/high hp even more so, cause of HP. Magic/rangers will have to choose between HP/damage, and without defensive buffs (hp buff/vl mostly) they'll always be in disadvantage.

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i think among the exclusion from the queue by being afk it also should have a maybe 5 min penalty not being able to join the queue again during that penalty. Some players may just rejoin the queue after being excluded then go back to his fifith game window and forget about the battleground queue again and again. This way at least the chance of a players face this guy 10 times in a row trying to queue is greatly reduced. Maybe even a crescent penalty for being afk in the queue for too many times.

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How much time the Alpha phase ill last?

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On 12/25/2023 at 4:52 PM, Overlady said:

It is impossible to balance it like this because there are many variables. What we can do is provide some assistance to underleveled players. However, once the final matchmaking is released, we will implement a system to limit the level difference.




Is it possible to create different level queues? Idk how the engine works or if it is possible, but you could try to make it by level range, for example:

145 or less
146 to 152
152 to 158

It would increase each level range queue but matches would be more balanced. The numbers are also just an example, it could be studied to make items/aged items more balanced around players, meaning if you have a 138+24 items you have to play on a higher bracket because of your level, to avoid fighting other players that dont have it.
Also, we could have a free level queue for those that think queue times are too long, taking care to not enable exploits for ranks and rewards on farming low level enemies


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Any suggestion related to class balance or some classes being really unfun to play against? Such as too much CC.




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are there Elo games like Lol, Dota2? for example, are you 14x or 15x and you win multiple matches, which will be paired with players with higher levels ? 🤔 and vice versa

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On 12/28/2023 at 6:52 PM, Overlady said:

Any suggestion related to class balance or some classes being really unfun to play against? Such as too much CC.




Imo ss is actually op with any party comp

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On 12/28/2023 at 6:52 PM, Overlady said:

Any suggestion related to class balance or some classes being really unfun to play against? Such as too much CC.




Brawler! O have played against 2 brawlers on enemy team, and it was really unfair, cause they both spawn camp with the gates, and is was only one spawn for each team só they know were we  going to respawn… + their team mates can go in and out the gates any time they want, Thats broken… i suggest the gate work same as bc, who is inside can only target enemyes that is inside too, and who is outside same thing.

also make spawns for each team, that enemyes can not enter, working the same way as brawler gate, inside the spawn you cant target enemies and not be target too… if all 3 members of the team is inside the spawn, they have 10 seconds to at least one of them enter the arena, or the team will lose the match. Preventing spawn camp and afk team on their spawn.

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*Can we have a lobby for battle ground to see or chat with people who are waiting for a match up?


* Match making timer if no match up found auto cancel match making to avoid afk players.



Edited by moobie1988
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6 hours ago, Reaala55 said:

Brawler! O have played against 2 brawlers on enemy team, and it was really unfair, cause they both spawn camp with the gates, and is was only one spawn for each team só they know were we  going to respawn… + their team mates can go in and out the gates any time they want, Thats broken… i suggest the gate work same as bc, who is inside can only target enemyes that is inside too, and who is outside same thing.

also make spawns for each team, that enemyes can not enter, working the same way as brawler gate, inside the spawn you cant target enemies and not be target too… if all 3 members of the team is inside the spawn, they have 10 seconds to at least one of them enter the arena, or the team will lose the match. Preventing spawn camp and afk team on their spawn.

We will adjust brawler for sure, is not really fun to play against her.


23 hours ago, Jty said:

Imo ss is actually op with any party comp

I believe it is due his party buff, we want it to be weaker for party members.


3 hours ago, moobie1988 said:

*Can we have a lobby for battle ground to see or chat with people who are waiting for a match up?


* Match making timer if no match up found auto cancel match making to avoid afk players.



A lobby won't be done, but we are building methods do fix afk players, some people are doing it on purpose to "troll" those waiting for matches... It's all so tiresome... 




Edited by Overlady
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16 minutes ago, Overlady said:

I believe it is due his party buff, we want it to be weaker for party members.

Im agree with u. Imo shouldnt have any party buffs at 3v3 (all with only your own buffs and thats it)

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23 hours ago, moobie1988 said:

*Can we have a lobby for battle ground to see or chat with people who are waiting for a match up?


* Match making timer if no match up found auto cancel match making to avoid afk players.



whats do you mean with matchmaking timer?

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On 12/31/2023 at 4:35 PM, Overlady said:

We will adjust brawler for sure, is not really fun to play against her.


I believe it is due his party buff, we want it to be weaker for party members.


A lobby won't be done, but we are building methods do fix afk players, some people are doing it on purpose to "troll" those waiting for matches... It's all so tiresome... 




i think those are changes in the right way

i still think that if you gave automatic VL to everyone in the arena you’ll solve half of the problems

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Hi @Overlady


Can we have a match making Icon when on searching when the battleground window is closed?




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18 hours ago, KriKa. said:



Better spend time in exclusive things

New DG 

Give back fun to Eragon and Eragon Cave

Ice Mine 2nd Floor?

Rework SoD

Rework bless castle map

Rework Death Island

Ice Mine

Endless Tower

Review dodge stupid skill make ps inmortal


And alot of others things


Review ur rule book, and use it as well to all w/o exceptions.


And alot of others things more cool/important to all community of wartale.





Battlegrounds is not really useless. If its perfect with Skill balance + amount of rounds per Day you can enter it + Prizes it will be very fun
If we start about ps dodge what is total absurd then we must talk about BS dodge , Archer's DMG in Pure build, Shaman/ass buff outside the battle zone in bc that ppl keep abuse, Ks Skill animation that is way to slow compared to other classes(Shaman already got fixed there) Fighter that is paper as hell in pve🙄

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