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ks 156 + other things

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Ks 156 - 38%  17kc (vamp hat, hg mount,  unicorn mount, both spooky mount)
Armor 136 +24 dnt 3,5kc
Sw 138 +24 dnt 5,5kc
Greedy ks drop bsol 1,5k
Boot 140 ks drop bsol 1kc
2x T-ring ks dnt bsol 5,5kc
1x T-Shelton ks drop sol +300 1kc
1x Tulla amulet ks drop 400c

1x leather belt +3 ks drop 3kc


buy all = 35kc


Don't sell ks naked


S> 20x 3 eye - no time, each 160/ea, all = 150kk/ea


S> Mgs 138 - 70% 2kc


S> AS 138 - 70% 2kc

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