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State of fighters?

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So im new to rpt just started playing yesterday or so with a friend of mine as a mech played ept years ago and then some other pt private servers one of which i distinctly remember sandurr. Anyways i started a mech but i also want a character for when my friend isnt on and was thinking either fighter or knight. I was looking through some posts and when people asked about fighters people would say that they have no aoe cyclone strike is broken ect which were posted a few months back, does cyclone strike not have a delay now and is it even worth using? Also pretty much every server ive played swift axe has been broken or doesnt work or whatever but i hear on this server it works, so is it worth maxing over conc (before t5 ) or will i miss too much? mainly just talking exping here or will it not even affect anything im not really sure how an attack speed increase would help something like cyclone strike or the other fighter strikes since their based off delay? does it speed up the animation? some clarification would be awesome.


Im pretty sure i know how i want to do stats, max str the rest just enough for your gear and base health but any comments on that would be helpful. Finally ive seen fighters do both generally speaking are you using a 1hand and shield or a 2h? or does it depend? 1h shield if you arent very geared and 2h if your really geared and can tank with a 2h? I know its a lot but i dont really want to go at this blind thanks in advance for the help.

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swift axe works on this server. It adds 8% weapon speed boost to axe weapons and it is noticeable. Cyclone strike has no delay and I would say its more worth using now since they've recently updated the AoE damage to a % base rather than a static 500ish damage. Increasing attack speed will definitely speed up the animation of your skills and most importantly when you're hunting strong monsters later on, you will be able to pot more quickly since your attack animation finishes faster.


The new level 122 one hand axe is now available and looks very good to level up your fighter. You will be able to survive longer with a shield and the cyclone strike damage with the 122 axe should be pretty decent.


fighters excel in PvP.

fighters used to be one of the worst class to level up with since they lacked a decent AoE skill (which they've now changed from static damage to a % base damage), so now we will have to see what experiences people have with leveling their fighters.

fighters aren't the best hunters out there since they lack a pet to tank with. Also, fighters don't have any defensive/evasive skills/buffs to increase their defense/absorption.


this is just my general overview of fighters, you should definitely check out the forums to see what others say about fighters :)

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Yes,maybe fighter are the worst on exping, no defensive or evasive but im pretty we have the highest attack power and rating once 5tier skill is open. But note berserk lvl10 decreases 60abs and fire axe will minus hp/sec but once fighter gets going w/ there switf axe,avenging crash and destroyer, no one  can stop us. Just more patience in leveling, party often w/ prs or mage and gudluck.. See you in BC... 0oJomzo0

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I thought berserker at lvl 10 leaves only -30 abs instead of -60 still it's a big thing.  I love fighter but it's always the most sacrificing char.  Think of it fighter has no def skill except roar which is not that good compared to pike's ground pike or mage's distortion.  Plus, compared to knight's god bless, fighter's berserk must sacrifice abs.  Sure we have high hp but it's only good to make sure we can pots when we're hit in pvp or pve.  You look at tier 5 the skills still need more sacrifice.  Take a look at helion it decreases xp when the fighter is the most difficult char to lvl even with cyclone strike no delay.  Plus you look at fire axe -5hp/sec at lvl 1 and -35/sec at lvl 10 i've heard. Fighters are excellent at PVP but we're also one of the easiest to pawn.  Just look at the rankings at PVP the only ranking figther has as many deaths as pawns and has a ration of only about more than 1 compared to knights, pikes and archers, thou of course it depends on the chars they fought with.  Also other melee like mech, pike and knight have fair chance of beating each other, but fighter sure as hell can't last long against mech and very diff to even beat knight, right? Not so sure but that's what i experienced in past servers, thou i still not didn't try it here but there's not much change in the skills.  Yeah, we have greater health boost, but we got bigger abs loss in berserk too.  Still I love fighter coz its very cool char and has a lot of spunk :)

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well how about we add health on our stats in that way we can compensate low abs and minus hp/s... Its an experiment... We dont know it might work... Well as a fighter on my old server w/c is Priston tale Philippines fighter rules.. Pike are just pawns.. Seriously.. We just have to figure out the right build up compensating for low abs when berserk and fire axe is activated aside from good equips.. Well guys just share whatever build w/c might work and il be happy to share my build up also.... Peace

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Thanks for all the replys guys actually been really helpful, the way i ended up deciding between fighter and knight is to just make both i made my knight already hes 80 now and im gonna make my fighter today so since you only get 15 elite points in this server ( if ive been reading right ) then for exp like cyclone 10 and health boost 5 and then hunt would be like berserk 10 health boost 5? is berserk even worth having at 10 because then you die too fast or whats your guys experience with that. Anyways thanks for the  info/discussion so far going to go make my fighter now.

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Oh i'm not so sure about the EP cap is that true? I'm also new here and my highest char is mage at 87 and fs at 86.  If that is so, you cannot have 10 cycl and 5 Boost health coz you'd have to put at least one to dest and berserk. 

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As far as I know, there is no cap on any kind of skill points. At least, I've never seen (or heard of) one. Theoretically you should be able to get 66 tier 1-3 skill points, 41 tier 4 skill points, and 31 tier 5 skill points at the max level 140, plus any skill points you get for completing quests. I don't remember exactly how many you'll get that way.

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There used to be a cap but it was removed, due the fact that the vast majority of the players disliked it and wanted it removed.


So it was removed and doesn't exist anymore :P

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Yeah i guess i was reading old posts, thats good to hear i wouldnt have liked it as well :P

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