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BS 153 w.OTARA Semi or nkd / AS 155 5x (nice mounts) FULL PVE

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Archer 155 5x% FULL PVE - (Helltusk, Giant, Hg mount)
Setboss 1 - Kelv, 1 val e DGS BSM e 1 val Bsol (64 spt)
Brac Hell Bsol
Hellgaunt Bsol
Boots 136 Bsol (Endurance)
Shield 55 DNT BSOL (Block)
Bow 138+24 -0-0
Dark gaia +24 
2x Vivid pure perf vit AS 
Red Roses AS for regen hp


ONLY FULL - 22kc



Bs 153 com otara - 28kc (Trade for char 154-156 + top or items)
2x Fists 142+24-0-0 - 7,5kc ea
Tring DNT BS BSOL - 2,5kc
Tsheltom DNT BS BSOL - 2kc
Boots 144 BS BSOL - 4,5kc
Gaunt 140 BS BSOL - 750c
Brac 140 BS BSOL - 750c
LEVI +3 - BS - 5,5kc
Grace+2 BS Perf - 1,5kc
Wedding Dress aurorean purple - 800c
2x Eldritch Fist +18 - 300c ea

BS + ITEMS = 60kc (For all) 


Another items for sell:

Boots 144 PRS BSOL  - 4,5kc
Hellbrac clean - 250c

2x vivid ear perf vit Ata - 50c ea
1 Guide amulet +2 BSM AS 92hp - 80c
1 Guide amulet +2 BSM FS 94hp - 120c

Edited by thejack4u

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