Mrodolfo 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 ohkito link=topic=56844.msg357645#msg357645 date=1319062665] bracelet changes the shoulder ? YES ! DO IT ! Why ? Imagine how different "robes" you can "create" with this ? Man, in fact all this discussion about bracelets changing the shoulders come from magicians that don't want "loose" their dragons shoulders,but this is just ridiculous. U can set a dragon shoulder in any robe if you have the bracelet to change this. Let's put it in numbers: Acctually, we have one robe than give dragon shoulders, ifwtgo for customization, we'd have all robes in sever possible to have dragon shoulders. So, 1 < 30 ( <- if 30 is the number of robes). So, magicians, stop to act like little babies and let's go for a whole change in PT's core.This will be AWESOME ! As has been said! is not the fact of losing the shoulders but ... because it is something strange ... because the shoulder is attached to the "armor / robe" and another talking about mages ... The problem also is that the breastplate wizard also changes with the shoulder ... is not only the shoulder but the entire chest ... in the magicians, bracelets don't change only shoulders, but all up body from waist to the shoulders. Because this, bracelets customizations seems strange on magicians. In the magicians better remove bracelets customization or improve to change only shoulders like the other chars... In the knight, atalanta, and others chars, bracelets change only shoulders, so is very cool... as showed in the video. But to make this changes will take very much time of work from GMs, better left as is, and go work on T5. ;D anyway.. do not forget to implement this new feature in the game! If you can in the next patch! ;D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
~Trinitas~ 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 yes, add it imo....people earn the gear they wear so why shouldn't they be able to show it off just like armor, weapons, & shields. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bellum1234 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 is there a way to make it optional, like "wear_mod_on", "wear_mod_off" ? is this perfect idea possible for our server? Plz give an answer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[D]ohkito 2 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 But to make this changes will take very much time of work from GMs, better left as is, and go work on T5. ;D Customization Mod is made possible by Vormav, and he will be paid by me for his work on this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chaoscauser 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 This will help bring the game into a more modern one i am all for it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jaspion 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 nice idea Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cidadao 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 chars customization would be great, since this not slowdown tier5 updates 8) ohkito" post="357793" timestamp="1319089384"] But to make this changes will take very much time of work from GMs, better left as is, and go work on T5. ;D Customization Mod is made possible by Vormav, and he will be paid by me for his work on this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chuavo 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 i like it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThommM2 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 I don't like the idea.. This is not like pristontale should be.. Now, some1 with lvl 124 armor clean and a 120 weapon +20 looks very cool but when pvp him u beat him easily becouse he doesn't wear a set and rings and stuff.. When u change this, it will be no more guessing what other players use as items and the suprise effect will be gone in pvp.. also alot of ppl wear mokova boots and rest is full 120/124 items...mokova boots will not match to the rest of ur items with customized it will look very ugly....... IMO it should stay the way it is now but i see in voting that alot of ppl think about this differently.. Also i went to playwtin stead of another pristontale server becouse of the nice changes they made in this server and still keep the server pristontale-like When this change will come...idk what will happen...i whould not be very happy with it :'( Note: This is just my opinion about the idea..i whould like to say that i respect the work and effort in this idea so great job on that ^^, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
poilu 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 yes, i agree, but i prefer the T5 before of this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
randyhuynh 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 yes, i agree, but i prefer the T5 before of this sandurr paying someone else to make he dont waste time so dont worry, T5 still coming but its hard to make new skills Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vormav 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 Hi everyone, I will answer your questions regarding this MOD so ask me anything. I see that this thread already is big so I will pick some problems and answer them right away. BiDa I mean, look at that mage without bracelet or with brac and with no robe.... Look at that prs! Gaunts change her cape? wth.... Yes, but mage without bracelets or robe is rare occasion and that’s best what can be done, other possibility is that mage naked body could be his first bracelets and robe but personally I don't like that idea, but its some “way out” of this situation. matheusc i really like this but why bracelets affect shoulder ? in the priss gaunt affect shoulder shoulders i think dont need change just feet and arms shoulder come with the armor/robe In prs case not much can be done. Meshes are split this way, hands practically don't change so cape + hands = gloves. You can say that this is something that PT came “on default”. Edgardo is there a way to make it optional, like "wear_mod_on", "wear_mod_off" Probably not on the fly but option to turn it off can be implemented, I don’t see reason why not to. MrCrowley Another example is a "wyvern armor" and a "phoenix armor" the only difference between them is the "boot" and "glove" if this change will be many items equal to each other That can be done by additional customization, I gave this example to Wartale some time ago: maybe + some texture edit, special effects (eg. Gold glow, transparency) What is everyone opinion on that? RMB Its only example. PaynEeE isnt hard or cool to create Helms? Helms, glasses, earrings, tattoos… you name it, it can be done same way this mod was. Kagome i mean think about an as/ata who use armor for example. their current "latest" armors focus on things like shoulders and etc. how would it look if they're not using the bracelets that match the armor you have on and etc. etc. Weird enough? Melocrie I voted yes, but please make it look better than that... x_x Some more details would be nice, there is no improvement without knowing what is wrong MrCrowley The problem also is that the breastplate wizard also changes with the shoulder ... is not only the shoulder but the entire chest ... I might sound like complete nOOb right now but… what the hack is breastplate wizard ?? ThommM2 When u change this, it will be no more guessing what other players use as items and the suprise effect will be gone in pvp.. also alot of ppl wear mokova boots and rest is full 120/124 items...mokova boots will not match to the rest of ur items with customized it will look very ugly....... Mokova boots + last armor set on knight, because someone said that knights look sexy Is it rly that ugly? But you gave valid reason, if you would not do that I would point it myself. People don’t want to show they builds and that’s why I think option to turn this OFF should be added. But to be fair ppl that turned it off will turn it off for good, they will not see other builds! I think this player captured my intentions perfectly: [D]ohkito bracelet changes the shoulder ? YES ! DO IT ! Why ? Imagine how different "robes" you can "create" with this ? With full customization it will be ~373248 possible combinations for one player (kPT). rPT have like 5 items more so it will be nearly two times more. In other words, you will never see all possible combinations Some MMOs also using random colors but lets face facts, PT is too old for that. I see that biggest problem are: - armlet/bracelet don't represent "definition" of the word Actually armlets are something that you wear on your arm (not forearm) and technically saying there is something like "Shoulder Bracelets" irl. But this is my lame excuse PT coming with 4 parts legs, arms, body and shoulder pads, It was something that they had in mind when they where creating this game but for many reasons they decided not to. One of them is longer time of parts development. This can be excluded in rPT, just need another vote for that to be sure that this is voice of majority. - this is f****** ugly There is no MOD that can please everybody and I can't fix ugly part if you don't specify it Unless its that ugly that is beyond repair. To make a point. This game is like 10 YEARS OLD!! DON'T EXPECT MIRACLE!! The biggest concern is that you actually don't know how you will look like but probably after month you will not remember how you looked before Tell me if on any of your question I answered poorly or fail to answer at all. PS. If you don't like this than you will also hate pets armors customization Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wiz 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 not that i dont like armors dude. just that when i buy a armor .. like always .. i want to buy the amor example: this is what i want to buy! Not This: i dont want to HAVE to buy Bracelets .. to get my full armor look!!!! add: i think in the past... as you said.. they had this in mind maybe!! but in the past .... the color scheme of armors of each char stayed some what the same... now day the color schemes have been lost somewhat... they dont mess or blend so much from one lvl to the next.. there has been new color and looks made.. that break alot from the old . take 106 robes and armors.. basic ... 115 is white the new 116 is basic balck ... alot of stuff close to the armors you want the look of.. one set of bras lower or higher.. the color schemes dont blend anymore... i like the idea... of the being able to mod stuff ... but i think the old color schemes where the armors and robes followed a pattern. is more what this was meant for not the new private server color look changes. thats my reason i dont want this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vormav 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 Wiz i like the idea... of the being able to mod stuff ... but i think the old color schemes where the armors and robes followed a pattern. is more what this was meant for not the new private server color look changes. Nobody is saying about changing red archer color scheme to blue or atas green to violet. Just some delicate touches + meshes modifications. BTW. Option to turn it off inwtis not UP to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wiz 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 the changes in color schemes has already been done by server... the color schemes have already been broke... yes your examples of the ata n as n ks look ok.. no prob... its all still in the old line of color scheme the blend connect... go in to rpt .. take a char and look at our changes ion color schemes like i said look at em 106 114 116 ... in any char... there not gonna blend like your examples do... the color scheme of old pt has long been past.. to new colors .. a char say 120 with 114 116 and 120... is gonna be a mismatch of color uses. .. not like in the past! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Electron 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 We can always decide to make the armors with custom colors (100, 106, 114, 116) to be exclusive armors that are not split up in parts. The custom armor 124 has not changed in color enough to say it's really a different color than the standard color of that class Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wiz 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 that great that i would agree to... Wartale ... that was my worries... if they will blend and go back to the old scheme here out.. it would work. thats for understanding what i meant... with the custom color armors and robes out of the picture... ill say YES to the change!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aroma_AGAIN 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 you guys dont even know how its going to be the game and still saying is ugly lol Just wait to see how its gonna be on game , if gonna be too much weird on game , sandurr will just take off the costumization U guys want a different PRISTONTALE but dont want changes huh? So go play a new MMORPG with new features and stuff u want so much Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rehv 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 you guys dont even know how its going to be the game and still saying is ugly lol Just wait to see how its gonna be on game , if gonna be too much weird on game , sandurr will just take off the costumization U guys want a different PRISTONTALE but dont want changes huh? So go play a new MMORPG with new features and stuff u want so much imagine someone using inferno + FA + highlander gaunt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aroma_AGAIN 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 you guys dont even know how its going to be the game and still saying is ugly lol Just wait to see how its gonna be on game , if gonna be too much weird on game , sandurr will just take off the costumization U guys want a different PRISTONTALE but dont want changes huh? So go play a new MMORPG with new features and stuff u want so much imagine someone using inferno + FA + highlander gaunt. Sorry i cant imagine it cuz dont have costumization yet When have it i will say my opinion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
randyhuynh 0 Report post Posted October 20, 2011 you guys dont even know how its going to be the game and still saying is ugly lol Just wait to see how its gonna be on game , if gonna be too much weird on game , sandurr will just take off the costumization U guys want a different PRISTONTALE but dont want changes huh? So go play a new MMORPG with new features and stuff u want so much imagine someone using inferno + FA + highlander gaunt. Sorry i cant imagine it cuz dont have costumization yet When have it i will say my opinion +13124814718491741 funny shit 100% everyone should just wait and see first, dont judge just because there's a video, it's just a little preview and the ratio to yes and no is already off the chart... guess we have a winner Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[D]ohkito 2 Report post Posted October 21, 2011 About the customizatin_off: Can u tell me +/- how it will be ? or share ur thoughts/plains for this ? 'cause I guess that will be more nice if the player who disable, didn't see his/her customization mode, but who able continue seeing. If not what is the point of customization gears if the people only hide themselves? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wiz 0 Report post Posted October 21, 2011 turn off and on means what it means... you turn it on ya see the effects of it. ya turn it off.. ya see the old default schemes. but with em going to exclude the the modified color schemes of rpt... i like the idea ok... We can always decide to make the armors with custom colors (100, 106, 114, 116) to be exclusive armors that are not split up in parts. The custom armor 124 has not changed in color enough to say it's really a different color than the standard color of that class Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[D]ohkito 2 Report post Posted October 21, 2011 ohkito" post="358452" timestamp="1319155755"] If not what is the point of customization gears if the people only hide themselves? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrCrowley 0 Report post Posted October 21, 2011 @ Vormav I will explain ... first ... I wonder what the difference between the "glove" for the lvl 110 "Glove" ... of the lvl 120 another thing ... shoulders are things that comes with the armor, so I guess it should not be changed ... This mod will make the Priston more real, so ... I'd better leave the Bracelet without modification ... make more real the PT ... because in some characters only change the "Shoulder" in other changes the entire chest should the arguments, I think the mod could be cool but ... without the "change in the bracelet" and, as I said I would like to see what would be the modification of the glove 110 to 120 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites