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is the auto banned program ok?

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hi everyone, like I can see in the "request unbanned" topic, many accounts were banned but not the owners false. Why that happen?


My friend have 2 accounts and banned both of them, I so worry for this. maybe someday my account banned like him.


It take a long time for GM to check banned accounts. I think RPT should take time to check the auto banned program.


This just what I think for the development of RPT, thanks

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I think the system works fine. If there is a mistake by the server you can just simply post in the request unbann thread. And a GM will look over for what reason your character was banned, in a timely manner. The only time where there is a mistake is if you have bad lag or runing other programs in the background. I run into times where I have lots of lag due to banwith problems but I have yet to have a server ban. Overall I think it works just fine, it may have its little bugs but they can be simply fix by a request for an unban.


I think a few of the things the system looks for is lag, speed control, and such.

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