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Any ideas about this one?

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It depends a lot on the setting and company, but genereally speaking? If she's looking at you, facing towards you (goes for both body and head), leaning in and similar, it's a good sign. If she have those little nervous gestures like toying with her hair or hands, that could also be a good sign, alternatively you're creepy enough to make her nervous, which is a not-so-good sign. If she's looking guarded (leaning back, crossing arms etc.), things are not going well. If she laughs, smiles and touches you a lot more than is strictly necessary, you're probably doing quite well. Everyone have different tells, but if it seems like she's trying to get your attention, she probably is. Likewise, if she looks like she'd rather be somewhere else, well...


Of course, if we're talking about meeting a stranger and trying to decide whether she'd agree to go out with you or not, the best way to find out for sure is to ask her. You can try reading body language 'til the cows come home, but that's not going to get you anywhere in the end. Unless you got a certifiably funny pick-up line stored up, do yourself a favor and just go with a "hi, my name is...". Make a little small talk and check for the obvious signs of interest/disinterest (and do try to look relaxed and interested in her, this is where a bit of self-confidence comes in), and then either say good bye and make an exit with your dignity intact or ask if she'd like a drink/coffee/lunch or whatever is appropriate.

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I'm very romantic guy, for this reason I'd leave she for have a romantic dinner and would tell to she mt feelings. :)


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lol it reminds me of a song...



"she loves you, yeeeeah  yeah yeah, she loves you, yeeeeah  yeah yeah, she loves you, yeeeeah  yeah yeah yeeeeeeeeeeeeah"


She says she loves you, And you know that can't be bad,

She says she loves you, And you know you should be glaaaaaaaaaaaad!!




BTW, a girl likes you when she doesn't care about your defects or if something desn't goes exactly like she was thinking and stuff, and she will be always available for ya, I mean, there won't be "excuses" for anything, she will just be available whenever you want. Also, she will sometimes follow your thoughts and when she disagrees, she will express this in the smoothest possible way. Stuff like that.

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You know she likes you when you tell her "Bitch go make me a sandwich" and she actually goes and makes you a sandwich.

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You know she likes you when you tell her "Bitch go make me a sandwich" and she actually goes and makes you a sandwich.



Thats nice and simple!

And at the end you'll end up with a sandwich....

Ill definitely pull off this one!

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::) ::) ::)

You know she likes you when you tell her "Bitch go make me a sandwich" and she actually goes and makes you a sandwich.



Thats nice and simple!

And at the end you'll end up with a sandwich....

Ill definitely pull off this one!

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You know she likes you when you tell her "Bitch go make me a sandwich" and she actually goes and makes you a sandwich.


yes, you really know how to treat a woman... hehehe



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Statistics have proven that a girl usually likes you after she consumed 8 wines ;D especially if you bought 50% or more from those 8

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Unless you and I have vastly different ideas of how much alcohol "8 wines" is, I would be pretty hammered and well beyond the point of having any sort of feelings for anything by then.

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Unless you and I have vastly different ideas of how much alcohol "8 wines" is, I would be pretty hammered and well beyond the point of having any sort of feelings for anything by then.


Depending on the cost of the wine, you could be a pretty cheap date. 8 glasses of wine, your hammered, a few suggestions into your ear and BAM! One night stand! The good ole P N D!

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@Crius, Given the fact that you are so good with statistics there's an 60% chance you are of Asian descent...


Asians can't handle their alcohol... Dutchies can and 8 glasses is quite normal for the regular Dutch girl...  That's at the point when they're inbetween tipsy and drunk and gives the best chance of succés for a proper night (i.e not 1 night stands)

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I'm not Asian, and 78% of all statistics without a source is made up on the spot. I'm pretty much as white as you can get. To me, 8 glasses of wine is 1.5-2 bottles. At 13%, that's more alcohol than half a bottle of tequila, and more than enough for "tipsy". After one bottle, I'm pretty much done. After two, I wonder whether a hospital visit would be appropriate.


By the way, in case anyone here is actually doing this on a regular basis; getting a girl so drunk that she doesn't know what she's doing and then taking advantage of her puts you one very small step above a rapist. The same would go for the other way around, but I doubt there's any guy out there that is even capable of performing while being that wasted.

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8 glasses is not even a normal bottle of wine ? or they pour longdrink glasses of wine ?


P.S i wasn't being serious with the whole % thing, just trying to be a lil sarcastic with the numbers and asians thing

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A bottle of wine is usually 750ml as far as I know. I don't know what kind of glasses you use for wine, but that's good for 4-5 of my wine glasses, and about what I'd get at a restaurant (a little bit less). 3 of those glasses is plenty but manageable for me, and I avoid going above 2 unless I'm aiming to get drunk (which is rare). To get more than 8 glasses of wine out of a single bottle, I don't know what you're doing. Wine shots?

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No, about getting girls to like you by getting them so wasted that they like just about anything. Say what you will about the moral fiber of people who rely on it, it's still depressingly common.

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How would a guy impress you then Crius ?  ::)


Charm, humor, intelligence, looks? I'm sure the ability to drug other people just enough to manipulate them for your own satisfaction is a very useful skill, but not one I'm primarily looking for in a partner.

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Maybe so, but in this case it probably has more to do with your definition of "choosy". For example if someone objects to being hit in the head with a club and dragged back to the cave.

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