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Internet Puzzle Event!

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1 was given to us

2 was just the number 2

3 was "three"

4 was iv (the roman numeral)

5 was evif (five written backwards)

6 was ssiixx (each letter written twice)

7 was 7777777 (7 repeated 7 times)

8 was Neptune (the 8th planet from the sun)

9 was ninth

10 was oct (10th month)

11 was jack (11th card in a deck of cards)

12 was tWeLvE (every other letter capitalized)

13 was 169 (13 times 13)

14 was number14

15 was quince (15 in spanish)

16 was lincoln (16th president of the US)

17 was septendecim (17 in latin)

18 was 10010 (18 in binary)

19 was Potassium (element with atomic number 19)

20 was uxfouz (twenty replacing each letter with the letter that comes after it)

21 was icosihenagon (a 21 sided polygon)

22 was 17711(if you added each number to the number that comes before it, the 22nd number is 17711)

23 was OOooOOooo (honestly I just guessed)

24 was TheonewhererachelfindsOut (24th episode of Friends where the first and last word are capitalized)

25 was femogtyve (25 in Danish)

26 was Th_Plt_gnst_Jss (this was by far the hardest for me, it's the name of the beginning of Matthew:26 where the vowels are taken out and the spaces are replaced by _)

27 was MexicanStandoff (the 27th episode of season 2 of 90210)

28 was DevilishTree (the level 28 monster in rPT)

29 was oo0000000o (29 in morse code where o is the short note and 0 is the long note)

30 was Meditation Staff

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I was trying the binary code after I tried to Morse Code >:(

damn  X_X


Nice Event Wartale.  ;D

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1 was given to us

2 was just the number 2

3 was "three"

4 was iv (the roman numeral)

5 was evif (five written backwards)

6 was ssiixx (each letter written twice)

7 was 7777777 (7 repeated 7 times)

8 was Neptune (the 8th planet from the sun)

9 was ninth

10 was oct (10th month)

11 was jack (11th card in a deck of cards)

12 was tWeLvE (every other letter capitalized)

13 was 169 (13 times 13)

14 was number14

15 was quince (15 in spanish)

16 was lincoln (16th president of the US)

17 was septendecim (17 in latin)

18 was 10010 (18 in binary)

19 was Potassium (element with atomic number 19)

20 was uxfouz (twenty replacing each letter with the letter that comes after it)

21 was icosihenagon (a 21 sided polygon)

22 was 17711(if you added each number to the number that comes before it, the 22nd number is 17711)

23 was OOooOOooo (honestly I just guessed)

24 was TheonewhererachelfindsOut (24th episode of Friends where the first and last word are capitalized)

25 was femogtyve (25 in Danish)

26 was Th_Plt_gnst_Jss (this was by far the hardest for me, it's the name of the beginning of Matthew:26 where the vowels are taken out and the spaces are replaced by _)

27 was MexicanStandoff (the 27th episode of season 2 of 90210)

28 was DevilishTree (the level 28 monster in rPT)

29 was oo0000000o (29 in morse code where o is the short note and 0 is the long note)

30 was Meditation Staff


26 was realy the hardest '-'

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Wtf :S


T.T i lost

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nice event!


but would be better all questions are related to all subjects in class! except for the #27 which is a movie i guess? correct me if im wrong.. 27th episode of season 2 of 90210..

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I've just seen this event - how unlucky I am  :'(

Nice event Wartale

@Compher, You've just started playing here (5 days maybe less) and already have an excellent item. I envy you.

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Event Closed  :)


Congratulations to the lucky winner or not that lucky again :P


You can talk in the other which is placed in GoF.

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