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Ed Woodward

S>T> Pris 153 ,Mgs 154 , As141 min8 her7 and items

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Ed Woodward

_Pris 153 40% 12kc

Set boss 3 bsol( amulet 138 bsm 94hp, 2 tring 4.0 abs, 300 def ) 5kc

Xmas wand +10 abs 1kc

Robe 140+24 DNT Prs 5kc

Orb 140+24 DNT Prs 5kc

Set 140 Prs Bsol 1.8kc

All PRS=  29kc 


_MG 154 35% Min6 her6 fish3 14kc

Staff 142+24 DNT sock spirit spec MG 11.5kc

Brac 106 bsol mg 200c

Hell gaunt mg bsm 200c

Boot 136 mg bsol 200c

All MG = 25kc

_As 141 50% mine8 her7 nake 4kc

Pick 7 As -0-0 1.2kc

Trowel 7 As 1.2kc

Hell set As bsol nice stats ( boot 17 speed 1k stm) 1.8kc

Soccer amor As 10 speed 600c

Summer As BSM

All As 7.5kc



Robe 144+24 Ss -2 def - 0.2 abs 7.8kc

Orb 144+24 Prs -22 def -0.1 abs block 17.3%  7.3kc

PM here or Ed.Woodward ingame !!!

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Olá, tenho interesse no orb pris 140 +24 dnt

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