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Hard to lv (again)

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this is more a question than a actual topic, i've restarted in-game almost 1 month ago and have been experiencing some issues to lv up since looks like 80% of the server is now 15x+ with no intentions of going back with new chars or new people starting in the game

the thing is that for me seems to be complicated to lv up when u 100% of the time depend on party, and there is no party quests going on anymore. people simply left all and every party quest in the whole game to dedicate their times tottaly to caves/dungeons, and for more that it seems reasonable to go for the highest exp income, it seems to not be the thing happening.

the first dungeon we got avaliable is mush cave at lv 113, and its very good exp for the lv we all agree on that, but at edge of 120 and 120+ the exp is terrible, and im not saying to buff the exp im saying that even with the terrible exp income from the ''main source'' as the caves are being right now, it is not even close to a CT3-Q at the lv 120, but people seem to have forgotten completely about those.

same thing goes for DIQ to 132+ chars, it is (probably since i didnt had the chance to make a party there cuz there was no one to join me) better exp than bee cave, and even if its not, most people at those levels dont have any gold source to keep buying more and more keys specially when u start to get a bit stronger but yet low lv


Mush Key (average price 7kk)

Bee Key (average price 23kk)

Eldrich Key (average price 20-25kk)

and ofc 

L-Key (price going from 65 to 80kk)


as the low lvl person who is starting or just dont have a 15x full char yet have as income around 22kk granted per day (counting all dailies 140-135-120-110) and it isnt even good to have 130~140 people wandering in maps 110 cuz they usually dont give party to lower chars.

the thing im trying to say it, we all saw the caves/dungeons coming as a great change and a very nice addition to the game mechanics since we as comunity would have more options and resources to lv up, farm gold/items, and mainly, have fun.

but it took away every single party quest which had no cost to be done (CT3 DIQ ET1 u just need a party and even get some drops) and made exclusive to grind exp with daily quests and the dungon of your lvl, only one run if you dont have gold to buy keys and a few and you go broke if you have, this of course considering you'll find party to do a bunch of runs one after the other.


the game adding dungeons and caves was very good as i already said, but its taking away the main source of exp everyone REALLY had with the party quests between the lvls 120 up to 146 when u finally start to be able to really do stuff completely solo (including exp), since there's no need to buy 20 Whatever-Keys to do 20 runs on a CT3 or DIQ, u just need to get a party and keep fighting.


im not here to criticize, yell, comlain or to cry about anything, i just want to make clear for all players new and old, and for staff itself that a big chunk of the game is completly gone, and that its not even viable to keep rushing caves and caves when a simple ct3 would do the job (as for 120 to 128 if you go just mush cave you'll take forever)

i hope more people get knowledge of the old party quests and maybe even staff gives it a small buff to make people to go back doing it, as a former 157 full and a now 132 stucked i can tell that most people feel really frustrated getting stucked in a lvl just because they literally cant afford to pay to go ahead on something that should be tottaly about effor and not p2w


as we are already here please share anything you find useful about leveling on lower levels, any level and any tactics will certainly help me and for sure a whole bunch of peoples, thanks for reading and gl all

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I think the problem is lack of people . 

Server lost many players due to bad managment . 


Now server is only owned by service / share pw and mules ( 1 person play 6 chars lol ) 


That why you cant party cus there is no people to do it with . 


Even ric full of shops right ?  Well gess again .. 100 shops is maybe 20 people lol


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Dear friends, there is no point in asking for changes here on the forum. Most messages are completely ignored by staff.

The game currently has 3 updates a year, and when there are any changes, it displeases the majority of the community. These are poorly done "balances", changes poorly planned by someone who doesn't play the game they manage.

It's unfortunate, because the game has incredible potential but has been losing most of its players for some time.

This topic has already been raised by many people here on the forum, but nothing has ever been done about it.

We don't even know what the planning of events, changes or balances is. These are changes that simply arrive at the date, carry out maintenance and add the content whether you like it or not.

And nothing will change as long as the players themselves support this management.

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6 hours ago, RaiseAgain said:

ric full of shops right ?  Well gess again .. 100 shops is maybe 20 people lol

couldnt have said better x..x

thats so true, most people put items super overpriced and link it to up cuz f*ck it right? why not try to sell a 120 item for 300kk? they dont need to bother about normal/decent in-game prices because u can just link your store and go offline forever, how many times have we all seen trash stuff selling for absurd prices?

2 hours ago, Levievan said:

Dear friends, there is no point in asking for changes here on the forum. Most messages are completely ignored by staff.

The game currently has 3 updates a year, and when there are any changes, it displeases the majority of the community. These are poorly done "balances", changes poorly planned by someone who doesn't play the game they manage.

It's unfortunate, because the game has incredible potential but has been losing most of its players for some time.

This topic has already been raised by many people here on the forum, but nothing has ever been done about it.

We don't even know what the planning of events, changes or balances is. These are changes that simply arrive at the date, carry out maintenance and add the content whether you like it or not.

And nothing will change as long as the players themselves support this management.

yeah i feel you bro, but maybe if we keep asking and making noise sometime they'll hear us, at least we can try ><

the worst that can happen anyway is nothing change 

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so no point in starting in this server as a new player? askung for real heh.cuz i wanna start... game looks really good and full of potential, also looked crowded but thats all false and mules? i dont understand

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i disagree that the game has potential, its a 90's game, its not like wuthering waves that just released...

ppl playing, play cause of nostalgia.

the problem is that new players want the same as players with 5k+ hours in it, fast with no effort 


sometimes i guess ppl want staff to code the game from scratch to make something better

what do you expect they do if not little modifications in game system?


just don't understand why they didnt changed that fkng daily quest from AW yet, but again and again, will be ignored 

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I understand what you say and your "pain", but I don't agree with it. I don't think it's difficult to get exp in this game. You have to remember that this is an RPG game and leveling up requires a certain amount of dedication and time. It's part of the game's proposal and culture. In 2004, when I started at PT, it took me 6 months to level up to 6x and we had no mana. It was killing animals in a standard attack and when we did, we released some skills and hoped to regenerate them for the next round. I don't think it should be like that nowadays! Having a good experience, comfort and pleasure with your character is important! It doesn't need to be the basis of suffering and in Wartale it isn't! Even 14x accounts are extremely affordable in terms of price if a new player wants to buy them directly! The game has evolved and very few people in such an old game start from scratch now! It's difficult, even for admins, to maintain something at the lower levels if you can buy some crystals, go to the mystery forests and get 10x in minutes! The UP dungeons (FT and AD) are excellent for soloing your level and it doesn't take long to level up by leveling up a little there! I understand what you say, but I don't agree with "difficult to level". For an RPG game, this game is extremely friendly in terms of LV up and this server does not pressure players in terms of level! It's full of 17x and 16x, but the last map in the game only requires lv 148 and that's very little.

Edited by Equester
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I'm still at lvl 132😢 


Everyday duty on lvl 120 daily quest 😪

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15 hours ago, Equester said:



I understand what you say and your "pain", but I don't agree with it. I don't think it's difficult to get exp in this game. You have to remember that this is an RPG game and leveling up requires a certain amount of dedication and time. It's part of the game's proposal and culture. In 2004, when I started at PT, it took me 6 months to level up to 6x and we had no mana. It was killing animals in a standard attack and when we did, we released some skills and hoped to regenerate them for the next round. I don't think it should be like that nowadays! Having a good experience, comfort and pleasure with your character is important! It doesn't need to be the basis of suffering and in Wartale it isn't! Even 14x accounts are extremely affordable in terms of price if a new player wants to buy them directly! The game has evolved and very few people in such an old game start from scratch now! It's difficult, even for admins, to maintain something at the lower levels if you can buy some crystals, go to the mystery forests and get 10x in minutes! The UP dungeons (FT and AD) are excellent for soloing your level and it doesn't take long to level up by leveling up a little there! I understand what you say, but I don't agree with "difficult to level". For an RPG game, this game is extremely friendly in terms of LV up and this server does not pressure players in terms of level! It's full of 17x and 16x, but the last map in the game only requires lv 148 and that's very little.

i tottaly understand what u mean and i agree with u, we shouldnt be able to start a new char at morning and be at 130 by the end of the day, the thing im saying is exactly that the propose of the game as u said isnt taking place, even if you have free time to be around for a good amount of time, even if you have a almost full party granted all by yourself like having a bunch of chars of yourself to help carry a single one, even yet, you'll still get stucked because of a bunch of reasons being it lack of people, gold, or simply there's no one around to even go a duo spawn/cave with you.

again i dont mean we should be able to go from 0 to 140 in a week, even more because that was never the idea of this game and there are plenty of servers with starting level 140+, but if you have time/resource/gear to do it all as a veteran player going from 0 as i did, you still getting stucked, even having free time+resource+good gear, and thats whats frustrating.

i know you mentioned the exp maps and you're not wrong, if ur desperate to gain exp and have absolutely no one else to go cave or ptQ u can yes go to exp maps, but tho even with lower lvl chars gaining more exp from those maps, it still a very very poor source of exp, being impracticable to stay there for more than the daily quests require, trust me i've done the math bro and i really wish it was worth to stay there since there is no one else avaliable around in the server.

16 hours ago, Elicelico said:

so no point in starting in this server as a new player? askung for real heh.cuz i wanna start... game looks really good and full of potential, also looked crowded but thats all false and mules? i dont understand

i'll be honest with u bro,  i personally like the game very much, but as someone said up there i've been playing it for a long time now, since i was a kid, it will be pretty hard to get started and get a decent char/gear at first, but i tell you that if u really enjoyed the game you shouldnt stop just because its going to be difficult, this game is a good game if you like this style and its very good to spend some time in. when u reach around my lvl atm (133) you'll find out why im posting this but around the next lvl (which is tottaly reachable within a few days without any extra help) you'll get some pretty good gear and will start to get pretty good at it :)

tho i must add that at lv 120 and 128 u get very good/pretty gears for a very low price and it will probably make u excited again about the game if you're feeling low about it, as i said it is a very good game to play, it just require alot of energy and doesnt have a huge branch of a comunity when we talk about lower lvl (120 up to 146+-)

6 hours ago, Kinas said:

I'm still at lvl 132😢 


Everyday duty on lvl 120 daily quest 😪

i feel you bro :(

i'll keep trying to find some alternative ways to lv without the party quests, as was said above there are the exp maps which are really bad for exp but its something >< and there are the caves so we can always save as much gold as we can and buy keys x.x

i know its a bad way to play to just rush cent after cent to get exp pot+keys everytime and nothing else but we have to manage until something change


btw i'll just leave something here

why is iron core map 132 and the quest there is 135? its the same thing as the old battletown core, selling gear 85~100 and u had to bee 105 to enter xDDD

will it ever be fixed as the bt core was or it'll be 135 forever? @Overlady @Senpai

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I totally disagree, because if the game and the players evolve, leveling up should be “facilitated” yes, but many players have a mentality of wanting to be untouchable, the best of the best and think that facilitating the game for a person who starts from 0 is absurd, then complains that there is no PVP, because most accounts are XP services or pilots.

Edited by Support
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15 minutes ago, piabeta said:

I totally disagree, because if the game and the players evolve, leveling up should be “facilitated” yes, but many players have a mentality of wanting to be untouchable, the best of the best and think that facilitating the game for a person who starts from 0 is absurd, then complains that there is no PVP, because most accounts are XP services or pilots.

thats pretty true tho, most people who are extremly averse to buffing lvling for lower levels are usually full pvp players, what is the ''main target'' of the game but once you have a full 16x you dont really have much to do in-game but pvp, and those people dont like starting over and beggining from 0

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On 6/7/2024 at 2:10 AM, danteinfernus said:

this is more a question than a actual topic, i've restarted in-game almost 1 month ago and have been experiencing some issues to lv up since looks like 80% of the server is now 15x+ with no intentions of going back with new chars or new people starting in the game

the thing is that for me seems to be complicated to lv up when u 100% of the time depend on party, and there is no party quests going on anymore. people simply left all and every party quest in the whole game to dedicate their times tottaly to caves/dungeons, and for more that it seems reasonable to go for the highest exp income, it seems to not be the thing happening.

the first dungeon we got avaliable is mush cave at lv 113, and its very good exp for the lv we all agree on that, but at edge of 120 and 120+ the exp is terrible, and im not saying to buff the exp im saying that even with the terrible exp income from the ''main source'' as the caves are being right now, it is not even close to a CT3-Q at the lv 120, but people seem to have forgotten completely about those.

same thing goes for DIQ to 132+ chars, it is (probably since i didnt had the chance to make a party there cuz there was no one to join me) better exp than bee cave, and even if its not, most people at those levels dont have any gold source to keep buying more and more keys specially when u start to get a bit stronger but yet low lv


Mush Key (average price 7kk)

Bee Key (average price 23kk)

Eldrich Key (average price 20-25kk)

and ofc 

L-Key (price going from 65 to 80kk)


as the low lvl person who is starting or just dont have a 15x full char yet have as income around 22kk granted per day (counting all dailies 140-135-120-110) and it isnt even good to have 130~140 people wandering in maps 110 cuz they usually dont give party to lower chars.

the thing im trying to say it, we all saw the caves/dungeons coming as a great change and a very nice addition to the game mechanics since we as comunity would have more options and resources to lv up, farm gold/items, and mainly, have fun.

but it took away every single party quest which had no cost to be done (CT3 DIQ ET1 u just need a party and even get some drops) and made exclusive to grind exp with daily quests and the dungon of your lvl, only one run if you dont have gold to buy keys and a few and you go broke if you have, this of course considering you'll find party to do a bunch of runs one after the other.


the game adding dungeons and caves was very good as i already said, but its taking away the main source of exp everyone REALLY had with the party quests between the lvls 120 up to 146 when u finally start to be able to really do stuff completely solo (including exp), since there's no need to buy 20 Whatever-Keys to do 20 runs on a CT3 or DIQ, u just need to get a party and keep fighting.


im not here to criticize, yell, comlain or to cry about anything, i just want to make clear for all players new and old, and for staff itself that a big chunk of the game is completly gone, and that its not even viable to keep rushing caves and caves when a simple ct3 would do the job (as for 120 to 128 if you go just mush cave you'll take forever)

i hope more people get knowledge of the old party quests and maybe even staff gives it a small buff to make people to go back doing it, as a former 157 full and a now 132 stucked i can tell that most people feel really frustrated getting stucked in a lvl just because they literally cant afford to pay to go ahead on something that should be tottaly about effor and not p2w


as we are already here please share anything you find useful about leveling on lower levels, any level and any tactics will certainly help me and for sure a whole bunch of peoples, thanks for reading and gl all

Ill be blunt here.

The problem is the policy of tanker+ a character you like method to exp. I believe any character should be able to at least 1v1. Even rangers, yet those gotta pay the points in vit with lower DPS price. Yet this is a problem for another topic, you defiantly can suggest giving low lvl maps a daily Q at hunt maps, which will make it worthwhile as the DQ in exp maps. In addition, edit every map till SL ( damage wise ), so anyone can solo.


Back to our current case:

Generally speaking if u want to solo without a tank : Pick your favorite character out of KS, SS, MGS, PRS.

  Can think about MS/BS/FS/PS if you like them much more, yet they aren't as good in solo leveling as the other 4. A note that BS might rock SOD, but she isn't as good at leveling as the other 4.





Else: You gotta create a character you like+ PRS and ideally, add KS/MS to that mix to tank for you.

You leech your main, kill with PRS, and let the tanker tank for you if needed.

MS is the ideal tanker, especially outside of dungeons. Has comp to pull aggro towards him outside of dungeons, and is the best tanker.

KS tanks worse,  doesn't has comp ( pulls aggro towards the mech skill), yet you might find solo leveling fun with it/ can use it as your killer+tanker in dungeons .


You gotta pick 1 method. Else - it's gonna be very hard to play in this game. It's always fun to find a party, yet you should also be able to solo and enjoy yourself.





Edited by TigerShark22
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22 hours ago, TigerShark22 said:

Ill be blunt here.

The problem is the policy of tanker+ a character you like method to exp. I believe any character should be able to at least 1v1. Even rangers, yet those gotta pay the points in vit with lower DPS price. Yet this is a problem for another topic, you defiantly can suggest giving low lvl maps a daily Q at hunt maps, which will make it worthwhile as the DQ in exp maps. In addition, edit every map till SL ( damage wise ), so anyone can solo.


Back to our current case:

Generally speaking if u want to solo without a tank : Pick your favorite character out of KS, SS, MGS, PRS.

  Can think about MS/BS/FS/PS if you like them much more, yet they aren't as good in solo leveling as the other 4. A note that BS might rock SOD, but she isn't as good at leveling as the other 4.





Else: You gotta create a character you like+ PRS and ideally, add KS/MS to that mix to tank for you.

You leech your main, kill with PRS, and let the tanker tank for you if needed.

MS is the ideal tanker, especially outside of dungeons. Has comp to pull aggro towards him outside of dungeons, and is the best tanker.

KS tanks worse,  doesn't has comp ( pulls aggro towards the mech skill), yet you might find solo leveling fun with it/ can use it as your killer+tanker in dungeons .


You gotta pick 1 method. Else - it's gonna be very hard to play in this game. It's always fun to find a party, yet you should also be able to solo and enjoy yourself.





I'll tell you that your reasoning isn't wrong, but it's not possible at all to go full solo even if you're with 2 chars of yourself. You see, I restarted less than a month ago, I have a very advanced notion of everything in-game, whatever it be DMG input, output, spawn skills and pretty much everything we as old players know very well, I'm currently at level 133 and 130 with Ks+Prs respectively, and I still can't solo the only maps that give real amount of exp (those being practically only DIQ {impossible to do alone of course} and Bee Cave). That said I feel I need to highlight that my 2 chars (Ks/Prs) are FAR above average for that level on the matter of gears and etc, ks using armor dnt +24 sb3 dnt bsol and all gear sapphire/sol mix, same for Prs pretty much, and I'm still not able to do those things solo, specially because they SHOULDN'T be done by ourselves because thats seems to be the main idea for me (have party> make quest/DG> repeat) but as we all know there is a lack of people on those levels and of course, having a map with no big deal of a drop that cost on average 20/25kk to get inside PER TIME, isnt a big encouragement.

I think maybe if they at least buffed the amount of keys you get when crafting them (all keys but luminous cuz it would obviously break the game) and make the materials for those lower keys to be easier to drop/gather, it would already help a bit. Plus they could also or nerf a tinny little bit mobs DMG on the lowers dg's to make it more accessible for people who in most cases won't find party so often, or buff the party quests to make people go back to it, since it was, as I stated, the main source of exp we all have had, and since most of us had reached 15-16x it probably had worked very well.

I would like to highlight again that I'm not crying, complaining about anything, it's just a few matters that, I particularly at least, could be easily resolved with a tinny effort and good will

Ty for reading and gl

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On 6/10/2024 at 12:39 AM, danteinfernus said:

I'll tell you that your reasoning isn't wrong, but it's not possible at all to go full solo even if you're with 2 chars of yourself. You see, I restarted less than a month ago, I have a very advanced notion of everything in-game, whatever it be DMG input, output, spawn skills and pretty much everything we as old players know very well, I'm currently at level 133 and 130 with Ks+Prs respectively, and I still can't solo the only maps that give real amount of exp (those being practically only DIQ {impossible to do alone of course} and Bee Cave). That said I feel I need to highlight that my 2 chars (Ks/Prs) are FAR above average for that level on the matter of gears and etc, ks using armor dnt +24 sb3 dnt bsol and all gear sapphire/sol mix, same for Prs pretty much, and I'm still not able to do those things solo, specially because they SHOULDN'T be done by ourselves because thats seems to be the main idea for me (have party> make quest/DG> repeat) but as we all know there is a lack of people on those levels and of course, having a map with no big deal of a drop that cost on average 20/25kk to get inside PER TIME, isnt a big encouragement.

I think maybe if they at least buffed the amount of keys you get when crafting them (all keys but luminous cuz it would obviously break the game) and make the materials for those lower keys to be easier to drop/gather, it would already help a bit. Plus they could also or nerf a tinny little bit mobs DMG on the lowers dg's to make it more accessible for people who in most cases won't find party so often, or buff the party quests to make people go back to it, since it was, as I stated, the main source of exp we all have had, and since most of us had reached 15-16x it probably had worked very well.

I would like to highlight again that I'm not crying, complaining about anything, it's just a few matters that, I particularly at least, could be easily resolved with a tinny effort and good will

Ty for reading and gl

You aren't meant to solo DIQ ( I can tell you as a guy who lvled a ks myself, at DIQ my ks could tank with VL. Yet cant solo because u need a lurer, and killers to make it good).

Yet you might be surprised, but at that lvl its an achievement to be able to solo IC. You are also able to solo B cave if u have good gears/ almost able to ( About B cave, I believe its about game-play there, with the gears you mention. It's ok that you aren't used to tough environments yet/ you are almost able to deal with bee cave. With VL 100% you can ).


I can tell you that as a 16x, and as a guy who tried many classes( And currently a KS).

KS, MGS, SS, PRS can solo nearly everywhere as a high lvl, yet can solo content that matters.

 Especially KS and MGS. SS and PRS are a bit tricky, but can do it well with those too if you know how to use them.


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3 hours ago, TigerShark22 said:

You aren't meant to solo DIQ ( I can tell you as a guy who lvled a ks myself, at DIQ my ks could tank with VL. Yet cant solo because u need a lurer, and killers to make it good).

Yet you might be surprised, but at that lvl its an achievement to be able to solo IC. You are also able to solo B cave if u have good gears/ almost able to ( About B cave, I believe its about game-play there, with the gears you mention. It's ok that you aren't used to tough environments yet/ you are almost able to deal with bee cave. With VL 100% you can ).


I can tell you that as a 16x, and as a guy who tried many classes( And currently a KS).

KS, MGS, SS, PRS can solo nearly everywhere as a high lvl, yet can solo content that matters.

 Especially KS and MGS. SS and PRS are a bit tricky, but can do it well with those too if you know how to use them.


That's one of the reasons I found so weird I was crying there so much, I actually play pretty well and that got me kinda confuse too, after some checking I found some issues on my build and fixed it already, I forgot to do the bitter ordeal quest so that's on me on why I wasn't being able to tank bee

I think any combo with whatever+Prs is pretty strong already but since I've been away from the game for some long I would like to know what y'all think are the strongest aoe DMG and 1v1 DMG tho, since I'm still pretty low level (134 atm) I can catch up with a new char so, to join my ks+prs what would be a good deal? Specially for 1v1 DMG (aiming for maps 140+ like sl and ss)

And to finish I add up again on the completely dead party quests DIQ CT3 and all rip :(


bee cave exp is actually very good tho, I don't know the exact numbers and as I say earlier I still couldn't make a pt for DIQ since I've came back, so I can't compare directly the exp income of them, but SEEMS to be a very good exp amount even having to pay 22kk per run, I still think maybe making the craft materials for those keys cheaper and easier to find/drop/gather would be a good decision


Edited by danteinfernus

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52 minutes ago, danteinfernus said:

That's one of the reasons I found so weird I was crying there so much, I actually play pretty well and that got me kinda confuse too, after some checking I found some issues on my build and fixed it already, I forgot to do the bitter ordeal quest so that's on me on why I wasn't being able to tank bee

I think any combo with whatever+Prs is pretty strong already but since I've been away from the game for some long I would like to know what y'all think are the strongest aoe DMG and 1v1 DMG tho, since I'm still pretty low level (134 atm) I can catch up with a new char so, to join my ks+prs what would be a good deal? Specially for 1v1 DMG (aiming for maps 140+ like sl and ss)

And to finish I add up again on the completely dead party quests DIQ CT3 and all rip 😞


bee cave exp is actually very good tho, I don't know the exact numbers and as I say earlier I still couldn't make a pt for DIQ since I've came back, so I can't compare directly the exp income of them, but SEEMS to be a very good exp amount even having to pay 22kk per run, I still think maybe making the craft materials for those keys cheaper and easier to find/drop/gather would be a good decision


You don’t need CT3 at that lvl.

Also that Q is terrible if ur tank is inside the party. The curse is too strong ( unless they fixed it).

Your best solution is to solo IC and B cave , and Mushroom cave.  Soon you will have sunken + IC daily will open up for ya. You will be amazed how much easier it will get ( also SL will open up). 


about 1v1 damage-  At higher lvl it doesn’t matter too much.  in general anyone with tank can get accepted as long as u have a tank, which u do ( ur chars can tank for each other). 


About AOE damage- mage defiantly.
Especially with ks+ prs. Watornado + LS is a deadly combo. He also has a damage buff for your party.

Yet I personally think that plan is not good. You will soon have IC daily+ reach Sunken, and then SL. Those daily’s will give you plenty to do+ u will be able to lvl up a lot faster if u just continue with ks and prs. A 3rd char will really slow you down there. Unless you are planning to solo LC with 3 chars. Yet be aware of the cost of the keys ( while getting a full party is a lot better and cheaper). 


a note that at  B cave u get 1 free key per day. Use it. So at Sunken soon. Also u will have IC and SL to lvl you up quickly.




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buy exp pot and beer and your exp rate increases do the dungeons the quest and youll hit 144 no problem itll start slowing down yes but after 144 its basically 1v1 and with pt makes it so much easier just need time and dedication to do so

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I think the game is made this way to maximize profit (I'm not criticizing or anything), like, creating the need to donate to evolve faster and get better items faster. If you don't want to, you have the option of continuing without it, but it's much more difficult, and requires much more time, I'm in a similar situation, I like the game for nostalgia's sake, it was the game of my childhood and adolescence but it was different server there at the time and it started to get worse and became trash that I don't even waste my time downloading. Wartale in pve for me is very good, I started in 2016 with a mechanic that at the time was build spark, I stopped in the same year at lvl 131, dps came back basically 1 year and a half ago almost and I have it at lvl 136 (my tanker) , prs lvl 137, and a Ks and an SS 122... Because my PC isn't great, maybe I could handle 5 accounts with the graphics at the minimum. Pathetic, right? Yes, but it's the reality of those who level up without spending anything, without XP pot and solo with my characters in daily missions, dgs. My PRS now with the MS tanker in CT3 sometimes drops mushroom and bee keys and gathering enigmas, another way besides doing all the daily missions is to drop Jera, dagaz and make those maturity and skill stones 100%, another way would be mining but I never had the patience to level up, buy the equipment (it's not cheap) and try, I don't know if it's still highly valued. Yes, the cost-benefit of this is not worth it, have no doubt about that, there are days when I have the patience to do all of the things I mentioned (DGS, issue and drops) and try to sell in stores, and others don't and I don't log, there isn't Wherever I run, I don't spend $$ on the game, I will never be a competitive player or have the best items, and I accept that, I spent months doing this scheme, saving gold to buy my first  Boss set 1  prs+ mix. It makes a lot of difference, but with less 250 ABS my prs can't tank IC for UP, I can even have a little fun with the game, I miss PVP which was what I was most addicted to when I was a teenager in the original game, because my characters going to PvP with the Boss set and Sapphire mix is a joke, but anyway the game seems purposely designed to be that way.

Edited by pedropm97

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On 6/7/2024 at 5:34 PM, Elicelico said:

so no point in starting in this server as a new player? askung for real heh.cuz i wanna start... game looks really good and full of potential, also looked crowded but thats all false and mules? i dont understand

Create the following characters and level up and equip all of them at the same time:

  • MS - Your tanker
  • PRS - Your money maker and buffer (SoD the ONLY place that gives you money, rounds 1 to 6)
  • SS - Your attack speed buffer
  • BS - Your money maker (SoD rounds 4 to 8 )
  • ATA - Your boss hunter
  • Mage - Your main PVE killer

Now the secret part:

Find an outo pot and auto play, like ALL HIGH LEVEL. Don't worry, you will not be banned, just say that you have 6 computer and play 24/7 non stop, the staff will belive you. If they don't search for the last topic about botting, print the screen, show to them that you used the same excuse that the viet players gave.


Edited by FluppyGM
  • Haha 4
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