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New KS rules

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Background of my suggestion ( Can skip to the next emphasized text with ******* to the suggestion)


Today while exping, some annoying dude decided to KS me.

Since its a 5~10 mins quest ( my method ), I really didn't take a picture holding the spawn, and the KSer took advantage of it. ( I destroyed him in war, but it was annoying because I wanted to exp, and not PvP).


The KS rules must be reworked. It's not practical to take 1 SS, then another SS after 3 minutes, and then keep taking SSs for 10 minutes without overloading our memory, and creating so much trash files which makes this game become more like work, and not a game.


Most of us come for like 5~30 minutes quests and leave.

That rule is made to protect services who come for hours, when 15 minutes is relatively nothing for them.

Yet for most players, it's pretty much in the order of all the time of the quest most players planned to dictate ( Between 300% ~ 50% of the time a player planned to dictate for the quest).

It ruins the gaming experience of many ( Not the first time I was KSed, and many others), while Offenders keep getting away from punishment.



*******Here is my suggestion  @Senpai , @Overlady, @L :

1. Showing a KSer KS for 10 minutes straight is ridiculous ( no offense) . 3 minutes is more than enough. 180 seconds of being KSed is a very long time, which shows the KSer intentions.

Every guy who duels knows that even 1 minute is a long time 😉 .

While being KS,  Just gotta take 3 SSs during those 3 minutes ( ideally each per minute ) to show the KSer intentions, while telling him that he is KSing. (" Declaring: " KS " ).


2. Taking only 1 picture when holding a spot is enough. As long as the GM can see a clear spawn, regardless of who was there 1 minute ago, and 1 minute after, makes it belong to a new owner .

 Also prevents the abuse of taking spawns 24/7. The moment 1 guy leaves a spawn, regardless of reason, it belongs to a new comer.


***Now I do get it there are some services who might DC, and they might actually get hurt. Hence can implant it on every map which isn't EB. Can make a rule for EB specifically so services can be protected, while those who come for like 5~15 minutes Q on SL/SS/ ICQ can just report fine, without having to overload our device's memory. At EB can apply the taking 1st picture of clear spawn, and 1 picture of 3 minutes after it. If some1 DCed, 3 minutes is more than enough to get back on.



3. Fighting a guy in war mode, when being told KS is abusing war mode. The 3 minutes rule also applies if a fight breaks in, and the offender doesn't leave in 3 minutes.

Regardless of how it goes after the 3 minutes,  the offender deserves a punishment.


4. Adding a command for admin to check a character location in certain minute/ moment ( Depends on what price you need to pay to write that ).

For example:

A. Which map/ Location Fighter4Life has been at 21:31:52 ( Hour, min, sec. Even a command without seconds is still good enough though ).


If can't do an exact location  command, and only a map:

B. A command you send the wanted moment + character name + name of spawn ( For example: 21:31:52, Fighter4Life, Hall Of Judgement )  and it returns if the character has been there ( true/ false ).

With that command the admins can determine themselves where some1 has been exactly in the critical moments+ spots  they need ( For example 1 minute before the KS started at the wanted HS ).


With this, you can remove the obligation from the players to take a  SS before the KS has even started , and save the players so much memory+grief. Will make the admins to determine if a KS happened easily, so all they need is the proof of 3 SSs during the KS itself, and can even remove rule number 2.




Thx for reading.










Edited by TigerShark22

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