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Market System

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I'm sorry if this was already discussed here, I didn't find anything related.


I know that priston has it's own unique way. have you guys ever considered a market system such as wow?


I mean, I know this would only change in how people stay afk. Now a days, people crowd cities with offline shops and just forget about it. If it sells, it sells. If you make a system like wow, like an auction house NPC (please look how wow works, I can't explain here) people would just be AFK in the npc (just like they do). But at least, you can effectively SEARCH for the item you want by just typing it's name.


You may say, oh but priston and immersion. It's just like priston works.


I have a counter argument. So, why is all rank-up quests gone? I remember when there was a nice quest to get tier-5. Tier 4 fighing verkan master. So you see, if "maintain the priston essence" is the main factor here, this changes would never be made. My point is that those were friendly-changes, to make the game less harsh for new people. Just like League of Legends did for example, showing dragon timers, and all other information that was once only available if you have figured it out yourself.


After all, my point is: Can we do anything here to overall improve the market experience for the game itself? This could be another milestone in history. Just like you were in Tier-5, mounts and everything else.

Edited by lelejau
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I support this idea 200%.


Sandur, will you pay for people's arthritis surgeries after 2 hours clicking around on NPCsimply to not find what they are looking for? Truth be told, the Personal Shop system the way it is right now is ridiculous, unacceptable! 


What I'd add to the discussion is a possible implementation on the Loot Filter consumable, maybe changing its name to Item Filter. The implementation would be a new field where you look for a certain item and it pins both on top of the Personal Shop's head and on the map, so that the buyer can look around precisely for what he is interested in, without crowdind people around an NPC or directly devaluating the market, once in order to have the lower price one would have to check the prices from everyone selling what he is gonna sell, and sellers don't usually do that. 



Edited by mcostanetworks

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Could be a paliative option while a more elaborated market system is not done.


But it would be lame if I had to pay to use it.

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overlady has already said something about this

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Nice, so they are working on it already. So all we have to do is wait =/

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26 minutes ago, lelejau said:

Nice, so they are working on it already. So all we have to do is wait =/

Its been very very quiet lately.

I hope they are working on something soon. Maybe new map?


Edited by Hawaii2
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I can only imagine how much gold I will need to pay to use this new filter system. xD

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2 hours ago, Hawaii2 said:

Maybe new map?


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