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Skins Armors...

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shoulder, with 3 separations ... instead of 2 ...


red, and cracked armor


"Ancient Armor"


By.: MrCrowley



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in the true, i dont like of the armor of the knight

Only the cape


But... nice Job  ;)

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One other thing that is a MUST if your changing the colors drastically on an armor/robe, you MUST change the colors of the headgear as well, otherwise I don't see the point in changing the armor in the first place.

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2º Skin i like , 1º skin have much color ,

1º skin is clown armor .


2º u have a nice job in color in small effect


(o_0) bb


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Other Skin KS





I think that looks pretty sweet, BUT and I do mean BUT!!!! If your gonna go for a drastic change to the colors, CHANGE THE HEADGEAR TOO! I mean, if you can go through and do this with the armor, how hard will it be to do the same thing to the headgear too? The only reason I say this, is because having the armor looking like that, then having a yellow headgear, it throws everything off.

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I think that looks pretty sweet, BUT and I do mean BUT!!!! If your gonna go for a drastic change to the colors, CHANGE THE HEADGEAR TOO! I mean, if you can go through and do this with the armor, how hard will it be to do the same thing to the headgear too? The only reason I say this, is because having the armor looking like that, then having a yellow headgear, it throws everything off.


the helmet does not need to match the armor because the helmet is derived from a quest

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I think that looks pretty sweet, BUT and I do mean BUT!!!! If your gonna go for a drastic change to the colors, CHANGE THE HEADGEAR TOO! I mean, if you can go through and do this with the armor, how hard will it be to do the same thing to the headgear too? The only reason I say this, is because having the armor looking like that, then having a yellow headgear, it throws everything off.


the helmet does not need to match the armor because the helmet is derived from a quest


Then what in the hell is the point to doing all the stuff with the armor?


Ya! Great! You can have a kick ass armor style, but o wait, the headgear still looks like crap. I guess that just makes the SS's of it look like crap too. Seriously, why mess around with the armor at all if you don't bother doing anything with the headgear? Do you actually want it to look like crap?


Also, I sense a lot of laziness with not wanting to change the headgear to match your armor skin.

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changing headgear is easy and would make sense lol, i did it with my ata to match hades armor, so what if its from a quest  :P

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The only issue I really have is the A in the middle of the chest. The reason why, is because that is something is quite personalized. If there was something else on the chest piece there instead of the A, I would like it more than I do.

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