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About the ks rule

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Well as far as I know there was none..

but now I see alot of ks reports in the report section and valtsu says thanks for report everytime..


So Is there a KS rule or not? I guess alot ppl want to know this.

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Well as far as I know there was none..

but now I see alot of ks reports in the report section and valtsu says thanks for report everytime..


So Is there a KS rule or not? I guess alot ppl want to know this.


i was just wondering that

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ks rules are adopted, but there is not a set of rules.


As far as I am informed, they assess the cases and then determine the decision from the assessment.

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ks rules are adopted, but there is not a set of rules.



yeah and its great

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Well I get ksed a lot, and it is very annoying and people still do it while they know its wrong.

But thats the game , you should just take it . Maybe steal their kills back later or handle it with pvp for revenge if its necessary :-\

And the forum should do as less as possible, there must be war and hate in the game ;D

Not with a single report and its over.. ruins the fun

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