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@kvra potw

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Hi bro

Just wanna know if you got the big man's/staff's permission to change the POTW prizes?? Cause afaik youre not the staff and you have to get the prizes from sandurr


I dont want to waste my time trying for a fake prize and get disappointed. Like how you said you will host an event for journal but couldnt cause youre not gm. I was sad bro

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Bro, gm announced it in game, kenni said that the price will be doubled for POTW since it's on 50 now. you're not gonna waste your time if you try to post ;)

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WTH?! why will he fake the price?.


did you consider this a troll  ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

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I am from the Staff ??? Who said that I wasn't?

And the Reward of the PoTW is true. lol

If you don't believe me, just don't post a picture and PM the winner later to check. 8)

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kvra is like the salesman that goes from door to door but still think he has an important job in the company ;D

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nah bro it's not a troll, it was a genuine question


I thought the journal was just a voluntary for fun thing. Not a staff position, since he's not a gm or a mod so i just wondered if he could actually arbitrarily make decisions like that. Because, like I said, he claimed he was hosting an event for journal ages back but it never happened cause he didn't have any power. But if it was a staff decision then ok.

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Well, it seems that you don't use the forum that often.

The Journal is a voluntary work? Yes. I'm not obligate to put anything there if I don't want to. But I put, and I work for that because I like the Wartale, not just the game, but the forum itself and the people who come here.

I publish every 1 month... So? I'm not a teenager who have a free time to do it. I work, I have Girlfriend, I have my own personal issues and I have a lot of things to do. I am making this because I WANT. No one said that I need to do. I do this because I like to.

About the events, yes, I did and a lot of them. If you are not online atm, I can't help ya.

You can talk w/e you want. If you don't think I'm from the Staff, I don't really care. As long I do my job, it's all good.

FYI, PoTW was my idea (#50), and I don't have to give explanation for anyone. 8)

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Guest Mayreen

Are you guys judging a staff member's actions?


Remember that's against the rules.

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no it's only against the rules if its an insult. i asked a question and he got offended.

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Are you guys judging a staff member's actions?


Remember that's against the rules.


I don't care if they are judging or not. I want to explain my "side".

I just don't want them comming up here saying w/e they want without knowledge.

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no it's only against the rules if its an insult. i asked a question and he got offended.


I didn't got offended. When I said that? lol

I was just playing along and making some spam.

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Guest Mayreen

As far as i know u were acusing him for giving "fake"

rewards and also u said he wasn't a staff memeber.. i think

that was a serious accusation.


You should watch up the way you ask things.

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Guest TFSE

Seems like a real question that got out of hand.


Probably could have phrased it better to seem less offensive though. Anyway, now that your question has been answered, I'm closing this.

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