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♠️​ S> T> PS 158 full ​♠️​ (Updated)

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Ps 158.45%, white hair, make up, some premiums, Sunken Mount (more than 1 Quatri exp = 25c per tri = 26kc)

Scythe 146+24+15 Str  -0-0-0 = 17kc

Armor 144+24 +15 Str Prismatic DNT = 15kc

Shield 144 Bsol block near perf = 2,5kc

Scythe 142 Bsol HP 50 red socket = 1kc

Boots 140 Bsol = 500c

Greedy Bsol = 1,5kc

Brc 144 Bsol -1-0 = 7kc

Throne sheltom Bsol drop  4-4 = 1,5kc

X2 Throne rings Bsol DNT = 5kc

Amulet 142 Bsol 101 Hp = 2,5kc

X2 triadics +2 hp 48, res crit 1.4 = 5kc

Leviathan +3 -0-0-0-0 = 4kc


Total = 88,5kc



T> full for SS or KS 158~160


Pm for deals

Edited by FireFoX

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