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ok so whats the deal?

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Event got Pushed back all ready 2 times now it seems? some of us been online ALL Day waiting and only update we got was its comeing "Tonight" but yet it has still not happed I am just wanting to know is this going to happen or what?

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just wish they were more honest the dog been pooping forever >.< just waste of time to wait :/There is no notice nothing..come on guys we all donated..at least dont leave us hanging :/

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I guest the meaning of the "dog is pooping" is nothing or no event at all :( so sad right now :(

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Patience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just continue to the max lvl when it comes out it will :) Im really wanting this event to come out to but.... i gots to wait aswell


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Patience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just continue to the max lvl when it comes out it will :) Im really wanting this event to come out to but.... i gots to wait aswell


well if they just give people an Update.... it would be nice like i have been grinding sence u got off death... im almost at 20% now..lol but if they give people some updates might actully cheer up some of the pissed off people because they been on all day waiting and get told " Its comeing Shortly" then never happens? and hear nothing from them agine?

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Patience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just continue to the max lvl when it comes out it will :) Im really wanting this event to come out to but.... i gots to wait aswell


well if they just give people an Update.... it would be nice like i have been grinding sence u got off death... im almost at 20% now..lol but if they give people some updates might actully cheer up some of the pissed off people because they been on all day waiting and get told " Its comeing Shortly" then never happens? and hear nothing from them agine?


ur leeching haha not really lvlin ha u wouldve quiet 8 lvls ago if u had no one to help you HAHAHAHAHAHA  8) ;D

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Patience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just continue to the max lvl when it comes out it will :) Im really wanting this event to come out to but.... i gots to wait aswell


well if they just give people an Update.... it would be nice like i have been grinding sence u got off death... im almost at 20% now..lol but if they give people some updates might actully cheer up some of the pissed off people because they been on all day waiting and get told " Its comeing Shortly" then never happens? and hear nothing from them agine?


ur leeching haha not really lvlin ha u wouldve quiet 8 lvls ago if u had no one to help you HAHAHAHAHAHA  8) ;D


actully im not nub :P  im Tanking for a group so suck it buddy :P lol Tanking for Mage/Prs group ^^

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Patience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just continue to the max lvl when it comes out it will :) Im really wanting this event to come out to but.... i gots to wait aswell


well if they just give people an Update.... it would be nice like i have been grinding sence u got off death... im almost at 20% now..lol but if they give people some updates might actully cheer up some of the pissed off people because they been on all day waiting and get told " Its comeing Shortly" then never happens? and hear nothing from them agine?


ur leeching haha not really lvlin ha u wouldve quiet 8 lvls ago if u had no one to help you HAHAHAHAHAHA  8) ;D


actully im not nub :P  im Tanking for a group so suck it buddy :P lol Tanking for Mage/Prs group ^^


Gay wording on a post number 22 haaaa so odd u sure ur into women there buddy

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Patience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just continue to the max lvl when it comes out it will :) Im really wanting this event to come out to but.... i gots to wait aswell


well if they just give people an Update.... it would be nice like i have been grinding sence u got off death... im almost at 20% now..lol but if they give people some updates might actully cheer up some of the pissed off people because they been on all day waiting and get told " Its comeing Shortly" then never happens? and hear nothing from them agine?


ur leeching haha not really lvlin ha u wouldve quiet 8 lvls ago if u had no one to help you HAHAHAHAHAHA  8) ;D


And I would not have quit so u dont know me very well then silly :P I wouldnt have lvled this fast but ya still good to have friends to level with not all us Mass Killing mages there bud

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Let's make some barbecue with the dog that ate the USB ;D

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Let's make some barbecue with the dog that ate the USB ;D


I am ok with this oddly :)

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lets see Death ur proble Drunk and high all ready right?


No no i dont drink nor Get high Im a Perfect Christian Republican ty very much


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Wartale is having exams, so therefore the event has been delivered.


However, we will have a Halloween Event this year!  Don't worry :)

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Wartale is having exams, so therefore the event has been delivered.


However, we will have a Halloween Event this year!  Don't worry :)


Ohh god this year nice suprise ;D

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So what was with this damn countdown.  It ended an hour and a half ago and there is still nothing.  Can we get a notice of what is going on?  And aprox how long this is going to take?  And while we're waiting, can we can get details of what is happening with this event.


What is spawning?  Where are they spawning?  What are they dropping?


I am hoping whatever the monsters, they are spread out and not all in one map that can only be accessed on high levels.  That would be truly unfair for people who just joined this server and this is their first special event to participate in.  Also, I'd hate for it to be one location where EVERYONE will be hunting and you have to fight with people to get a monster.


So any details please???

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If there is going to be a halloween event monster, then it will spawn in ALL maps, like normally


Thats about all i can say to you lol, i got no clue about the drops, can be different every time i guess ^^

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cmon guys, some of you actually believe a dog ate the usb drive?


why, u gon hate?! :P

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cmon guys, some of you actually believe a dog ate the usb drive?


why, u gon hate?! :P


Hehe, i'm not hating. I'm just not being ignorant.

Although, i agree we should atleast get a little update about whats going on.

Shouldnt be that hard right?

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