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Majestic King

Skins Character Bound (Doubt)

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Majestic King

Hello Wartale team.

Is there any plan to unlink items bound to characters? I noticed that the skins from the new dungeon are bound, as well as skins from the coin shop and new events like the Good Fortune Festival.

Is there a possibility that these bound items could be unbound in the future, perhaps by selling an item in the coin shop to perform this service, or something similar?

P.S: It would be very useful if this service were made available to us, especially since there’s no chance the team will go back the decision. Many times, we feel limited in selling our accounts because crafted or purchased skins don’t add any value to the character at the time of sale.

Thank you

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Hey There!

No, we have no plans to unbound the cosmetics.




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51 minutes ago, Majestic King said:

Hello Wartale team.

Is there any plan to unlink items bound to characters? I noticed that the skins from the new dungeon are bound, as well as skins from the coin shop and new events like the Good Fortune Festival.

Is there a possibility that these bound items could be unbound in the future, perhaps by selling an item in the coin shop to perform this service, or something similar?

P.S: It would be very useful if this service were made available to us, especially since there’s no chance the team will go back the decision. Many times, we feel limited in selling our accounts because crafted or purchased skins don’t add any value to the character at the time of sale.

Thank you

u can make commerce from the materials used to craft the new dungeon costumes/skins

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Majestic King
31 minutes ago, Overlady said:

Hey There!

No, we have no plans to unbound the cosmetics.




understand, thanks.

30 minutes ago, xXxRazieLxXx said:

u can make commerce from the materials used to craft the new dungeon costumes/skins

Yes, that is a possibility. But the issue is that a player who wants to have the skin and later intends to trade the account loses the skin. With that in mind, only high-level players will end up having it.
But, anyway. The answer has already been given: there will definitely be no possibility of unbinding these skins.

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11 minutes ago, Majestic King said:

understand, thanks.

Yes, that is a possibility. But the issue is that a player who wants to have the skin and later intends to trade the account loses the skin. With that in mind, only high-level players will end up having it.
But, anyway. The answer has already been given: there will definitely be no possibility of unbinding these skins.

You can still dismantle the cosmetic item to get part of the materials back (HC skins).




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Majestic King
4 minutes ago, Overlady said:

you can still dismantle the cosmetic to get part of the material back(HC skins).




Do the materials that come include only a volcanic chunk like the skins from other dungeons, or do they also include materials used in crafting?

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6 minutes ago, Majestic King said:

Do the materials that come include only a volcanic chunk like the skins from other dungeons, or do they also include materials used in crafting?

You get a small portion of the igneous rock back, no chunk.




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11 minutes ago, Rievers1994 said:

@Overlady Can the skin be obtained at the end of the DG or just craft?

Just craft, but the material can also drop from boss.




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@Overlady If I going to craft all the skins that are account bound in the game, I wouldn't have space in my inventory or storage to store them all.


I would like you to check this future possibility, please



Edited by Rievers1994
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