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What do the candies do?

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What do they all do?  And does Pumpkin only come out at night?  Cause that's the only times Ive seen him.


Can a mod please like give us the info for this event cause so far there has been nothing on the details.

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The topic will get details soon :)


The Pumpkin spawns at any time, not just night, in all fields.

You collect 10 candies of 1 type (example 10 Lollipop's) and bring them to the Halloween Kid NPCs in Ricarten Town, and you'll get a random reward. You can get lucky and get special Halloween Items (Costumes and Hats) from them! But you can also get (if you're even luckier ;)) Aging Stones.

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The event is bug ! Not all pumpkin drops candy and not all pick up candies go into inventory !!!


I thought I was lag but this also occurs to gamers in my clan!

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The topic will get details soon :)


The Pumpkin spawns at any time, not just night, in all fields.

You collect 10 candies of 1 type (example 10 Lollipop's) and bring them to the Halloween Kid NPCs in Ricarten Town, and you'll get a random reward. You can get lucky and get special Halloween Items (Costumes and Hats) from them! But you can also get (if you're even luckier ;)) Aging Stones.


Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!  Youve been the most help so far haha

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The event is bug ! Not all pumpkin drops candy and not all pick up candies go into inventory !!!


I thought I was lag but this also occurs to gamers in my clan!


Pumpkins drops 3 times, but each of these 3 times there's a 55% chance it's air, and 45% chance it's a candy. So if you're lucky it drops 3 candies, unlucky you get 0 candies.

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The event is bug ! Not all pumpkin drops candy and not all pick up candies go into inventory !!!


I thought I was lag but this also occurs to gamers in my clan!


Pumpkins drops 3 times, but each of these 3 times there's a 55% chance it's air, and 45% chance it's a candy. So if you're lucky it drops 3 candies, unlucky you get 0 candies.


I like it :) good drop rate + spawn rate and its all month :) i kno some ppl want massive spawn rate but that would be to much haha its 100% perf the way it is considering its lasting so long once again thanks

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Gm-Sandur ~

I having a problem, i just exchange 10x lolipop with the holloween kid..~ in the notice its say i get the suit~

But because my inventory don have a space to put the suit.. and its automatic lost ... and never drop at floor also.

I trying relog again... the suit never at my inventory... Sandur .~ Can u replace it back for me =.= !! all candy and lolipop is Hard to drop !!! Since the spawn rate of pumkin are rare !! pls Gm... give back my SUIT~~~~~~~~~~~

i make Exchange the time is 20:39 - 20:41 Gmt+8 something around this time !!

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Question here..

Can I re-spec NS suit ?!

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OMG Right click on Candy and lost it T_T

i had soo lucky guy, i got mana potion :D


Lesson to be learnt here is "eat the bloody candy than exchange for mana" hehehzzz I got a full page of candies yesterday and exchanged all of them for freaking manas!!! So if you are "lucky" (as Wartale will say) then you can costume, which I think it quit useless because it's not a permanent item (Hat). As for Suit, I have no idea why because haven't seen one on sale nor have one myself.


If you really keen of having Costume, better off solution?? Hunt Candies and sell them in the market to other players, use the earned gold to buy one when it comes available from other players. I sold for 1kk each and I earned about 30kk yesterday. I saw Hat is selling for about 25kk now.


So ya... have fun~~~ and NEED ALOT of LUCKs


P/S: LUCK VS GOLD .... hmmmm... I will go for GOLD  ::) ::) ::)

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