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hi sorry im nub

im just new to server.


my question is

what is the best char here in rpt?


my 1st choice is knight.

any suggestions?

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Knight fine for EXP PvP and Hunt

i like Pike Knight and Fighter .


Ata is fine too , for harcore EXP mage "ObliviuoS".


dont have best char , have best items and players ^^


(o_0) bb

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ok ty.

i was thinking to try mage but maybe it will be too many problems

when it comes in hunt and pvp.


hmm maybe i should go for my 1st choice.

a knight

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ok ty.

i was thinking to try mage but maybe it will be too many problems

when it comes in hunt and pvp.


hmm maybe i should go for my 1st choice.

a knight


LOL naaaah mage are not bad in hunt to ur at the final hunt map but before they pretty nice hunters to be honest perhaps a little slow on killin cause they dont specialize against a certian type of monster

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if you want to level the as fast as possible. go for pri :)


Pri = Priscila ???


PRS fine for EXP too , class good for EXP is = Mage , PRS , Ata Knight .


my opinion


(o_0) bb

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I have always been a PRS.  I am girl too which was why I was drawn to her in the beginning but she has never failed me.  Ive tried some of the other chars but I like PRS best.  She gets hurt easily in the beginning but once you have all of your stats into which slots according to what you wearing, I put the rest in health and she's a decent tank when she has VL and Muspell on.  She can't tank a lot of once but she's good at hunting because there is usually only one monster at a time in hunt maps.  For hellspawns at high levels she needs a tank to help her though.  My brother plays a Mech.. he likes that char best out of all the ones he's played.  He uses a bow for automation and he can tank.. he can't mass kill as well as mage or prs but he can tank so he's good with a party.

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tnx to all ur replies.

i veri appreciate it a lot.


i made now a knight, same as my forum name.

well, good luck to me  ::)

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tnx to all ur replies.

i veri appreciate it a lot.


i made now a knight, same as my forum name.

well, good luck to me  ::)


Good choice.

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ohkito" post="372073" timestamp="1320651407"]

Create a Magician too.

So good class.  :D



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ohkito" post="372073" timestamp="1320651407"]

Create a Magician too.

So good class.  :D


not really



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I keep enjoying my class (mgs) even with their crap abilities ATM(?).

I'm owned in PvP against others chars 125+, but for me, Magician still are the best class.  ;)


>Create a Mage, have loads of fun.  :D

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ohkito" post="372084" timestamp="1320652410"]

I keep enjoying my class (mgs) even with their crap abilities ATM(?).

I'm owned in PvP against others chars 125+, but for me, Magician still are the best class.  ;)


>Create a Mage, have loads of fun.  :D


you stated negative things about your class. how would you enjoy that?

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ohkito link=topic=59122.msg372084#msg372084 date=1320652410]

I keep enjoying my class (mgs) even with their crap abilities ATM(?).

I'm owned in PvP against others chars 125+, but for me, Magician still are the best class.  ;)


>Create a Mage, have loads of fun.  :D


you stated negative things about your class. how would you enjoy that?


oh wow xD

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Magicians have negatives points, but which class haven't ?


Look for mech, for example, after determined level, the spark build (EXP build) turns useless, but the players still enjoying their class.Even when Mech was the most Bugged class inwtthe players keep playing with this class.


Same occurs with me about magicians, some weak points, especially when it are increased due to bugs, makes me feel like a true demon(very angry).But I can't imagine myself playing with a PS for example.


I don't "fit" with other class, I'm a Magician. ^-^



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Well, it's boring for me anyway.My mage even being full is owned by everyone. 



;D ?

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Well, it's boring for me anyway.My mage even being full is owned by everyone. 



;D ?


This is a FACT.  :-\

That's the reason for me avoiding BC these days, waiting the enchant weapon's bug fix.  :)

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ohkito" post="372098" timestamp="1320653173"]

Well, it's boring for me anyway.My mage even being full is owned by everyone. 



;D ?


This is a FACT.  :-\

That's the reason for me avoiding BC these days, waiting the enchant weapon's bug fix.  :)


+1 x 100000000000000000000000000000000000 lol



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