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Isnt it boring to GO BC? read

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isnt it boring to go seige war and only see most chars are KNIGHTS? sicne t5 arent adding up i think its time to make some fixing.. PT was like 8 chars not dominate by just KS :D some some awareness

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delete all knights?  :'(


delete all knights? then ill delete all life forms! ;D

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KS is a Overpowered char, they tank more than a mech, they hit harder than a ps OMG, lets just make a server with KS only!

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KS is a Overpowered char, they tank more than a mech, they hit harder than a ps OMG, lets just make a server with KS only!


no dont be like that bro... maybe you're just saying that coz your not a ks! ;D


ks seems fine to me(i was once a ps)...

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I do think BC is deadly boring, not because of knights, but because of some particular people behind them (killing me, circling around me waiting for me to resu, three people join, kill me again and so on and so on). Not to mention one dominating clan that doesn't ever even talk to anyone else.

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KS is a Overpowered char, they tank more than a mech, they hit harder than a ps OMG, lets just make a server with KS only!

true that

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Well, I have played in lots of only PvP Priston servers and I must say, in everyone of them there is a overpowered class (mostly Pikes and Mechs) and I am not surprised this is happening here in rPT. But I guess since here is a more "serious" server, I guess with the T5 and with some fixes on some skills, other chars could do as well as Knights on BC.

But it's all up to Wartale, anyways  :P

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KS is a Overpowered char, they tank more than a mech, they hit harder than a ps OMG, lets just make a server with KS only!

true that



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Yeah ill have to agree with this post there are lots of knights but eh just do what i do and dont attend bc And yes i dont have a knight i dont like em at all but still thats beside the point i just dont go cause i dont donate and not enuff time to xp hours and hours and hours on end to 13x

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Oh well, after read all those whinning... I just can say Knights have survived from all those changes and (speaking as a knight) we hung in there. We saw through how Pike dominated in BC and we sucked it up; We saw through how Mech dominated in BC and again we sucked it up (having said that Mech is still dominated in some way along with Fighter).


So I reckon it's time for other classes to SUCK IT UP and until T5 is completed, which unfortunately will be luckily next year this time.


isnt it boring to go seige war and only see most chars are KNIGHTS? sicne t5 arent adding up i think its time to make some fixing.. PT was like 8 chars not dominate by just KS :D some some awareness

KS is a Overpowered char, they tank more than a mech, they hit harder than a ps OMG, lets just make a server with KS only!


To response to these posts, isn't it personal preference as to what Class/Char to use? and just happened Knights are more oftenly chosen by players. Domination by one class is when they work together. If you have 10 Mechs in BC work together against others, answer me truthfully "who will be the dominated class??". It applies to all other classes too (Sorry not Priests or maybe not Mages, and we will know why so don't argue plz ;) )


I could be wrong because for most, it's just easier to blame and whine and better off, lets just fuck the knights up and therefore we don't have to face the fucking fact.


P/S: I know "f**k" will auto-corrected to "fruit", that's why I didn't bother to change it. It's more convenient that way. You all know the best of "it's just more convenient", don't you? ::)


I do think BC is deadly boring, not because of knights, but because of some particular people behind them (killing me, circling around me waiting for me to resu, three people join, kill me again and so on and so on). Not to mention one dominating clan that doesn't ever even talk to anyone else.


I agreed with that, so maybe we should start an official poll and vote for "Should we delete MyHome (or whichever dominated clan)"? or maybe to instead of reward them to be the strongest clan, we just -dmg -atkSpeed -def -everthing by ... hmmmm.. lets say 20%?? so it will be fair to other small clans or ....


What everybody think??? It make sense for the solution for Knights, it should be equally make sense for OVER-dominated clan, RIGHT?


fuck stupid lolzzz :o :o

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KS is OP becasue

sword have max critical weapon in game...


and higher in defense

total defense from drastic spirit...


make KS can be good tanker than MS

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KS is OP becasue

sword have max critical weapon in game...


and higher in defense

total defense from drastic spirit...


make KS can be good tanker than MS


Do you have a MS or KS my friend? Try to have both standing in SoD r8 and tell me again ??? Feeling generous today, make it r7 then

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Well, it's boring for me anyway.My mage even being full is owned by everyone.  :'(

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KS is a Overpowered char, they tank more than a mech, they hit harder than a ps OMG, lets just make a server with KS only!


no dont be like that bro... maybe you're just saying that coz your not a ks! ;D


ks seems fine to me(i was once a ps)...

yeah u traded ur ps for a ks... if ps is fine why trade?

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i came now from bc, pissed off cz a ks 131 pwned my fs 136. lol it dont sound fair to me.

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I want to see a 140 Archer in BC.  8)

125 KS will 1hit her, so why trying?

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I want to see a 140 Archer in BC.  8)

125 KS will 1hit her, so why trying?


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MS should tank more (PVP ONLY)

PS should deal more damage (BUT NOT HITKILL)

ATA maybe OK

AS maybe tank a little more but not too much

KS nerf damage (GS) / nerf defense (Maybe Drastic?)

FS i think is OK atm.. at least seems ok


mgs / prs =X nothing to do


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