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fallen angel

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well... if they took that down atleast fix et3. get the fucking 100crap out off et3... et3 SUCKS now..

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Improved of Bosses drop rate = Decrease of Mobs drop rate


It's just a mutual understanding of Economic. Oh wait, we are talking about game but Economic lolzzz..


P/S: Get the joke? Or should I say sarcasm?

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Improved of Bosses drop rate = Decrease of Mobs drop rate


It's just a mutual understanding of Economic. Oh wait, we are talking about game but Economic lolzzz..


P/S: Get the joke? Or should I say sarcasm?



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Improved of Bosses drop rate = Decrease of Mobs drop rate


It's just a mutual understanding of Economic. Oh wait, we are talking about game but Economic lolzzz..


P/S: Get the joke? Or should I say sarcasm?





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What about Fallen Angel? I don't understand what you mean.


no idea what that is  ;D is that a Archer thing?

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What about Fallen Angel? I don't understand what you mean.


I believe his drop rate got decreased.

I've been hunting it every boss time and since the new patch it just dropped craps.


Hunt Boss droprates removed



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I killed 2 rows of 10 Fallen Angels each just now, this is what I got:


First row (10 Fallen Angels):


110 items: 15

114 items: 6

116 items: 2

120 items: 2 (Inferno Shield FS, Orb NS)

122 items: 0

124 items: 0


Second row (10 Fallen Angels as well):


110: 14

114: 14

116: 2

120: 0

122: 0

124: 1 (Imperial Armor KS)


Not counting all the rings & amulets.

I think it's good enough. Keep in mind that you can't get good drops all the time, otherwise the economy will suffer from it. Everyone wanted us to remove the 104, 106 and other low level drops from Fallen Angel because those are worthless. So we did. Now 110 items became worthless and are labeled as crap. I assume you want us to remove 110 from Fallen Angel now? Perhaps have him drop 120+ only? And then what? What happens when those become worthless as well? Come on now, you have to think about the consequences, can't just keep on whining forever for better drop rates, seriously.

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I killed 2 rows of 10 Fallen Angels each just now, this is what I got:


First row (10 Fallen Angels):


110 items: 15

114 items: 6

116 items: 2

120 items: 2 (Inferno Shield FS, Orb NS)

122 items: 0

124 items: 0


Second row (10 Fallen Angels as well):


110: 14

114: 14

116: 2

120: 0

122: 0

124: 1 (Imperial Armor KS)



You can't call that a improvent to drop rates...


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well. i tought this patch would improve it. dosent seems like an improvment >_>

and the drop was nice before the patch, i think it was pretty good

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man have a close look then u tell me is it hasnt imporve!! are u metally slow or smothing?? man look at items lvl 114 increased alot... 116 maintained the same, 120 less 124 more.... stop being ignorant there are 24 fallen angels per day .. make the count and see how many items is that...\



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man have a close look then u tell me is it hasnt imporve!! are u metally slow or smothing?? man look at items lvl 114 increased alot... 116 maintained the same, 120 less 124 more.... stop being ignorant there are 24 fallen angels per day .. make the count and see how many items is that...\



Correction 21 fallen angels per day.

Your lack of writing skills amaze me...


Btw the drop rate isn't so bad afterall...

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I killed 2 rows of 10 Fallen Angels each just now, this is what I got:


First row (10 Fallen Angels):


110 items: 15

114 items: 6

116 items: 2

120 items: 2 (Inferno Shield FS, Orb NS)

122 items: 0

124 items: 0


Second row (10 Fallen Angels as well):


110: 14

114: 14

116: 2

120: 0

122: 0

124: 1 (Imperial Armor KS)


Not counting all the rings & amulets.

I think it's good enough. Keep in mind that you can't get good drops all the time, otherwise the economy will suffer from it. Everyone wanted us to remove the 104, 106 and other low level drops from Fallen Angel because those are worthless. So we did. Now 110 items became worthless and are labeled as crap. I assume you want us to remove 110 from Fallen Angel now? Perhaps have him drop 120+ only? And then what? What happens when those become worthless as well? Come on now, you have to think about the consequences, can't just keep on whining forever for better drop rates, seriously.


Now do it with 2 row of mobs to see how et3 is good!! (Y)

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