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S>T> PS 159.32% FULL

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Ps 159.32%, face art, white hair, sunken mount, HG mount, Blue Sorpeis, 17 mounts, some premiums. 1205 Tri exp =  26kc

Armor 144+24+15 Str DNT = 16kc

Shield 144+24 DNT = 11kc

Scythe 146+24+15 Str -0-0-0 = 14kc

Spear 142+24+15 -0-0 = 8kc

Boots 144 Bsol = 3,5kc

Gaunt 144 Bsol = 5kc

Brc 140 Bsol = 500c

Throne sheltom Bsol drop = 1kc

x2 Throne rings Bsol DNT = 5kc

Amulet 142 Bsol perf hp = 2kc

Leviathan +3 -0-0-0-0 = 4kc

x2 Triadics +2 perf hp, res crit 1.4, min health = 5kc


All Pikeman spec!


total = 100kc


pm for deals. thanx!



Accept SS/MG/PRS

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