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Kobbie Mainoo

S>Prs 153 ,Mg 158, Ss 151,As 152,Ata 150 ,Ass 149 and items CHEAP

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Kobbie Mainoo

_Pris 153 54% Mount class Pris 12kc 

Brac 140 bsol 500c
Gaunt 140 DNT bsol 1kc
Boot 144 -0-0-0 4kc
Robe 140+24 DNT 5kc
Orb 144+24 drop 7.5kc

x2 Grace+2 62 Hp 2.5kc

_Mg 158 14% Mount Aether walker legend 20kc , Staff 142+24 +15 spirit drop 11.5kc, MG +Staff 30kc

_As 152 35% mount rainbow 8.5kc ,Bow 138+24+15 agi DNT As 6kc, Hell brac bsol ,hell gaunt bsol ,Mkv ass bsol 17 speed 1Kc, As all 14kc

_Ata 150 67% + hell set ata bsol, jave 138 -1-0 bsm vigor 8kc

_Ss 151 13% Mount LC blue PH 138-0-0 BSM VIGOR, BRA 106 DNT BSOL , GAUNT 140 BSOL ,HELL BOOT BSM ,ALL 9KC

_ ASS 149 27% mine 7 78% Her 7 54% Fish 4  Nake 8kc

Sb1 Ass bom 2,9 abs all 64 spirit 1kc

X2 Dagger 142+20 -0-0 Red socket 5kc

Pickaxe 7 -0-0 6.6 1kc

Trowel 7 vel 4 ,spec 4.9 1.2kc

Rod lv 4 300c

Brac 110 dnt bsol 500c

Hell gaunt ass bsol 500c

Hell boot bsol 1k stm 16.9 speed 700c

Soccer amor 10 speed country swiss 700c

Amor 140 bsm

Summer bsm

X2 vivid +0 ass

All Ass full 16kc




Edited by Kobbie Mainoo

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