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How is Sword of Justice bugged?

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Doesn't sound bugged to me. I wouldn't know exactly, I haven't logged into the game itself for a while now x)

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I'm just curious as to how exactly this skill is bugged.


far as I kno its not and im a 128 KS...

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The AoE range doesn't extend as it should, and because of no delay, when you keep using the skill consecutively (like auto-attacking), some executions didn't land damage because of the quick re-usage of the skill


Brandish AoE range is far wider and longer than Sword of Justice

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The AoE range doesn't extend as it should, and because of no delay, when you keep using the skill consecutively (like auto-attacking), some executions didn't land damage because of the quick re-usage of the skill


Brandish AoE range is far wider and longer than Sword of Justice


hmm I have never even noticed that im gunna play around with it now and see if I can notice it becuase I have yet to notice it lol

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