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5th tire qeust

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I am a lv84 prs at moment and i was wondering if there are 7 other people who want to kill that eragon for the 5th tire qeust





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you'd probably be better off just logging game and asking there. he's not hard to defeat so if you don't have a full party its no big deal...people normaly advertise in global chat when they're looking for a party to kill eragon.


you can go with my mech though, haven't killed eragon yet with him and he's lvl 99 xD

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Hi, home. You don't need so much effort! You just need to lure eragon to dungeon entrance. the golems (the real problem there) don't manage reach that point! It will be piece of cake!  8)

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Ya, i wanted to go for him alone but i cant go in the entrance because it says that u need 8 players

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Indeed, you dont need 8 ppl to kill him. You can enter alone.

I killed him as a lvl80 priest. Piece of cake!


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Ya, i wanted to go for him alone but i cant go in the entrance because it says that u need 8 players


you can solo or find a party

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Ya, i wanted to go for him alone but i cant go in the entrance because it says that u need 8 players

you dont need 8 people, you're probably trying to enter at the wrong time, he only spawns every 30 mins (xx:00 & xx:30) if you try to enter too soon or too late then the dude will just say a random msg.



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