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Discussion: Why bugs only happen in Vietnam ?

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Over ALL....


The one thing that pissed me off, is the one phrase Wartale stated earlier in the topic: 99% isn't enough, it has to be 100%.


I just dont understand how 1 tiny percent can over rule the whole thing! When there are more than enough evidences.

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What piss me off are the excuses. People report what they see, they don't know anything technical. So they report something they believe it's hack. "No, it's bug... it's lag".


I don't see how any of those damned possibilities change the fact that these assholes are abusing of whatever that is to get benefited. That's EXPLOITING.

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Over ALL....


The one thing that pissed me off, is the one phrase Wartale stated earlier in the topic: 99% isn't enough, it has to be 100%.


I just dont understand how 1 tiny percent can over rule the whole thing! When there are more than enough evidences.

99% just what you see

1% is evidence. Without it all is imposing unjustified

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Over ALL....


The one thing that pissed me off, is the one phrase Wartale stated earlier in the topic: 99% isn't enough, it has to be 100%.


I just dont understand how 1 tiny percent can over rule the whole thing! When there are more than enough evidences.

99% just what you see

1% is evidence. Without it all is imposing unjustified



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He can read by himself, I guess


And it't not limited to him or RzO., there are many more. Even me sometimes.


So what

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I didn't say that 90% of banned people are from Asia, I said that 90% of reported people are from Asia. I also said that this is not only about bugs.

If a video that shows someone tanking 7 people is not enough to prove this person is doing something ilegal, I don't know what is. Maybe you guys should remove Report User, there's no way to prove, with 100% certainty, that someone is breaking the rules. Even a simple KS report can be rigged.


1- http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?topic=57412.0 - Not fully investigated yet

2- http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?topic=59584.0 - This is not a bug?

3- http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?topic=56677.0 - See the my comment in the topic. FYI: starcraft isnt from Vietnam

4- http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?topic=57343.0 - See the my comment in the topic.

5- http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?topic=57171.0 - See the my comment in the topic.

6- http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?topic=59478.0 - This is not a bug?

7- http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?topic=59217.0 - Known hacker

8- http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?topic=59128.0 - Server side bug due to lag or a bug in ShillenKnight's client.  nothing related to weak.

9- http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?topic=58760.0 - This is not a bug?

10- http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?topic=57342.0 - Not fully investigated yet

11- http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?topic=56545.0 - This is not a bug?

12- http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?topic=56530.0 - Not fully investigated yet

13- http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?topic=58186.0 - This is not a bug?

1- This has been investigated for almost one month - The video shows, doubtless, that this person is abusing of lag, and it didn't happen only once.

2- "This is not only about bug" ?

3- I said in a post on this topic, but seems that it was deleted, that I made a mistake, I've should created this topic with this title: Why bugs only happen in Asia ? But anyway, dear Wartale, do you have to find traces of a hack in the client to ban someone ? They're very good at what they do, they don't leave traces, they can easily bypass your security system. In any case, look at the video starcraft tanked two k9s 13x, full gear, without losing HP for 13 seconds, is that normal ? That's what I'm trying to say, I don't see anyone doing this things, anyone, only Asians - Isn't it at least lag abuse ?

4- "I don't even think your attacks had any effect on him, and it seems like he doesn't see you (I mean he doesn't attack you at any point) - I believe this is caused by lag due to Siege War." That was what you said, and that's the strange thing at we're showing to you and the reason of you ban this person, "attacks had no effect on him" - But hey, did you look accurately the video ? Everytime that the FS attacks KimNamKhanh FS Con Rate changes, so his attack is affecting this person, due a insane lag or, maybe, a hack (what explain why he doesn't care about the FS), he don't lose HP - Anyway, if it's a lag this person shouldn't be there, his system don't have the specifications to play this game, you must do something in this case, maybe kick people with high ping of the siege war.

5- I don't have much to say in this case, the guy was tanking 7 13x players and was attacking them, this is impossible.

6- This one is especially funny: "Character doesn't exist" lol.

7- ya ya, known hacker, and he's still here, guess where is he from ?

8- Another bug that only happen with these people, and I also see weak this way, so there's nothing wrong in ShillenKnight's client. I wonder if this changes something in Weak character, but I find I'll never know.

10 - Same as 1

11- Not a bug ?  :o Is it normal someone tank more than 6 players and almost don't lose HP ?

12- Same as 10


There's many Asian that play this game fairly, with no lag, but most of them don't, I ask you to start acting, start hunt down those abusers, and start to trust in the players that play rpt for more than 2,3 years, those who really want the good of the server. They have already destroyed their server, don't let them destroy RPT!

Stay in your faith, if you have such little trust in us. why don't you quit then?


FYI: rpt hasn't been running for 2 years yet.


http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?topic=56677.0 - See the my comment in the topic. FYI: starcraft isnt from Vietnam


http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?topic=59128.0 - Server side bug due to lag or a bug in ShillenKnight's client.  nothing related to weak.


Look better in her equips, how can she tank 2 13x char full equips with her crap equips?


Shillen's client bugged?  This is funny coz on that day so many players might see that "bug" also.

A client is local, so therefore you can't see anything changed in-game if I edit my client.




Is funny to remember when in the past we made so much report against Pause and Prince.

All from his clan came to forum and made same thing like now, saying that us are cry and blablabla


But answer me.

They are banned for same reason that were reported.


We're really cry cry or  we just wanna to best to server?

I'm not saying that they aren't cheating, but we can't prove it ATM.


But if they are cheating then they will get caught at some point.

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yea it was baN for more than 5x and yet all they see is its bug.. uhm lets say its bug.. havnt you guys notice. thats its already and exploit ? keep ban for same reason and all answer is bug -.-".. most players are already seeing it..

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/\ I got an old forum account from november 2009 (rpt)


Most of us also played upt with sandurr (WITH YOU TOO AND TOPPE)


Why does shit like this just happens to them ? http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?topic=59714.0


Why was kitkid's account banned for more than 12 times ? (bug)

i play old rpt since 2006

new rpt since 2009, my forum acc reg date is 2009

what are you trying to express, really?

banned many times so it has to be a hacker and perm banned? even its casused by bugs?

and there are also many br and other country's ppl request for unban, u guys are "selective blindness"

everyday as long as u had a chance u will crap out of this

grow up ppl, we dont really have time to waste on u

and for so many times, but u wont believe even GM told u, so its useless to talk to you , bb, going sleep



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/\ I got an old forum account from november 2009 (rpt)


Most of us also played upt with sandurr (WITH YOU TOO AND TOPPE)


Why does shit like this just happens to them ? http://www.realmpt.net/forum/index.php?topic=59714.0


Why was kitkid's account banned for more than 12 times ? (bug)

i play old rpt since 2006

new rpt since 2009, my forum acc reg date is 2009

what are you trying to express, really?

banned many times so it has to be a hacker and perm banned? even its casused by bugs?

and there are also many br and other country's ppl request for unban, u guys are "selective blindness"

everyday as long as u had a chance u will crap out of this

grow up ppl, we dont really have time to waste on u

and for so many times, but u wont believe even GM told u, so its useless to talk to you , bb, going sleep

what brs?

post here , if a br was banned more than 3 times... :)

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Stay in your faith, if you have such little trust in us. why don't you quit then?

That is what you have to say ? You think players like me are nothing, right ?

When we come to this forum trying to help the server, looking for its best, you say to us quit.

I was expecting more of you. Just to remember, a game isn't made of donations. I guess that you have only played RPT in your whole life, but I saw many games end up in total failure, because they had a thinking like this.

I will warn you, if you guys don't change this mentality rpt will fail.

Do you wanna know why I didn't quit yet ? I've been following Wartale work since his first server, the site not even had a domain, that means that I have faith in his work, means that I want to make rpt better, I'm here trying to point that rpt is not going to the correct path.

But maybe I should do what you said, quit rpt. Many friends of mine did it, and many good players already did. Anyhow it's good for the server keep viet playing here, 'cause they donate like hell.

There's no way to compete with that. Just saying but Wartale should know why PT didn't have a global server  :-\

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No one is forcing you to quit


you guys whine like hell that's why many people quit or have no time to play, real life etc

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Stay in your faith, if you have such little trust in us. why don't you quit then?

That is what you have to say ? You think players like me are nothing, right ?

When we come to this forum trying to help the server, looking for its best, you say to us quit.

I was expecting more of you. Just to remember, a game isn't made of donations. I guess that you have only played RPT in your whole life, but I saw many games end up in total failure, because they had a thinking like this.

I will warn you, if you guys don't change this mentality rpt will fail.

Do you wanna know why I didn't quit yet ? I've been following Wartale work since his first server, the site not even had a domain, that means that I have faith in his work, means that I want to make rpt better, I'm here trying to point that rpt is not going to the correct path.

But maybe I should do what you said, quit rpt. Many friends of mine did it, and many good players already did. Anyhow it's good for the server keep viet playing here, 'cause they donate like hell.

There's no way to compete with that. Just saying but Wartale should know why PT didn't have a global server  :-\


Problem is that, this has been discussed nearly one mission of times now, and it is always the same things we (the staff) are answering etc.


I started to get tired of explaining the same things over and over again.


All I can say is that we are doing our best to improve the game-play, but it is impossible to satisfy everyone. One thing which won't helping improving the game-play are the same and continuous discussions (like this one) that are going on here on the forum.


About your last part. This is an English server and everybody is welcome here. It is doesn't matter if you donate or not.

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Stay in your faith, if you have such little trust in us. why don't you quit then?

That is what you have to say ? You think players like me are nothing, right ?

When we come to this forum trying to help the server, looking for its best, you say to us quit.

I was expecting more of you. Just to remember, a game isn't made of donations. I guess that you have only played RPT in your whole life, but I saw many games end up in total failure, because they had a thinking like this.

I will warn you, if you guys don't change this mentality rpt will fail.

Do you wanna know why I didn't quit yet ? I've been following Wartale work since his first server, the site not even had a domain, that means that I have faith in his work, means that I want to make rpt better, I'm here trying to point that rpt is not going to the correct path.

But maybe I should do what you said, quit rpt. Many friends of mine did it, and many good players already did. Anyhow it's good for the server keep viet playing here, 'cause they donate like hell.

There's no way to compete with that. Just saying but Wartale should know why PT didn't have a global server  :-\


ryoko is right.. the reason why i never quit rpt its because of sandurr's works thats amazing and unbelievable.. even sandurr cant even tell us to quit that he was even the one behind all this greatness here.. isnt it ironic that you tried to tell us or perhaps tell us to quit? we are just stating what we saw ingame.. lets say its bug.. isnt that pretty obvious its an abuse bug? bug 5x all over again with same reason? and some of them reason out that they lag because they are far from the server.. and what about me and others? we are far way better than.. we dont even have their premium pwers

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I think thewtquality will be better with block all VTN IP

No no no no


Get eyes ingame. Just that, and you can get the idiots cheating, easy~

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I think thewtquality will be better with block all VTN IP

No no no no


Get eyes ingame. Just that, and you can get the idiots cheating, easy~

yeah.. I know, this situation need a drastic solution

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Anywhere, always have good players and bad players. No racism.

I think this is a private server. Staff have not enough time to solve all the problem of you. But, I see they are trying to do the best as they can.

No fair completely.

Playing game for fun..... and don't do the bad things.  You will have the serene soul ^_^

Everyone just think : "My game is fairplay", that enough.

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Anywhere, always have good players and bad players. No racism.

I think this is a private server. Staff have not enough time to solve all the problem of you. But, I see they are trying to do the best as they can.

No fair completely.

Playing game for fun..... and don't do the bad things.  You will have the serene soul ^_^

Everyone just think : "My game is fairplay", that enough.

Step out from the dream and face reality. That's just not enough~

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