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- Skill Points stop being added after level 98. Elite Points stop being added after level 88.


is this temp or perm change? if its a perm change, please Wartaler reconsider it~


this idea which is good, we will see something diff, but stop add SP EP at lv98 & lv88 is abit too low


Lv98 + Quest = 49 SP in total

Lv88 = 15 EP


only one elite skill can be up to Lv10~

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It's permanent and it's good. Will be funny to see more variation on char builds :)

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It's permanent and it's good. Will be funny to see more variation on char builds :)

and will be funnier since we going to have a fresh skill balance :)

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did not like that the maximum level is 100

The level cap will be highered after a while

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did not like that the maximum level is 100

The level cap will be highered after a while

any expeculations of what gonna be the maximum capacity and when?  :D

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I've been told it's gonna be 140 (infinite) lvl 140 on 25x will take long time :P

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I've been told it's gonna be 140 (infinite) lvl 140 on 25x will take long time :P

oh well, just gonna take double of the time we were used to xP

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True that but who knows if we will have ancient dungoens to exp in. Also there won't be EXP Service + the items aren't as good.

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but take a long time even

but if you increase the xp and lvl will be cooler for the 100 + items that draws the most attention in the game

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True that but who knows if we will have ancient dungoens to exp in. Also there won't be EXP Service + the items aren't as good.

so it's gonna take forever X_X


note that I'm not complaining about it, I think its awesome so no one will be whoring about being high level by paying it

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please Wartaler reconsider it.

i think it will make some skills worthless.

I believe after balance, every skill (or almost every skill) will have their utility, so it's up to the users to choose what suits them better.

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we have quiet sure after the tests sandur will fix everything

;) ;) ;)

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it gonna be sweet if players stop complain .

i find it sad to have 362657 SP and use just 40 to max 3 skills...

at least with this SP limit YOU have to make a choice and SO become WEAKER or STRONGER than other players :)

that will make a HUGE diff in bc/sod and so...

depends what you are too ... a PK... a SoD player... EXPer or even an HUNTER

Got it ?

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Agree with Elistor


I really like having limited skill points. Anyone that played in a high rate server knows how it is having all tier 4 skills at lv 10, all t1~3 skills you REALLY use at lv 10, and still enough points to level useless skills.

This way you have to choose what your build is gonna be.

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as i said above,

the idea is good


limited SP EP will make diff build


but what i really want to say is,


stop add-ing SP EP at Lv98 & 88 is abit too low


maybe better to make it Lv108 & 98~

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i didn't like at all


drastic change



if rise this lvl a lil bit

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First of all Stop whining about level cap, it is good that there is a level cap for a week or few weeks, new players are then also capable of getting near our level.


If some1 joins us in 1 month some people are already 110+, so level cap is good now IMO



And stop whining about the skill points and elite points, if it isn't good we will know that fast enough and I'm sure Sandur will change it then, but till now it is good first we had nearly all the same build in uPT, now is that going to change :D

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