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served his sentence and probation is now happy now my turn I also hope to give me the conditional libertadd GZZ all deserve a chance

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I wondered,


Wartale, knew Eris got changed name to DanNguyen"." with a dot at the back and change ata --> FS


No suspicion ::)

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Look for all,

first of all I never try to sell my account was a hoax and that he was noc

Second if I tubiera a bad report previous cases would not seek a second chance

Third, if given a chance sandurr was me that believes in me and I know that no mistakes never expected something bad about me I know there are envious people as in this case I do not want more than one staff noted

and finally for those who did not like, so you play with rights as I love them. Some people meres a second chance and I think the whole team received apologies Rpt at Facebook and again thanks for giving me sandurr a second chance.


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For god's sake... many players that used hackers, bots, and shits like that got unbanned, then you guys come here to complain about a trade for real money , that's funny.

There are more importants things to complain about.

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it looks so tell me my case I try to sell my account and are accusing me bullshit like I do about 160 euros missing shit or whatever if server here in this chart are not worth the gold I invested a much money in my account, then, that are robbing me all my money I invested? to leave money in my account banned and the next day I want you to give me back my mind I am a priston tale fanatics to when you were coming I was already getting LET YOURSELF Chinese tale and give me back what is not yours

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