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ks 142 skills setup question

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Hi Fellow KS Guru

I am level 142 and I have some questions on which skill tier 1 - 3 to to prioritize first, given the limited amount of skill points. I currently do Beehive, Sunken, and the 5 daily quests (research paper, clearing undead, unstable core, eternal punishment, forgotten souls)


Currently I have the following maxed at level 10


Holy Body 10

Brandish 10

Drastic Spirit 10

Sword mastery 10

Grand cross 10

Tier 4 All maxed out

Tier 5 All maxed out except for Zealous Reach, simply useless skill


I only have a few point lefts, should I max out devine shield or holy valour, or double crash?

I honestly don't even use double crash but people say it is very good 1 vs 1 on all monster except for undead. Perhaps it will be a usefull skill when I become higher level?

Holy valor is only good when I use it for research paper and clearing undead. It doesn't feel useful when doing dungeons as everyone is doing aoe attacks.

Device shield offers +4 block at max which is equivalent to aging a shield to +8, is this very useful? It doesn't work with 2 handed swords and I only use a shield when I am doing dungeons. Is this skill worth maxing or should I keep it at level 7 now to get +3 block and leave the rest of the points on holy valor?


To max out the remaining 3 skills (devine shield, double crash, holy valor) would require at me to go lvl 168. When I look into other people's build from the "Magician Ray's Grimoire" app, I don't see people using devine shield which confuses me. Are there any skill points under tier 1 - 3 I should sacrifice?


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At 150 you should have 7 skills at lvl 10

At 142, you have 6 skills at lvl 10 and one at lvl 6


I would recommend the following:
Holy Body 10

Holy Valor 6

Brandish 10

Drastic Spirit 10

Sword Mastery 10

Divine Shield 10

Grand Cross 10


I think being tanky is more valuable (divine shield). Plus, in dungeons you are mainly attacking AoE, which can postpone a little the leveling on Holy Valor 🙂


I also think that double crash is more of a pvp skill - even though holy aura adds atk rating to this skill, it is still not as much as Grand Cross, which makes you miss a lot in PvE

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I have doubts about the skill points considerations above...


1) Why aren't you considering Physical Training lv 10 (or almost) to have more stamina and be able to use the Lightning Sword fully?


2) Has Holy Body become essential in Wartale? I remember that in the past no one used this skill.

I understand that at lv 10 it gives an 18% abs bonus against undead, but should low level players (14x) spend points on this?


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Physical Training is useless, i can use Lightning Sword fully without it. 


Holy Body is a comfy choice for when doing your dailies in SS and SL vs undeads 🙂


I switched recently to Yakissoba's recommendation and being more tanky is more fun.

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9 hours ago, Wingsx said:

Physical Training is useless, i can use Lightning Sword fully without it.

What is your level?

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40 minutes ago, coffeeGuy said:

What is your level?

Just hit 145 but switched from 10 to 1 in Physical Training once i hit 136 i think

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