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146 items prices so cheap now why?

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I forgot to mention my 3rd suggestion:


Remove item recovery when broke.


For sure it will help item value prices  not to drop drastically lol.


Ofcourse all of this suggestion will be ignored at the end of the day. 

Edited by infinite[VOID]
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On 1/10/2025 at 10:47 PM, ChainLancer said:

also price of account is so cheap now, even train very hard to up.

It means that supply is more demand.

The number of players is low now. Many friends do not play game anymore 😞


Of course.... creating a new character nowadays is impossible. In a year, you won’t be beyond level 140 unless you’re a rich guy with 24 hours of free time. But that’s the thing, the rich guy buys an account that’s already a high level. The devs don’t care about new players anymore. I don’t even think anyone creates an account and starts playing the game these days. They probably don’t last more than a month with how neglected new players are. I’ve been playing since 2012, so I know what I’m talking about. The truth is: new players don’t matter anymore, and they don’t want new players to join the game.

Edited by Alunbrozyen
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11 minutes ago, infinite[VOID] said:

I forgot to mention my 3rd suggestion:


Remove item recovery when broke.


For sure it will help item value prices  not to drop drastically lol.


Ofcourse all of this suggestion will be ignored at the end of the day. 

i have a 4th suggestion, account price to much low too, remove rebirth scroll and when the char die, erase the char, create anoter, also ill help more ppl on low level maps.

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37 minutes ago, xkintaro said:

i have a 4th suggestion, account price to much low too, remove rebirth scroll and when the char die, erase the char, create anoter, also ill help more ppl on low level maps.

Thats stupidity bro 😂

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4 minutes ago, infinite[VOID] said:

Thats stupidity bro 😂


5th suggestion:


When you apply aging to your item, you age.

And after 100 agings, you are too old, the character dies.

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57 minutes ago, infinite[VOID] said:

I forgot to mention my 3rd suggestion:


Remove item recovery when broke.


For sure it will help item value prices  not to drop drastically lol.


Ofcourse all of this suggestion will be ignored at the end of the day. 

yes again.


aging recovery exists exclusevely as a monetization resource (coin shop). it was never designed to exist as a game feature or part of something in game, also nobody ever asked for it to be implemented, neither it solves any problem at all (it actually creates). it simply has been implemented in game, as an extra option player can spend coins with, basically.


also +24 aging level, which is supposed to be rarest aging level, is actually the most commom one you can see around.


so yes, i agree with you age recovery is bad, and i really doubt someone can point out stronger points to say "it is actually good" than the ones i am poiting to say "it is bad".


just not to say i am a bad person without feelings, exclusevely because this game's community is too much used with said resource, i would allow aging recovery exclusevely with golds, so gold is deleted form server at least... but still it would be even better if 100% removed from game.


2 hours ago, infinite[VOID] said:

2. Next tier of items required level.

only this one wouldn't work. it would actually cause new top items to be worth less than current top tiers (because less players would be able to use it, which means less players would pay for it and players who own it would need to sell it for lower prices for people who can't even use the item). 




Edited by ace1

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47 minutes ago, ace1 said:

yes again.


aging recovery exists exclusevely as a monetization resource (coin shop). it was never designed to exist as a game feature or part of something in game, also nobody ever asked for it to be implemented, neither it solves any problem at all (it actually creates). it simply has been implemented in game, as an extra option player can spend coins with, basically.


also +24 aging level, which is supposed to be rarest aging level, is actually the most commom one you can see around.


so yes, i agree with you age recovery is bad, and i really doubt someone can point out stronger points to say "it is actually good" than the ones i am poiting to say "it is bad".


just not to say i am a bad person without feelings, exclusevely because this game's community is too much used with said resource, i would allow aging recovery exclusevely with golds, so gold is deleted form server at least... but still it would be even better if 100% removed from game.


only this one wouldn't work. it would actually cause new top items to be worth less than current top tiers (because less players would be able to use it, which means less players would pay for it and players who own it would need to sell it for lower prices for people who can't even use the item). 




Yeah, people who play this game for a living will hate improvements. It doesn't matter, i just pointed out my point of view with regards to the question of this thread. None of this will be heard anyway so it dont matter , we just wasting time discussing.

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since EB is made for farming 24/24. 1 person can control 3-4 account , even 6 account on 1 spot ( 3 monsters). That's why.

Flame wave can hit over the wall on EB.

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2 hours ago, ace1 said:


only this one wouldn't work. it would actually cause new top items to be worth less than current top tiers (because less players would be able to use it, which means less players would pay for it and players who own it would need to sell it for lower prices for people who can't even use the item). 




With this, i actually thinking there will be a map higher level requirement like a 165+ hunt that will drop 160 items.


So the one who can hunt here is a lvl 165 + players. Less players that can hunt, less drop of this rare items. 


If you can see in the top ranking, the top 100 as of today is 165 with 28% xp so probably there are atleast 100 players who can hunt.


My argument here is the comparison of todays last map EB which is the required level is 148. 


How many players or account atleast level 148 now? Have the ability to enter the map that drops the last tier of items. I think more than 500 accounts more or less if im not mistaken.


With this numbers of hunters, drop of the last tier of items will more and more as time pass causing its value to drop drastically.


So i think , making higher level hunt map for a higher level tier items will help the economy.


This will also benefit to those who spend more for the game to get on top levels. This will be there privilege on getting on top level accounts.





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This server always been known for having high-quality code (optimized, old bugs solved)...


With time, they started considering to also bring this same level of quality to visual therms. it started small, with some HD texture upgrades and etc, and ended up that today wartale not only brings best codes but also brings best looking maps and best looking items, in my humble opinion EB is the best map ever release in any server...


Also with time, they started to care about Economics, and with that they started with no longer selling top items via coin shop, and implemented the gathering system that burns a hell lot more gold than Aging, so does the Black Market event. Wartale is still not as good in economic therms as it is in code and visual therms, but i know they can and they WILL reach perfection level in economics as soon as they realize how important it is, same as it happened with code quality and visual quality.


the question is: how long will it take, and how costful will this gap of time be? different from other servers who also have exp service, they don't have it for 20 years like wartale. it's same you try comparing a 30 years carreer smoker with someone who just started smoking, the one who just started smoking makes it look like smoking is fine, but the one that smokes for 30 years is discovering consequences, but still the old smoker may still try lie for himself to believe smoking is fine because there are people who just started smoking and they are fine.


all i have to say with all this is: stop smoking🚭

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4 hours ago, ace1 said:

This server always been known for having high-quality code (optimized, old bugs solved)...


With time, they started considering to also bring this same level of quality to visual therms. it started small, with some HD texture upgrades and etc, and ended up that today wartale not only brings best codes but also brings best looking maps and best looking items, in my humble opinion EB is the best map ever release in any server...


Also with time, they started to care about Economics, and with that they started with no longer selling top items via coin shop, and implemented the gathering system that burns a hell lot more gold than Aging, so does the Black Market event. Wartale is still not as good in economic therms as it is in code and visual therms, but i know they can and they WILL reach perfection level in economics as soon as they realize how important it is, same as it happened with code quality and visual quality.


the question is: how long will it take, and how costful will this gap of time be? different from other servers who also have exp service, they don't have it for 20 years like wartale. it's same you try comparing a 30 years carreer smoker with someone who just started smoking, the one who just started smoking makes it look like smoking is fine, but the one that smokes for 30 years is discovering consequences, but still the old smoker may still try lie for himself to believe smoking is fine because there are people who just started smoking and they are fine.


all i have to say with all this is: stop smoking🚭

This isn’t Staff’s fault bro.


Even with concepts like Tibia’s EXP Stamina (Basically you have 4h of total exp. When you run out of EXP Stamina, you get an extremely high EXP penalty. You can buy an “1h Stamina Boost” at CoinShop once a day); Game will keep with EXP Agents. They’re players too, not the main problem.


I keep the idea of the main “problem” being just in a competitive aspect. We have moments & moments, simple like that.


Nowadays, we don’t have an competitive scenario.


- Cold PvP wars, so it means an low economy… “Why i would be strong, if i can’t interact with my enemy?”


- Meta Classes, Mage is an incredible PvE Class. The main problem with the Mage is the “Daily War thing.”


If we don’t have Daily Wars, more people will change to Mage for exp in EtherBorne, with no “PvP negative points.”


In this specific case, Flame Wave interactions are so crazy, that Mages can play Siege War full Health while they can score with AoE + DoT damage, way more than the other classes btw.


What happens if we have an high % of Server in the same Class shifting AoE in EB? Yes, we have way more loot.


What happens if we have way more loot + people don’t looking for the best items, because of the lack of PvP? Yes, we have a huge item price drop.


So atm, the only negative point of being an “powercreeping class” is nule (PvP/Daily Wars).


This single fact:


- Increases the general EXP rate of the Game;


- Decreases the economy of Dungeon Keys and Dungeon Partys (way more cheap just shift an low item Mage in EB);


- Increases the drop rate of items, at the same time these items are not wanted in general (bc we don’t have PvP wars), so… Low the item prices in general.


Did you get it? Simple competitive changes can affect every single economic aspect.


TLDR: So bro… This is normal. When the competitive scenario warms again, we’ll have less powercreeping classes, more people looking for better items, less people farming items because of Classes limitations… Everything can get better again o/


It’s something about our community. Let’s enjoy the game.

Edited by Merenda
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5 minutes ago, Merenda said:

Even with concepts like Tibia’s EXP Stamina (Basically you have 4h of total exp. When you run out of EXP Stamina, you get an extremely high EXP penalty. You can buy an “1h Stamina Boost” at CoinShop once a day); Game will keep with EXP Agents. They’re players too, not the main problem.

Well it's clear they are basically killing the system by selling 1h boosts...


Other than that we can't simply nerf pve classes and boost melee classes to try warm PvP to try avoid item depreciation... PvP should be warmed because players want to play the game "in a organic way" don't you agree? Yes staff can relelease PvP features and that is a good form of PvP incentivation, but directly nerfing /buffing classes to do that is crazy.


But that's ok man, i won't speak anymore i'm really tired. ALL this Will lead to is people hating me and my ideias ignored.


Maybe i should Just stay quiet after all.

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On 1/10/2025 at 9:43 PM, starbuck said:

Hey guys,


I noticed the prices of 146 items have dropped substantially, like they are really cheap now. Is there a reason for this? are there any leaks that newer items coming out soon?


what could be the cause of these new items low value , i saw 146 2h staff +24 drop for 17kc its significantly cheap now 


Hello. From my point of view the main causes are the following:


1. The Mage's Flame Wave skill is extremely powerful and bugged. Its damage range is much larger than the skill's animation range and this allows the Mage to be used to perform SUPER AOE kills without needing to move from their spot.I invite you to go to Etherborne for a walk and you will notice that 98.5% of the partys are made up of 4 mages who kill without moving, 1 priest who gives regeneration and 1 shaman. However, throughout the history of Wartale there has always been some class that turns out to be much stronger than the others, today it is the mage's turn, but I remember the time of the Knight, archer...

2. M4cr0 and 4ut0t00l abuse. This is a somewhat sensitive topic that cannot be treated lightly, as I myself have made a comment about it in the past and was rewarded with a silence penalty on this forum. Fortunately, a few weeks later, Big Boss Senpai himself realized that my comments were justified, removed my penalty, and proceeded to severely penalize the real offenders. Again I invite you to take a stroll through etherbone and you will be able to notice "suspicious behavior" in 98.5% of the parties i mentioned above. It can be summed up as everything is too perfect to be true.

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1 Soul 4 a char
On 1/11/2025 at 10:46 AM, ace1 said:


just imagine a class being nerfed because of exp agents, or nerfing the overall map drop rate FOR EVERYONE because of EXP AGENTS

It wouldn't be a nerf, it would be a bug fix.

 @Overlady you really should check flame wave range, it says 250 on the description but it's bugged to be twice that, mage AoE is unironically hitting further than AS, which is stupid, and they are abusing that in EB.

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29 minutes ago, 1 Soul 4 a char said:

It wouldn't be a nerf, it would be a bug fix.

 @Overlady you really should check flame wave range, it says 250 on the description but it's bugged to be twice that, mage AoE is unironically hitting further than AS, which is stupid, and they are abusing that in EB.

Maybe they use cuepy

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1 Soul 4 a char
34 minutes ago, infinite[VOID] said:

Maybe they use cuepy

Cuepy doesn't increase AoE splash, it increases the distance you can attack ( check pike tornado + cuepy if it changes anything), it's bugged.

Edited by 1 Soul 4 a char

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with regards exp service, let's wait and see what time will show us... and to be honest i hope you guys (Merenda, MJizzy, Support) are the right ones, because if me, a single failed dude, be the right one in this table, and be the guy that one day will mark you 3 here and say "i told you" then this game will be dead.


so i really hope i am the wrong one.


good monday for everyone 👍

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Actually, I don't qui-te understand why these in - game items and accounts “should” be expensive. After you acquire these items through drops, you can't sell them to convert into real - world cash. If you're spending all your money on these items, doesn't it make more sense to expect them to be as cheap as possible? What is your purpose in wanting these items to be expensive?I've never seen a consumer who hopes that the things they buy are more expensive.

Edited by Wushi

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15 minutes ago, Wushi said:

Actually, I don't qui-te understand why these in - game items and accounts “should” be expensive. After you acquire these items through drops, you can't sell them to convert into real - world cash. If you're spending all your money on these items, doesn't it make more sense to expect them to be as cheap as possible? What is your purpose in wanting these items to be expensive?I've never seen a consumer who hopes that the things they buy are more expensive.

Oh really ? So If you buy a Lambo today for 1M and tomorrow it's costing 0.5M you will be happy with that?


Or let's say you plan to build yourself a 1M worth house, but when the house is finished people paying 0.5M only, would you be happy?


Yes, in fact you could be "ok" with that, and argue you don't plan to sell the house and simply use the house yourself...


but lets say everyone around you doesn't think same as you do, and they decided to build another house in another place and now you are alone, no more neighbours but also no more Supermarket to buy food, no more Shopping with stores to buy clotches and stuff, no more drivers to Race against in Race tracks (no more PvP)... That means, you live in desert now.


Would you still be happy?

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6 minutes ago, ace1 said:

Oh really ? So If you buy a Lambo today for 1M and tomorrow it's costing 0.5M you will be happy with that?


Or let's say you plan to build yourself a 1M worth house, but when the house is finished people paying 0.5M only, would you be happy?


Yes, in fact you could be "ok" with that, and argue you don't plan to sell the house and simply use the house yourself...


but lets say everyone around you doesn't think same as you do, and they decided to build another house in another place and now you are alone, no more neighbours but also no more Supermarket to buy food, no more Shopping with stores to buy clotches and stuff, no more drivers to Race against in Race tracks (no more PvP)... That means, you live in desert now.


Would you still be happy?

The question is, can you sell your house? Can you convert your coins into cash? When you recharge at the beginning, you should understand that your money has been consumed. So as a pure consumer, the price of the things you buy should be as cheap as possible. Do you understand?

2 minutes ago, Wushi said:

The question is, can you sell your house? Can you convert your coins into cash? When you recharge at the beginning, you should understand that your money has been consumed. So as a pure consumer, the price of the things you buy should be as cheap as possible. Do you understand?

The number of players and the top - level financial design here have determined that this game cannot have a large - scale online presence. Just think about it. Why is your country's economy prosperous today? It's because different people earn income through transactions. One person's expenditure equals another person's income. However, cash transactions are not allowed here. So, why do you think the economy here would be prosperous? After you recharge COINS, the COINS are consumed. Players have no income here, only expenditure. (Although you get items dropped and sell them to other players for COINS, you can't convert these COINS back into cash.) Therefore, if you want this community to thrive, you should allow people to trade freely. In this way, people can generate real income in the game, and you can attract more people to play or even "work" in the game.You want to attract more people to play. This "attraction" is not easy to achieve. When there are enough players (population quantity),Only then can the game truly prosper. So, what does the GM earn? The GM levies taxes during the transaction process and ensures fairness, justice, and security in all transactions.

Thinking about problems should start from the macro perspective and then consider the micro one. You are wrong in your direction. No matter how hard you try to embellish the details, it won't be of much use.

Edited by Wushi

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There are only nerfs and skins, nothing that helps the character improve stats and now minions, wow the game is booming

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2 minutes ago, Wushi said:

The question is, can you sell your house? Can you convert your coins into cash? When you recharge at the beginning, you should understand that your money has been consumed. So as a pure consumer, the price of the things you buy should be as cheap as possible. Do you understand?

The point is: people dont need to convert anything. They can simply feel Sad and move out and leave everything here as It is.

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5 minutes ago, Wushi said:

The question is, can you sell your house? Can you convert your coins into cash? When you recharge at the beginning, you should understand that your money has been consumed. So as a pure consumer, the price of the things you buy should be as cheap as possible. Do you understand?

The number of players and the top - level financial design here have determined that this game cannot have a large - scale online presence. Just think about it. Why is your country's economy prosperous today? It's because different people earn income through transactions. One person's expenditure equals another person's income. However, cash transactions are not allowed here. So, why do you think the economy here would be prosperous? After you recharge COINS, the COINS are consumed. Players have no income here, only expenditure. (Although you get items dropped and sell them to other players for COINS, you can't convert these COINS back into cash.) Therefore, if you want this community to thrive, you should allow people to trade freely. In this way, people can generate real income in the game, and you can attract more people to play or even "work" in the game.You want to attract more people to play. This "attraction" is not easy to achieve. When there are enough players (population quantity),Only then can the game truly prosper. So, what does the GM earn? The GM levies taxes during the transaction process and ensures fairness, justice, and security in all transactions.

Thinking about problems should start from the macro perspective and then consider the micro one. You are wrong in your direction. No matter how hard you try to embellish the details, it won't be of much use.

When there are only 300 players (accounts) on this server and 300 top-level items have dropped, how much should the 301st item be sold for?The most important thing is to find a way to get more people to play. Nothing else is more important than this.

3 minutes ago, ace1 said:

The point is: people dont need to convert anything. They can simply feel Sad and move out and leave everything here as It is.

You're just expressing emotions. I just want to ask you, why do people pay more money? Are they all very rich? When the quantity of goods is far higher than the market demand, are they still willing to buy at a higher price?I don't understand why one should be sad? This is an economic law.If you want the prices to rise, then find more people to play. Or drop fewer items. Change the supply and demand structure.But what I want to say is that finding more players to play is actually very difficult. This requires the entire top-level design.It's not that adding some PVP content will do. Many people don't even know about this game, let alone what PVP is. You have to let people know about this game first and find reasons to play it.

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9 minutes ago, Wushi said:

When there are only 300 players (accounts) on this server and 300 top-level items have dropped, how much should the 301st item be sold for?The most important thing is to find a way to get more people to play. Nothing else is more important than this.

You're just expressing emotions. I just want to ask you, why do people pay more money? Are they all very rich? When the quantity of goods is far higher than the market demand, are they still willing to buy at a higher price?I don't understand why one should be sad? This is an economic law.If you want the prices to rise, then find more people to play. Or drop fewer items. Change the supply and demand structure.But what I want to say is that finding more players to play is actually very difficult. This requires the entire top-level design.It's not that adding some PVP content will do. Many people don't even know about this game, let alone what PVP is. You have to let people know about this game first and find reasons to play it.

I am expressin emotions?


Sorry but for a momment i tought i was in a Topic made by player asking why prices going cosiderably down. I couldn't be more logical or septical than this.


by not understanding why people be sad when their goods depreciate you are showing you do not understand the barely minimum of anything...


PRICES are nothing but player's emotions and opinions, all converted in a single number everyone can check, basically.


So when you see prices going down, you are looking at the final result of human emotions going down, for endlees and even unknow reasons.


If you try fixing human emotions by directly dealing with them one by one (that means, try please every single player) its simply Impossible. So the best you can do is working with the translated version of human emotions: prices.


This why prices are important and that's why depreciation should be avoided...


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21 minutes ago, ace1 said:

I am expressin emotions?


Sorry but for a momment i tought i was in a Topic made by player asking why prices going cosiderably down. I couldn't be more logical or septical than this.


by not understanding why people be sad when their goods depreciate you are showing you do not understand the barely minimum of anything...


PRICES are nothing but player's emotions and opinions, all converted in a single number everyone can check, basically.


So when you see prices going down, you are looking at the final result of human emotions going down, for endlees and even unknow reasons.


If you try fixing human emotions by directly dealing with them one by one (that means, try please every single player) its simply Impossible. So the best you can do is working with the translated version of human emotions: prices.


This why prices are important and that's why depreciation should be avoided...


The problem is price reduction is inevitable. This is an economic law. All kinds of measures can only delay the time of price reduction, but cannot change the trend.

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