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Server needs PVP

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Hello guys

Currently the server is getting boring and there aren't any wars, because of the imbalance between factions, the weak will be beaten or beaten. So gradually they don't want to have wars anymore and those who don't have wars will become depressed, you all fell that way right?

I see the GM team is trying to improve by creating PVP events in BC but it's not feasible.

i have a suggestion please listen to it if you feel it is okay

*i see GM has created a Battlegrounds(T) mode but it's not complete yet

-Create 1x1 3x3 or 6x6 tournaments: Because the factions only have fewer people but the strength it not too far between the characters

-Please adjust the timelines: Because it is currently available 24/24, it will be difficult for players to find matches at the same time, making difficult to encounter a balanced battle. Fixed times like HG happen several times a day but will take about 2-3 hours longer

-Rank the teams by score- level: Participation level limits for example (150+)

-Adjust the fruit to make it more attractive: Monthly gifts, weekly gifts and top Teams 

-Players who spend large amounts of money will obviously rank higher: But you also need qualifications PK

I think this is just a fun and fair playgroup. Streamers will also have better live streams and reach more returning players.

Thank you for reading it, sorry if you didn't like it 














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Good idea to make Pvp great again.

Created new PVP quest (2 times a day or every 5hrs) with rewords like HG or similar.

Join a que and u will be send random to one of two teams. dose not matter which clan/class (u will have fight members of your clan if they on enemy team)

your team with Green color on their name and enemy team with Red color 

You will have Score or time to finish the event. (20min-1hr)

ranking will reset monthly and top ranking player will reward with something good.



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1 hour ago, Zarkon said:

Good idea to make Pvp great again.

Created new PVP quest (2 times a day or every 5hrs) with rewords like HG or similar.

Join a que and u will be send random to one of two teams. dose not matter which clan/class (u will have fight members of your clan if they on enemy team)

your team with Green color on their name and enemy team with Red color 

You will have Score or time to finish the event. (20min-1hr)

ranking will reset monthly and top ranking player will reward with something good.



That's what i want, everyone has the opportunity to entertain together after long tiring days

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