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S> Prs 150

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Trade Prs 150 = 5.5kc
Staff 142 +24 prs drop -0-0 = 6.5kc
Robe 140 +24 prs drop +9 heath = 3kc
Set 140 bsol prs drop = 1.3kc (450c each part)
1x t ring prs bsol dnt = 2.5kc
t shelton prs bsol drop 4-4 = 1.3kc

Pm-me Ingame nick Tyller

(I trade this account and itens + ass 120 10/10/5 full +furnace and table = char 10/10/10 full + furnace, table and cooking pot)

Edited by Dimon

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Prs 150 naked = 5.5kc
Staff 142 +24 prs drop -0-0 = 6.5kc
Robe 140 +24 prs drop +9 heath = 3kc
Set 140 bsol prs drop = 1.3kc (450c each part)
1x t ring prs bsol dnt = 2.3kc
t shelton prs bsol drop 4-4 = 1.3kc
1x t ring prs bsol drop = 1.750c

Edited by Dimon

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