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Sell MGS 151.42% mining 9/9/4 (4x%)

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MGS 151.42% mining 9/9/4 (4x%)

Mount: Sugary Crystalflake legend, snowdeer, ghost hopy, Skeleton Hopy

Minion: decoy rare, ornamented doll epic


wand 138 +24 +15 health -0-0-0

staff 142 bsol vigor -1-0

set 140 bsol

setboss: Lucifer ring BSM fs spec, amulet 138 bsm mgs, DGS mgs mix oredo vigor

robe 140+24 dnt

orb 136+24 dnt

summer BSM

levi belt +1, triadic earring mgs spec


Mining tool

pick axe level 7: 3-5 spd 6.4

trowel level 7: 3,8

rod lvl 4: 4-6 11


Mgs Full: 30kc (only sell full)

Edited by Kenforttt

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Bonus Heavy Anklet mix oredo speed -0,1 -0

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